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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 1345–1356 of 2417 results

  • 10 Commandments Of Progressive Christianity


    A cautionary look at ten dangerously appealing half-truths.

    In 1923, J. Gresham Machen, then a professor at Princeton Seminary, wrote his classic text, Christianity and Liberalism. The book was a response to the rise of liberalism in the mainline denominations of his own day. Machen argued that the liberal understanding of Christianity was, in fact, not just a variant version of the faith, nor did it represent simply a different denominational perspective, but was an entirely different religion. Put simply, liberal Christianity is not Christianity.

    What is remarkable about Machen’s book is how prescient it was. His description of liberal Christianity–a moralistic, therapeutic version of the faith that values questions over answers and being “good” over being “right”–is still around today in basically the same form. For this reason alone the book should be required reading, certainly for all seminary students, pastors, and Christian leaders.

    Although its modern advocates present liberal Christianity as something new and revolutionary, it is nothing of the sort. It may have new names (e.g., “emerging” or “progressive” Christianity), but it is simply a rehash of the same well-worn system that has been around for generations.

    The abiding presence of liberal Christianity struck me not long ago when I came across a daily devotional from Richard Rohr that listed ten principles he thinks modern Christianity needs to embody. These ten principles are actually drawn from Philip Gulley’s book, If the Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus. In that devotional series, ironically titled “Returning to Essentials,” Rohr sets forth the ten principles as a kind of confessional statement of modern liberalism (while at the same time pretending to deplore confessional statements). They are, in effect, a Ten Commandments for progressive Christianity.

    Indeed, these ten sound like they were gathered not so much on the mountaintop as in the university classroom. They are less about God revealing his desires and more about man expressing his own–less Moses, more Oprah.

    But take note: each of these commandments is partially true. Indeed, that is what makes this list, and progressive Christianity as a whole, so challenging. It is a master class in half-truths that sound appealing on the surface until you dig down deeper and really explore their foundations and implications. Benjamin Franklin was right when he quipped, “Half the truth is often a

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  • Traveling Light (DVD)


    Life’s a journey, and it’s easy to pick up extra baggage along the way. Bitterness, guilt, self-reliance, pride… How can we enjoy the road ahead, if we’re lugging around all this stuff? What if we could travel through life with no bags at all?

    Max Lucado’s bestselling book comes to life in Traveling Light – A Journey through Psalm 23. In this 18 Part series, Max Lucado unpacks the 23rd Psalm to help viewers get rid of excess baggage. This multi-format program features poignant teaching, real life stories, and laugh-out-loud funny interviews with life’s tiniest travelers – children! It’s time to start Traveling Light.

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  • Best News Ever


    When was the last time you heard some really incredible news that you couldn’t wait to share? The Gospel of Mark is that kind of good news! It’s a life-changing announcement about who Jesus is, and what he’s done.

    Best News Ever is a devotional that takes tweens aged 9-12 on a 100-day journey through Mark’s fast-paced, action-packed story–helping them to understand the confusing bits, showing them how it connects with their life, and bringing them face to face with Jesus: the one who changes everything.

    Each day’s devotional includes:
    – A passage to read — work through the whole of Mark’s Gospel in bite-sized chunks
    – A short explanation — guiding you though the confusing bits and showing what it means for you
    – A question to reflect on — so that you can slow down and think through what you’ve read
    – A prayer to pray — to help you respond to what God has said

    Written in a pithy and engaging style, Best News Ever will help young people of all backgrounds to read the Bible for themselves, whether they know a little or a lot about Jesus already. It is also ideal to use as a family devotional.

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  • Lords Prayer : A Guide To Praying To Our Father


    You pray it. But do you understand it?

    The Lord’s Prayer has become so familiar to us that we don’t think about what we’re praying. It’s a portrait of Jesus’ heart. And in it Christians from different times, places, and traditions have been united. We pray it, but do we actually believe it?

    When Jesus taught his followers how to pray, he emphasized how uncomplicated it should be. There’s no need for pretense or theatrics. Instead, simply ask for what you need as though you were speaking with your earthly father. This opens a window into Jesus’ prayer life and presents us with a portrait of his heart for his followers.

    Wesley Hill re-introduces the Lord’s Prayer. He shows us a God who is delighted to hear prayer. Petition by petition, in conversation with the Christian tradition, he draws out the significance of Jesus’ words for prayer today.

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  • Serenity Prayers For A Womans Soul


    “God, grant me serenity in my relationships, my work, my church. . .my life!”

    What happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard–things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity.
    Galatians 5:22 MSG

    Serenity Prayers for a Woman’s Soul will help you invite refreshing serenity–that comes only through an intimate relationship with the heavenly Father–into every area of your life. 180 prayer starters will gently guide you into meaningful, purposeful, honest conversation with your Creator; and the accompanying scripture selections will encourage you to meditate and reflect on God’s Word while quieting your heart before entering into His presence in peaceful expectation. You’ll discover the comfort, healing, and calm your soul is craving with Serenity Prayers for a Woman’s Soul.

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  • Anhelos – (Spanish)


    La busqueda de tu vida es la busqueda para tu vida.

    Lo que tienes en tus manos en este momento es una exploracion del espiritu humano; un viaje a nuestros anhelos mas profundos, nuestros deseos, nuestras necesidades, nuestros antojos, nuestras almas. Nuestra necesidad de intimidad, destino y sentido apuntan a la existencia de Dios y a nuestra necesidad de conectarnos con El. Este libro te conmovera profundamente para considerar y perseguir las implicaciones espirituales de tus anhelos mas profundos.

    The search of your life is the search for your life.

    What you are holding right now is an exploration of the human spirit; a journey into our deepest longings, our desires, our needs, our cravings, our souls. Our need for intimacy, meaning, and destiny point to the existence of God and our need to connect with Him. This book will deeply stir you to consider and chase after the spiritual implications of your souls’ deepest longings.

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  • Seductive Slayers Of Success


    “I am not a neat nut. Let me start with that confession. Don’t let the title of this chapter, Clean the Clutter, fool you into thinking I have all my ducks in a row. If I had ducks, they would not be in a straight line. Or all accounted for.”–Rosalinda Rivera

    The snooze button on your alarm clock. The “brilliant shortcut” that makes you late. The unwritten to-do list that you follow from the time you get out of bed till the time you crawl back in it, making each day seem like the last.

    These things are all The Seductive Slayers of Success–the little things that add up and try to stop you from moving forward and realizing your dreams. Rosalinda Rivera has been there and she knows just how to help you get up, move on, and Harness Your Strengths to Take Control of Your Destiny.

    Using stories from her own life as well as Scripture, Rosalinda offers encouragement to help you kick the negative aspects of life to the curb and jump start your way to a brighter tomorrow. Like a close friend, she gives inspirational, down-to-earth advice with a dash of humor thrown in.

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  • Rest For The Justice Seeking Soul


    Susan K. Williams Smith is a minister and activist who has been on the front lines of social and racial justice for many years. As she has marched shoulder-to-shoulder to resist systematic oppression, she has heard the same question over and over: “How are we going to get through this?” Rest for the Justice-Seeking Soul was birthed out of those cries.

    Here is a soul-care manual for social justice-seeking believers who stand in constant vigilance against all forms of racial, class, and gender oppression. The fight for justice and equality is an exhausting daily grind–and the work is never over. That’s why it is incumbent upon all who speak and advocate for the less fortunate to practice self-care. You can’t fight when your tank is empty.

    In response to the many calls and emails she has received from friends, clergy, and strangers who are in utter despair and even deep depression, she has created ninety daily devotions to provide a daily spoonful of hope and encouragement, a healing balm to “strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees” (Hebrews 12:12). Lift your gaze upward toward a better future by allowing God to restore harmony and focus in your soul and justice in your community. Our God is bigger than whoever is oppressing you. As the old hymn states, “Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.”

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  • Significant : Becoming A Woman Of Unique Purpose, True Identity And Irrepre


    In the midst of our busy, stressful lives and the increasingly chaotic state of our world, we can lose sight of-or never really discover-our personal significance. We desire meaning and fulfillment but battle the stress and loneliness that often push their way into the forefront of life.

    What makes you significant as an individual? As a woman? As a wife, mother, daughter, or friend? No matter what your age or current course in life, you can come to know your remarkable significance and eternal value. As you thirst for relief from stress and loneliness, you can build a foundation on what is divine and eternal, while also immensely practical for this life on earth. The truths God says about you as a woman are powerful and glorious!

    In Significant, you will discover that you are the steward of your own self and will be challenged to embrace every season of your life. What is God calling you to do through the power of His Holy Spirit? The days of cowering in fear, hiding behind insignificance, and wallowing in lack of opportunities are over. God is blowing doors wide open for women as never before. It is time for women to march forward in grand anticipation of all that God can do through even one woman submitted to the call of God and filled with His Spirit.

    So often we look for identity, purpose, and comfort in all the wrong places. We have sought lasting meaning from temporary fixes, immature voices, and cultural Band-Aids. This book is a call to women who possess a relentless desire to discover their unique purpose, to embrace their true identity, and to be comforted by irrepressible hope.

    Significant reminds women from every generation that identity, confidence, and purpose come from who God is-not from how we feel at any given time. How wonderful to know that we are allowed to be both God’s masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time!

    You never know your true self until you know yourself in God.

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  • Way Of Life Updated Edition


    When the Christian church was born on the Day of Pentecost, it was launched through the demonstration of signs, wonders, and miracles. The gospel of the Kingdom of God was never meant to simply be spoken through words; it was intended to be both declared and demonstrated. Naturally, the question is: Why doesn’t much of modern Christianity experience the miraculous power of God like the early church? This is not a new question. In fact, it has been asked by spiritually hungry men and women through the ages.

    Many have attempted to answer this question. Unfortunately, many of the answers have caused spiritual seekers to stop short of their divine destiny because they were taught that the “age of miracles” ended with the closing of the Scriptural canon.

    But while Scripture is no longer being written, the Gospel must continue to be supernaturally demonstrated through the lives and actions of every believer…including you!

    Get ready to discover The Way of Life. Jesus modeled it. The early church demonstrated it. And now, the invitation is being extended to you. Learn how you can move in the signs, wonders, and supernatural power that the Bible says are available!

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  • Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry


    Successful Portland pastor and author John Mark Comer didn’t like the pace of his life. So he turned to a trusted mentor who encouraged him to “ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” It hasn’t been easy, and he hasn’t arrived, but he likes his life more these days as it reflects the unhurried Way of Jesus.

    Too often we treat the symptoms of toxicity in our modern world instead of trying to pinpoint the cause. A growing number of voices are pointing at hurry, or busyness as a root of much evil. Within the pages of this book, you’ll find a compelling emotional and spiritual case against hurry and in favor of a slower, simpler way of life.

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  • How To Pray A Simple Guide For Normal People


    Pete Greig is a worldwide authority and the face of a generation when it comes to prayer. One of the founders of the 24-7 prayer movement, he has seen, experienced, and chronicled amazing works of God in the world. While you might imagine him to be puffed up, Pete Greig is entirely the opposite. He is enchanting, down-to-earth, friendly, and most of all, very normal-and yet he tells preposterous tales about prayer (and they’re true). He is basically a regular dude who loves to talk with God.

    How to Pray is written to evoke a passion for prayer in everyone-the committed follower of Jesus as well as the skeptic and the scared. The enormous blessing of How to Pray is that it is accessible, full of surprising stories of answered prayer, and tremendously engaging. The basic idea is that prayer is a conversation between you and God. Pete Greig demystifies and reenchants prayer, helping you to find prayer achievable and enjoyable, and ultimately life-giving and life-changing.

    How to Pray is designed to be used together with The Prayer Course (a free video curriculum associated with the Alpha course), making it useful for personal and group or church-wide reading.

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