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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 1777–1788 of 2417 results

  • Christianity Explored : Whats The Best News Youve Ever Heard (DVD)


    1. Good news [11:13]
    2. Identity [17:49]
    3. Sin [13:47]
    4. The Cross [17:22]
    5. Resurrection [13:37]
    6. Grace [16:58]
    Day Away part 1: The Sower [13:26]
    Day Away part 2: James and John [10:45]
    Day Away part 3: Herod [13:29]
    7. Come and Die [13:48]

    Additional Info
    This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

    The fresh new look contains the same award-winning DVD presented on location by Rico Tice. It works alongside the Handbook and Leader’s Guide and has over 150 minutes running time. It also has subtitles in over 14 other languages.

    The Christianity Explored DVD has already won awards for its superb production values and warm, engaging presentation of the gospel.

    It now features 14 subtitled languages on the same disc making it more accessible than ever and superb value. Ideal for using with an English-speaking group where one member would benefit from viewing subtitles in their mother tongue.

    Languages include:

    Simplified Chinese, Spanish, French, Korean, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic, Farsi, German, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Romanian and English for hard of hearing.

    Please note, this DVD is available in NTSC format only. The vast majority of modern DVD players can read this format but older machines may not be able to. PAL discs are available but they only contain English subtitles for the hard of hearing.

    Why only NTSC format?
    Subtitles that have been produced for NTSC format need to be totally re-timed to make them work in the PAL format. This process would have cost many thousands of pounds for so many languages. Given the fact that the vast majority of DVD players in traditionally PAL regions can now read NTSC without problem, we considered this extra expense to be an unwise use of gospel resources.
    If you find that your DVD player will not play this DVD, you may wish to consider updating your DVD player (which will cost around 30).

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  • Christianity Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


    Section 1 – How To Run The Course
    * Getting Started
    * God’s Role In Evangelism – And Ours
    * How The Course Works
    * Identity, Mission And Call In Mark’s Gospel
    * What To Do If…
    Section 2 – Handbook Questions And Answers
    Section 3 – Day Away
    Appendices – Answers To Tough Questions

    Additional Info
    This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

    This Leader’s Handbook contains everything you need to lead a course and works alongside the new-look Handbook and DVD. It features training material and advise and includes questions from the Handbook, complete with answers!

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  • Living In The Light


    1. Definitions And Foundations
    2. The Pleasure-Destroying Dangers Of Sex
    3. The Wealth-Destroying Dangers Of Money
    4. The Self-Destroying Dangers Of Power
    5. Deliverance: The Return Of The Sun To The Center
    6. Deployment: The New Orbits For Money, Sex, And Power

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    What, or who, is at the center of your universe? John Piper shows us the blazing glory of Christ and urges us to set him as the sun at the center of our personal solar systems, so that each area of our life might orbit in the way it was designed to. When Christ is our supreme treasure, we are able to keep money, sex and power in their proper place, enjoying them and glorifying God with them instead of rejecting them or worshiping them.

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  • Demon Hit List


    Identifying the enemy is the key to casting him out!

    John Eckhardt has created the ultimate deliverance thesaurus to help believers know the specific names and attributes of demons so they can become more successful in casting them out.

    We fear the unknown, but there is power in identification. The demons unmasked in this thesaurus are well aware that they are subject to the name of Jesus, the name above every name! By identifying demons, the believer strips them of their power and exhibits Christ’s authority over every demon name.

    Don’t run from the devil; begin casting out the enemy and stand victorious with Jesus Christ!

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  • God Is My Source


    Take the God Is My Source challenge! Many people are faced with overwhelming financial challenges. When they compare their paycheck to their needs, they wonder…How are we going to pay for this? Where will the money come from? What are we going to do? When we look to the Word of God, scripture after scripture proves that God is THE SOURCE of everything we need. In this little book, Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons will help you renew your mind to become fully persuaded that God is your Source. Now, heres the challenge: Read the seventy God Is My Source scriptures every day. Read each scripture, and SAY IT out loud! Follow the WRITE IT assignments. Log every financial and provisional miracle that you receive. When you SEE IT work, it will encourage your faith.

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  • Gods Promises For Your Every Need (Unabridged) (Audio CD)


    Pat and Shirley Boone have been married for over 62 years, a testament to their resting on the promises of God to see them through many difficult circumstances.

    In this reading of ‘God’s Promises for Your Every Need’ you will experience renewal, restoration, comfort and hope found only in God’s Word.

    Unabridged, 6 audio CDs plus bonus music CD – 10 songs of faith, hope and inspiration

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  • None Like Him


    Human beings were created to reflect the image of God-but only to a limited extent. Although we share important attributes with God (love, mercy, compassion, etc.), there are other qualities that only God possesses, such as unlimited power, knowledge, and authority. At the root of all sin is our rebellious desire to be like God in such ways-a desire that first manifested itself in the garden of Eden. In None Like Him, Jen Wilkin leads us on a journey to discover ten ways God is different from us-and why that’s a good thing. In the process, she highlights the joy of seeing our limited selves in relation to a limitless God, and how such a realization frees us from striving to be more than we were created to be.

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  • Gods People Triumphant (Audio CD)


    In this six-CD audio teaching, Bible scholar and teacher Derek Prince explains the victory that awaits every believer. Both God and Satan are preparing for the close of this age, and Christians are challenged to play a decisive and victorious role.

    Topics included are:
    *Five Ways Christ Undoes Satan’s Work
    *God’s Program for the Close of the Age
    *Satan’s Program for the Close of the Age
    *Restraining and Casting Down Satan
    *Spiritual Weapons: The Blood, the Word, Our Testimony

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  • 5 Things To Pray For The People You Love


    21 Chapters

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    We love our friends and family, and we long for God to be working in their lives. But when it comes to praying for them, often we don’t quite know what to ask for. Or our requests to God on their behalf feel shallow, repetitive and stuck in a rut.

    That’s where this little book is designed to help. It will equip you to pray powerful prayers for the people you love-prayers that really change things, because they’re based on God’s word.

    Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a person in your life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)-and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.

    Use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever someone you know is in particular need of prayer.

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  • Looking For Love


    Deep down, each of us wants to experience a relationship that will give us the love, support, and intimate friendship we so desperately desire. If you’re ready to discover the essential keys to experiencing lasting love, then let George Bloomer show you the way to establishing godly relationships that will stand the test of time. Whether you’re married or still looking for that special someone, you can find out how to distinguish between good and bad relationships, deal with harmful relationships, do what it takes to keep your relationship alive and exciting, and develop deeper intimacy in your relationship. Experience a loving, lasting relationship far beyond all you could ever ask or imagine!

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  • Sabiduria Para Prosperar – (Spanish)


    Por que pedirle poco a un Dios que nos promete tanto?

    Sabiduria es la capacidad de ver las cosas desde la perspectiva mas alta, y responder a ellas segun los principios que gobiernan el exito. Es el conocimiento aplicado a las experiencias, que sabe que, cuando, y como alcanzar lo mejor. Es buscar opiniones espirituales a circunstancias terrenales.

    Todo ser humano tiene la inclinacion natural de superarse porque el proposito de Dios es colocar la abundancia en las manos de personas que la manejen conforme a Su corazon. Y la sabiduria atrae la abundancia, acepta la abundancia, y la administra para aumentarla.

    Yader Simpson nos ensea de manera practica como adquirir esa sabiduria que es capaz de tomar las mejores decisiones , y llevarnos a la prosperidad que tanto anhelamos.

    Sabiduria para prosperar es tu guia para un efectivo plan de accion que te lleve a vivir mejor y disfrutar la abundancia total.

    En este libro aprenderas a:
    *Hacer presupuestos
    *Planificar tus gastos
    *Ahorrar con vision
    *Conocer el arte de la inversion
    *Recibir la bendicion de la multiplicacion
    *Administrar y aumentar la abundancia

    !Es tiempo de aprender a prosperar!

    Why ask for less from a God who promises much more?

    Wisdom is the ability to see things from the highest perspective, and react to them according to the principles that rule success. It is knowledge applied to experiences, aware of what, when and where to reach for the best. It is applying spiritual insight to earthly circumstanc es.

    Every human being has a natural desire to exceed because God’s purpose is to put abundance on the hands of people who will steward them in conformity with His heart. Wisdom attracts, accepts and amplifies abundance.

    Yader Simpson teaches us in a practical way how to develop a wisdom capable of making the best decisions, and bringing us into the prosperity we have always dreamed. Wisdom to prosper is a highly effective action plan to improve your life and bring you into fulfilling abundance.

    In this book you will learn to:
    *Budget your money
    *Plan your expenses
    *Save with a vision
    *Know the art of investment
    *Receive the blessing of multiplication
    *Manage and increase abundance

    It’s time to learn to prosper!

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  • 8 Pasos Para Alcanzar Tu Desti – (Spanish)


    Todo comienza con un pensamiento. Dices las palabras correctas. Tomas decisiones con proposito. Las acciones desarrollan habitos. Los habitos forman el caracter. Y el caracter te lleva a tu destino de exito. !No hay atajos!

    El Dr. Samuel Chand comparte ejemplos de las principales organizaciones, estableciendo un fundamento solido para decirte como dirigir tu vida con intencionalidad, y vivir paso a paso el proceso hacia el exito que buscas.

    Sea que administras una corporacion, una entidad sin fines de lucro, o una iglesia, te provee acceso a las ocho puertas que te llevan a tu destino.

    En este libro, recibiras conocimiento especifico sobre:

    1. Personas-Con quienes trabajar y a quienes dejar atras
    2. Penas-Como manejar las penas externas e internas
    3. Paisajes-La habilidad de cambiar de lugar y adaptarte
    4. Perspectiva-Como obligarte a pensar de nuevas maneras
    5. Prioridades-Cambiar tus prioridades segun tu vision
    6. Pasiones-Saber reconocer nuevas pasiones
    7. Preparacion-Cuando cambiar el plan estrategico
    8. Posibilidades-La astucia de descubrir posibilidades que otros no ven

    !Lidera tu vida con proposito hacia tu destino de exito!

    Everything starts with a thought. Then you say the right words. You make decisions with purpose. Actions develop habits. Habits shape character. And character leads you to success. There are no short cuts!

    Inspired by real situations he has observed in major organizations, Dr. Samuel Chand sets the solid foundation you need to lead your life with intention, and go, step by step, through the process that takes you to fulfill your destiny.

    Whether you manage a corporation, a non-profit organization, or a church, 8 Steps to Fulfill your Destiny opens the eight doors towards your destiny.

    In this book, you will gain specific knowledge on:
    1. People-With whom to work and who you should dismiss
    2. Pain-How to manage external and internal pains
    3. Places-The ability to change a place and adjust to it
    4. Perspective-How to force yourself to think in new ways
    5. Priorities-Change your priorities according to your vision
    6. Passions-Acknowledge new passions
    7. Preparation-When to change your strategic plan
    8 . Possibilities-The sense for finding out possibilities nobody can see

    Lead your life with purpose towards your successful destiny!

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