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    • Stop Taking Sides


      How to overcome division and experience the full Christian life by embracing the tensions in the Bible.

      Love and wrath. Sovereignty and responsibility. Victory and suffering. Some of the truths we read in the Bible seem to be in opposition to each other. We naturally tend to gravitate towards a side, but when we lose sight of one truth in order to protect the other, we are in danger of becoming proud, creating division, and diminishing our faith.

      Taking sides can even lead to ugly arguments and have a damaging effect on the church’s witness to the world.

      Adam Mabry shows us where the Bible tells us to be “both/and”, not “either/or”. He encourages us to embrace the tensions in the Bible instead of taking sides, so that we can leave anxiety and outrage behind, and instead enjoy the whole truth of Scripture, experience every element of the Christian life, and be gracious towards our fellow brothers and sisters.

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    • Where Is God In All The Suffering


      Making sense of evil and suffering.

      Suffering and evil affect us all, both at a general level, as we look at a world filled with injustice, natural disasters and poverty, and at a personal level, as we experience grief, pain and unfairness. And how we think about and process the reality of pain is at the heart of why many people reject God.

      Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing is no stranger to pain and gives a heartfelt yet academically rigorous examination of how different belief systems deal with the problem of pain. She explains the unique answer that is found in Christ and how he can give us hope in the reality of suffering.

      This empathetic, easy-to-read and powerful evangelistic book is good for both unbelievers and believers alike. It will help those hoping to answer one of life’s biggest questions as well as those who are either suffering personally or comforting others.

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    • Science And The Bible


      Is the Bible fundamentally at odds with science?

      Science and the Bible are often pitted against each other, causing many to either defend science at Scripture’s expense, or vice versa. Instead, what if we saw them as friends? Can Christians appreciate scientific insights like they do archaeological discoveries–as a source of knowledge to illuminate the biblical world and our own?

      In Science and the Bible, David Instone-Brewer takes a refreshing and non-antagonistic approach, asking how science can aid our interpretation of the Bible. The result is stimulating on topics such as God’s omnipresence, the origin of languages, the nature of eternity, the relationship of spirit and soul, the reality of resurrection, and Jesus’ human experience.

      In short, readable chapters, Science and the Bible enables the curious layperson to reread the Bible with fresh perspectives from modern scientific insights.

      The Scripture in Context series is driven by the conviction that there is nothing as exciting, direct, provocative, and spiritually enlightening as the Bible when we read it as it was meant to be read. Each book in the series dives into the ancient cultural context behind Bible passages, examining the effect this context had on what the Bible writers were saying and how we should understand their words today. When we read the Bible in light of its context, it is anything but boring. Instead, God’s word can speak to us as powerfully as it did to those who first read it.

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    • More Grace And More Favor


      God’s path to success is upside-down.

      All of the Bible’s greatest heroes share one common trait: humility. In God’s eyes, humility qualifies a person for increased favor and grace.

      In More Grace and Favor, bestselling author and teacher Andrew Wommack offers life-changing insights on the biblical connection between humility and blessing, shedding new light on God’s upside-down path to success and offering hands-on teaching for practicing humility in your everyday life.

      In this vital message, Andrew shares how this unsung virtue will…
      *Position you to get your prayers answered
      *Increase grace, goodness, and anointing in your life
      *Improve your relationships with God and man

      Witness the amazing transformation that humility will have on your life and reap the incredible results of the Lord’s favor!

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    • Joyful Christmas : 6 Historical Stories


      A Christmas Collection to Warm the Heart
      Grab a warm cup of tea and watch as romance is kindled and joy is restored to broken lives during six bygone era Christmas celebrations.

      A Christmas Castle by Cynthia Hickey
      Married by proxy in Missouri, Annie Morgan sets off for Tombstone, Arizona, to join her new husband as a cattle rancher. But too soon she finds herself a widow with an unexpected daughter and butting heads with her handsome neighbor.

      A Star in the Night by Liz Johnson
      Wounded within Confederate territory, Union officer Jedediah Harrington finds refuge at the tiny cabin of Cora Sinclair and her grandfather. Still haunted by what she saw as a battlefield hospital volunteer, Cora finds that only Jed can understand. But, though she longs to give him her heart, the risks to both of them are too great.

      An Irish Bride for Christmas by Vickie McDonough
      When Jackson Lancaster’s brother and wife die, he takes his three-year-old niece home. But a meddling busy-body makes the judge give her custody “because an unmarried man shouldn’t raise a little girl.” Now Jackson has until Christmas to find a bride or lose his niece forever. Larkin Doyle is grateful her employer took in the orphan and believes Jackson abandoned his niece. When her heart says otherwise, will romance blossom?

      Under His Wings by Liz Tolsma
      Adie O’Connell, orphaned and left alone in a dangerous Wisconsin logging camp, seeks the stability she once knew when both her parents lived. Despite the compassion and friendship offered by Noah “Preacher Man” Mitchell, she refuses to consider marriage to a man always drifting from one job to another for God.

      Shelter in the Storm by Carrie Turansky
      The daughter of a wealthy Tennessee doctor, Rachel Thornton begins nursing James Galloway, a wounded artist-war correspondent. As James recovers, their hearts draw closer together. Having already lost one sweetheart to the war, Rachel is hesitant to reveal her feelings for James, who insists on returning to the front lines. Would she be safer in the arms of another man?

      Christmas Service by Erica Vetsch
      Beth Sorensen has been put in charge of the Christmas pageant at the little log church, and this year she wants something different. But she didn’t count on a Minnesota blizzard paralyzing the whole town. Can the blacksmith teach this preacher’s daughter about what it means to serve one another in love through the storm?

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    • Loves Pure Light


      Be transported to unique time periods as you follow a treasured family nativity set through four generations of the Shepherd family.

      While Shepherds Watch Are Keeping by Susanne Dietze
      Massachusetts, 1899
      This Christmas, Pastor Seth Shepherd has little to offer his flock of congregants in their time of need until Jessalyn Grant, a mysterious newcomer, comes to his aid.

      The Wise Guy and the Star by Shannon McNear
      Charleston, South Carolina, to Kansas City, Missouri, 1919
      While journeying by train, Stella Shepherd befriends war veteran Nat Wise. She helps him find renewed faith in God, but could he also be the answer to the wanderings of her own heart?

      On Angel Wings by Janine Rosche
      Kansas City, Missouri, 1945
      Elodie Wise plans a fundraising ball with the help of her friend Benjamin Gabriel. But can she look past the swanky Hollywood headliner to see the man who truly loves her?

      Making Room at the Inn by Deborah Raney
      Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Present Day
      Benjie Gabriel thinks the chef’s position she’s just taken at an award-winning bed and breakfast is temporary-just a stepping stone. The B&B’s owner, Trevor Keye, thinks the same. Will five months be long enough for them to figure out that what they’ve each been longing for, praying for, is right beneath their noses?

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    • Jesus Regresa Pronto – (Spanish)


      Sacudimientos, seales y el regreso de Cristo

      Usted es mencionado en la profecia biblica. Pueda que no se mencione su nombre, pero usted esta incluido ahi. Las profecias de los ultimos tiempos hablan de los fieles seguidores de Jesus -conocidos como el “remanente”-, quienes estan listos para los ultimos dias y Su retorno, pero tambien hablan de quienes no estan preparados o abandonan antes que El regrese.

      Que profecia usted cumplira?

      Jesus regresa pronto le ayudara a estar seguro de que usted forma parte del remanente de Dios. Las seales del fin de esta era y la aparicion de Jesus son evidentes en el mundo fisico y espiritual. Pero la mayoria de la gente, incluyendo los cristianos, no las han reconocido. Que seales ha dado Dios para anunciar la culminacion de Sus propositos para el mundo? Como podemos discernirlas? Como podemos prepararnos? Este libro le revelara:

      *La razon de los sacudimientos naturales y espirituales sin precedentes en el mundo

      *Lo que nos dicen las seales, incluyendo aquellas seales inusuales como las lunas de sangre

      *Como trabaja Dios segun las temporadas, las eras y la plenitud de los tiempos

      *Como las fiestas judias apuntan a las edades del hombre, mostrandonos con precision el reloj del tiempo de Dios

      *Que las inminentes seales y promesas biblicas aun no se han cumplido

      *Los juicios que Dios esta trayendo a la tierra

      Dios ha dado profecias sobre Israel, la iglesia y el mundo. Y Su Espiritu esta revelando en este momento Sus propositos para los ultimos dias. Necesitamos saber como recibir la revelacion vital y el conocimiento profetico que El quiere compartir con Su pueblo. Cuando tenemos ese conocimiento previo, podemos entender los tiempos y prepararnos para sus planes finales para la tierra.

      Dios quiere que la iglesia sea una comunidad de esperanza, avivamiento y poder sobrenatural en medio de los tiempos tenebrosos. Hay un espiritu de confusion en el mundo de hoy. La gente debe acudir a Dios por las respuestas que solo El nos puede dar, y la iglesia debe estar preparada para proporcionar esas respuestas.

      En estos tiempos finales, no necesita tener miedo, desanimarse o distraerse. Al contrario, usted puede conocer su verdadera posicion en Dios antes del regreso de Cristo. Puede estar gozosamente preparado, vigilando y esperando con expectativa, con sus ojos espirituales abiertos. Viva en la perfecta voluntad de Dios para su vida y participe en sus propositos sobrenaturales de los ultimos dias!

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    • Jesus Is Coming Soon


      Shakings, Signs, and the Return of Christ

      You are mentioned in biblical prophecy. You may not be mentioned by name, but you are included there. End-times prophecies speak of faithful followers of Jesus-called the “remnant”-who are ready for the last days and His return, but they also speak of those who are unprepared or fall away before His appearing. Which prophecy will you fulfill?

      On the Verge of Jesus’s Return will help you be certain you are part of God’s remnant. The signs of the end of the age and Jesus’s appearing are evident in the physical and spiritual worlds. But most people, including Christians, have not recognized them. What signs has God given to announce the culmination of His purposes for the world? How can we discern them? How can we prepare? This book will unfold:

      *The reason for the unprecedented natural and spiritual shakings in our world

      *What the signs tell us, including unusual signs such as blood moons

      *How God works according to seasons, eras, and the fullness of time

      *How Jewish feasts point to the ages of man, accurately showing us God’s time clock

      *Which imminent biblical signs and promises have yet to be fulfilled

      *The judgments God is bringing to the earth

      God has given prophecies concerning Israel, the church, and the world. And His Spirit is disclosing His last-days purposes right now. We need to know how to receive the vital revelation and prophetic knowledge He wants to share with His people. When we have this foreknowledge, we can understand the times and prepare for His final plans for the earth.

      God intends the church to be a community of hope, revival, and supernatural power in the midst of dark times. There is a spirit of confusion in the world today. People must turn to God for the answers only He can give, and the church needs to be ready to provide those answers.

      In these end times, you do not need to be fearful, discouraged, or distracted. Instead, you can know your true position in God before Christ’s appearing. You can be joyfully prepared, watching and waiting in expectation, with your spiritual eyes open. Live in God’s perfect will for your life and participate in His supernatural, last-days purposes!

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    • Harbinger 2 The Return


      New Release From 5-Time New York Times Best Selling Author Jonathan Cahn!
      In 2012 Jonathan Cahn caused a worldwide sensation with the release of his first book and massive best seller, The Harbinger. It has been hailed as “stunning,” “prophetic,” “mind-blowing,” and “astonishing.” Cahn followed it with his best sellers The Mystery of the Shemitah,The Book of Mysteries, The Paradigm, and The Oracle. But he has always held off on writing a sequel to The Harbinger, believing it was not yet the time. But now is the time. With the release of The Harbinger II, Cahn will reveal what could not be revealed up until now, including the mysteries that couldn’t be put into The Harbinger-the mysteries and prophetic harbingers that have manifested since the book came out-and the mysteries of what is yet to come. The Harbinger II will take the mystery to new dimensions and heights of revelation.

      Questions have been asked since The Harbinger first came out, and they will finally be answered.

      *Has the revelation continued?
      *Has the mystery progressed to a more critical stage?
      *Have more harbingers now manifested on American soil?
      *Is America closer now than ever before to judgment?
      *Could this explain what has been happening in recent days?
      *And what lies in store for the future?

      The Harbinger II will open up the mysteries of the Watchmen, the Half Moon, the Day of Tammuz, the Parchment in the Ruins, the Tree, the Inscription, the Image, the Eastern Gate, and much, much more. It will ultimately lead to mysteries concerning the future, which include the Window, the Island, the Other Mystery Ground, and the Prophecy.

      As with The Harbinger, the revelations of The Harbinger II are completely real and manifesting in the events of our times. And as with the first book, the mysteries are revealed through a narrative. So, The Harbinger II will bring the return of Nouriel, Ana Goren, and the mysterious figure known as “the prophet.” The prophet will now take up the revelation where he left off and open mysteries as stunning and mind-blowing as in the first book.

      The mysteries will be opened up, as in the prophet’s first appearance, through the giving of ancient seals, but also in dreams and through a little girl as mysterious as the prophet. In The Harbinger II you will be taken on an epic journey from the shores of New England, to the steps of the Supreme Court, to the towering heights of a Manhattan skyscraper, to a boat on the Hudson River, even to the

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    • Made To Flourish


      God likes watching things grow.On each beautiful page of Made to Flourish, bestselling author and Bible teacher Beth Moore invites you to explore the fruitful life through the language of the garden-and the words of the Master Gardener Himself. The metaphor of God as Gardener plays out in Scripture as He tends His people with care, skill, and intention. When Jesus began His ministry on earth, He took this idea to whole new level, revealing that He Himself is the Vine. He invites us to the sacred ground of abiding, calling us to flourish in the abundant life He offers.

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    • Something Worth Doing


      In 1853, Abigail Scott was a 19-year-old school teacher in Oregon Territory when she married Ben Duniway. Marriage meant giving up on teaching, but Abigail always believed she was meant to be more than a good wife and mother. When financial mistakes and an injury force Ben to stop working, Abigail becomes the primary breadwinner for her growing family. What she sees as a working woman appalls her, and she devotes her life to fighting for the rights of women, including their right to vote.

      Following Abigail as she bears six children, runs a millinery and a private school, helps on the farm, writes novels, gives speeches, and eventually runs a newspaper supporting women’s suffrage, Something Worth Doing explores issues that will resonate strongly with modern women: the pull between career and family, finding one’s place in the public sphere, and dealing with frustrations and prejudices women encounter when they compete in male-dominated spaces. Based on a true story of a pioneer for women’s rights from award-winning author Jane Kirkpatrick will inspire you to believe that some things are worth doing–even when the cost is great.

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    • Nine


      Zoe Johnson spent most of her life living in the shadows, never drawing attention to herself, never investing in people or places. But when a wide-eyed, bedraggled teenager with no memory walks into the diner where Zoe works, everything changes. Now, against her better judgment, Zoe, who has been trying to outrun her own painful memories of the past, finds herself attempting to help a girl who doesn’t seem to have any past at all. The girl knows only one thing: she must reach a woman in Corpus Christi, Texas, hundreds of miles away, before the government agents who are searching for her catch up to them.

      Award-winning author Rachelle Dekker throws you into the middle of the action and keeps the pressure on in this page-turning story that, asks Are we who the world says we are–or can we change our story and be something more?

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