3125 S 3rd Place Terre Haute, IN 47802 Phone 812-238-1047


Showing 109–120 of 164 results

  • Life Of Faith


    Imagine a woman in the early 1900s who is passionate about Pentecost. Now imagine her spunk and determination when she chooses to move to Mexico as a missionary when this was highly unconventional for a woman. Blessed with a healing ministry and a heart for the lost, Cornelia Nuzum was not only a minister but also a prolific writer. Her collection of compelling devotionals The Life of Faith is a Spirit-empowered classic that has remained in print for almost eighty years.

    With an emphasis on faith and the blood of Jesus, she shares her exciting experiences on the mission field as she relied on God’s Word to help others overcome temptation, find strength, and experience the joy of living in God’s will. This timeless account will inspire you to seek a refreshing of your faith and a deeper experience of Pentecostal faith.

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  • Wigglesworth Standard


    God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry with powerful signs, including cancers being cured, hearing being restored to the deaf, and fourteen people being raised from the dead. This study of Wigglesworth’s life will build and inspire your faith, deepen your compassion, and explode your vision.

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  • Love Is Something You Do


    On January 12, 2010, a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck the country of Haiti.

    The world watched in horror the news reports of the devastation. Immediately responding to the catastrophe were Love A Child ministry founders Bobby and Sherry Burnette, who had somehow escaped death. In the days following, they came to believe they had been spared in order to minister to the desperate needs all around them.

    When the earthquake hit, Bobby and Sherry had served in Haiti for many years. Love Is Something You Do is the extraordinary narrative of the Burnettes’ lifelong journey of faith and compassion. If you love a great story, find a place to settle in and read one fascinating account after another. Travel the path that led them to Haiti; a land of mountains, colorful cultures, and insightful proverbs, but also of extreme poverty, oppressive voodoo, and despair. Experience their early years in street ministry, their life-threatening adventures and accidents, their incidents of miraculous healings and financial provision, and their standoffs with witch doctors and evil spirits. Above all, be renewed by their message of hope and peace, through which they continue to transform people’s lives spiritually, physically, educationally, and vocationally; giving Haitians a life of dignity and purpose they had never dreamed possible.

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  • World Upside Down


    As he approached the final decade of his life, Martin Luther observed that the beginning and end of all his theology was simple faith in Christ. This faith in Christ brought peace and joy to his soul, and also turned 1500s Europe upside down through the Reformation. A World Upside Down is a collection of four essays that describe this faith. 1). The first essay describes the intersection of this faith with Luther’s remarkable life, giving him great assurance before God, yet placing him at war with the world. 2). In the second essay, Luther’s Understanding of the Gospel is discussed: what faith in Christ is, the need we all have for the Savior, and the Christian’s humble dependence on the good news of God’s unchanging grace. 3). The third essay, That No Flesh Should Glory in God’s Presence, shares Luther’s teaching that the gospel outlined in chapter two gives all glory to God: a) God’s wisdom revealed in the gospel message humbles man’s pride and wisdom and exalts God alone. b) The gospel produces good works in the believer’s life to the glory of God. 4). The final essay, Christ’s Church, shares Luther’s thought that the forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ is central to the life of the church. The church is made up of forgiven and weak sinners who are dearly loved by God and carried by him through their earthly pilgrimage. This essay summarizes the book, applying Luther’s theology to us in the 21st century. Martin Luther’s life and theology are shared with the hope that we, like Luther, would grow in having simple, uncluttered faith in Christ alone for the glory and honor of God.”

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  • Blind Descent : Surviving Alone And Blind On Mount Everest


    Former Navy air rescue swimmer Brian Dickinson was roughly 1,000 feet from the summit of Mount Everest-also known as “the death zone”-when his Sherpa became ill and had to turn back, leaving Brian with a difficult decision: Should he continue to push for the summit or head back down the mountain? After carefully weighing the options, Brian decided to continue toward the summit-alone. Four hours later, Brian solo summited the highest peak in the world. But the celebration was short lived. After taking a few pictures, Brian radioed his team to let them know he had summited safely and began his descent. Suddenly, his vision became blurry, his eyes started to burn, and within seconds, he was rendered almost completely blind. All alone at 29,035 feet, low on oxygen, and stricken with snow blindness, Brian was forced to inch his way back down the mountain relying only on his Navy survival training, instincts, and faith. In Blind Descent, Brian recounts his extraordinary experience on Mount Everest, demonstrating that no matter how dire our circumstances, there is no challenge too big for God.

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  • Ornament : Faith Joy And Hope Of Kristen Fersovitch


    Kristen Fersovitch was a twenty-eight-year-old wife and mother of three boys under four when she was diagnosed with inoperable cancer and given only months to live. Ornament is the inspiring story of Kristen’s faith, joy and hope in the midst of hardship, heartache and loss. The book shares memories and beautiful photos from her home and performances in the Canadian Christmas event the Edmonton Singing Christmas Tree.

    She was beautiful and real and funny. She challenged us to live the best life we can in the face of tragedy, in the face of despair. Not by telling us to, but by leading by example.

    Ornament is a response to the many people who have asked, How could I have a faith like Kristen’s? Each chapter features an ornament from the Fersovitch family Christmas tree and an insight into Kristen’s relationship with God, which was characterized by faith in the face of adversity, joy in spite of circumstances, and hope that was rock solid. There is a practical application at the end of each chapter to help you grow in your own faith.

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  • Hiding Place : Young Readers Edition (Reprinted)


    Bestselling, Timeless Book Now Abridged for Young Readers

    Corrie ten Boom was loved the world over for her heroism and remarkable faith. The first of her bestselling books, The Hiding Place, tells the riveting true story of how her gentle Dutch family risked their lives during World War II to help Jews escape the Nazis. She and many of her family members were arrested and sent to concentration camps. But this middle-aged watchmaker survived, and spent the rest of her life spreading the truth that no matter how deep the pit, God’s love is deeper still.

    This timeless message now reaches a new generation in this special edition, which has been crafted especially for ages nine through twelve. Young readers will learn that every experience we face is the perfect preparation for the future only God can see.

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  • Losing A J


    Some of the best stories to read are those that were not pleasant to experience. Losing AJ is a book that reveals the story of an honest journey. And, while revealing, the pages invite us to notice our own stories, our own tension, our own pain.

    To be able to present such a drama, Adam needed to face the realities of his own disappointments. He has. And he has faced them without escaping or denying; he has faced them while crying, while praying, while wanting, while grieving. He has faced them with God.

    His story lets us gaze into his pain. While observing, we just might begin noticing our own. And we might begin noticing God in a new way. As Adam writes, “This book will encourage you to search out help and realize that you are not admitting that you are weak in doing so. You are admitting that you are human. You are worth saving.”

    I invite you to welcome this story. Visit the storm. Notice the wounds.

    The valley of the shadow of death isn’t just a line from Psalm 23. It is life. It is story. But not the end of a story, just a portion in the journey toward healing.

    And those stories are worth saving.

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  • I Stand With Christ


    “My name is Zhang Rongliang, and I am an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ….It is considered quite dangerous for me to share the contents of this book, but these are stories that need to be told for God’s glory and the encouragement of the church.”

    So begins the extraordinary first-person account of a prominent leader of one of the largest underground churches in China. A former Communist Party member, Zhang took a stand for Christ and was targeted for prison, work camps, and torture, all the while helping to build a network of millions of faithful believers. Spanning the time of Mao’s regime to today, Zhang testifies of God’s supernatural movements, as well as the sacrifice of countless Christians who loved and served Christ-regardless of the cost.

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  • They Called Us A Cult


    Unexpectedly, I no longer felt as if I had stumbled into some kind of private cult. Instead, I began to feel ugly and unclean, like a beggar in a palace or a stain on the front of a wedding dress. I knew I did not belong, but I knew I had to stay. The atmosphere was charged with an indescribable feeling of holiness and purity. As I sat with my head in my hands, suddenly, I felt the presence of someone standing behind me. Fear came up into my throat making me too afraid to turn and face my would-be captor, but realizing I had been discovered, I slowly sat up in the seat, not knowing what would happen next.

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  • Reluctant Caregiver : Navigating The Turmoil Of The Sandwich Generation


    Some say courage is fear that has said its prayers.

    Bobbi may be married with two grown children, but the child inside still fears and resents the attacks and tirades of her ninety-year-old mother, now afflicted with dementia. While still a teenager, Bobbi was disowned by her mother. How can she now take on the role of caregiver?

    Bobbi seeks escape from the task, but gradually realizes that Jesus has a greater goal in mind than teaching her to be a caregiver. Crisis after crisis forces Bobbi to turn to Jesus for help, all the while testing to see if his promises can be taken literally. Is he in charge? Will he work things out? Is his plan perfect?

    Nancy’s erratic behaviour and moods punctuate the ensuing year. Stripped of any illusion that she can cope on her own, Bobbi finds her faith rewarded in unpredictable ways. Her journey of anxiety and failure also comes with insights and small but important victories. She tells the story candidly, often humorously, as she comes to a deeper understanding of dementia, her mother, and most of all, Jesus.

    Read and weep. Laugh and pray. Gain courage and perspective of your own!

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  • Gods Generals 5


    In his fifth God’s Generals volume, Roberts Liardon chronicles some of the great evangelists who risked their lives to take the gospel message to strange and unknown cultures around the world, including…

    *Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf-the Austrian nobleman whose passion for Christ ushered in the Moravian revival of the 1700s.

    *David Brainerd-the young American colonist who sacrificially reached out to Native Americans.

    *William Carey-the British shoemaker and Bible translator whose passion to reach India birthed a missionary revolution.

    *David Livingstone-the explorer who crossed the “unknown continent” and opened the heart of Africa to the gospel.

    *Adoniram Judson-the “Father of American Missions” who endured tragedy to reach the people of Burma.

    *Hudson Taylor-the first missionary to use the phrase “Great Commission,” who pioneered the China Inland Mission, transforming millions of lives along the way.

    *Hiram Bingham-the first Protestant missionary, who spent twenty years serving Christ in what is now Hawaii.

    *Amy Carmichael-the selfless Irish missionary who dedicated her life to the forsaken children of India.

    *Jonathan Goforth-the passionate Canadian revivalist who brought salvation and healing to hundreds of thousands of Chinese people.

    The sacrifice and courage of these spiritual pioneers are sure to stoke the fires of your faith and revive within your heart a spirit of evangelism and compassion for the lost.

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