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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

Showing 145–156 of 176 results

  • Table Talk


    Martin Luther’s Table Talk is a compendium of excerpts taken from conversations with his students and colleagues, who furiously scribbled notes as he spoke. Reading them, it’s easy to imagine all of them sitting around the table, eating and drinking and discussing issues of great concern to reformists. These excerpts are frequently anecdotal, highly opinionated, sometimes sublime, sometimes unsophisticated, occasionally brutal… and always unequivocating. Right or wrong, Luther has his say.

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  • Divine Revelation Of Angels


    Angels are everywhere—in magazines and greeting cards, on television and jewelry. But do they really exist . . . and what are they like? Claiming to have encountered such celestial beings through dreams, visions, and revelations from God, Baxter recounts what she’s learned about these warrior messengers and the power of Christ.

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  • All Of Grace


    In All of Grace, C.H. Spurgeon outlines the love of God in such clear, simple language that everyone can understand and be drawn to the Father. Any attempt to please God based upon our own works brings self-righteousness and coldness of heart. It is free grace and mercy of God that makes the heart glow with warmth and thankfulness for God’s love. The heartfelt goal of this dynamic classis is summed up in Spurgeon’s final cry to the reader, “Meet me in heaven!”

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  • Masters Indwelling : There Is A Life Of Abundance And Joy


    You’ve accepted Him as Savior and you’re doing everything in your power to live the good Christian life. You go to church, you read your Bible, you pray. You’re doing all the things a Christian should do. You’re living in Christ. But is He living in you? Has He swept and cleared out every cobweb in your life? Or are you tightly gripping the broom yourself? Is your Christian walk just a performance, an act that masks the emptiness inside? He’s called us to more than a game of charades. He’s invited us to taste the joy in the Christ-filled life. You’re already in Christ; now let Him be in you. It’s time for The Master’s Indwelling.

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  • Grace The Power To Change


    Christians everywhere have been missing the truth about grace–and living in defeat as a result. Grace is God’s ability working in you to do what you cannot. It is the power to change. Take to heart the principles in this book, and discover the dimension of Christian living that Jesus called “easy and light.” Jesus has finished the work, so relax and let His grace change your heart!

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  • Am I Being Deceived


    Get rid of the shackles that may be holding you back from truly worshipping! Rediscover your First Love and soar to new spiritual heights, as you find freedom-maybe for the first time. The Virklers’ give poignant definition to false religions and capture the essence of true Christianity in their scripturally grounded work, Am I Being Deceived?. Do you know where the boundaries are? Do you know the distinguishing traits of true Christianity, Phariseeism, and the New Age Movement? You will. Set your borders straight, your vision high, and your passion at full steam ahead.

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  • Death On A Friday Afternoon


    1. Coming To Our Senses
    2. Judge Not
    3. A Strange Glory
    4. Dereliction
    5. Witnesses
    6. The Sacrifice
    7. The Scars Of God
    Biblical References
    Select Bibliography

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    Numerous writers and composers have been captivated by the suggestiveness of Jesus’ Seven Last Words. But the beloved, recently deceased Fr. Richard John Neuhaus’s sustained exploration of these utterances is something altogether different. Through them he plumbs the depths of human experience and sets forth the central narrative of Western civilization-the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ-in a way that engages the attention of believers, unbelievers, and those who are not sure what they believe. Death on a Friday Afternoon is an invitation to the reader into a spiritual and intellectual exploration of the dark side of human experience with the promise of light and life on the far side of darkness.

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  • 2 Kinds Of Knowledge


    All the knowledge that is taught in our schools, colleges and universities has been gained through our five senses. It is what we call “Sense Knowledge”. Man has never been able to know God through the five senses of his physical body. Sense Knowledge cannot give us the Reason for Creation, the source of Light, of Life, of Motion, of Gravitation, has been unable to explain the obvious design of Creation. When man reaches the limits of this Sense Knowledge, he turns philosopher or guesser. Natural man cannot understand spiritual things. Sense Knowledge cannot find God, can never know Him, but there stands by the side of everyone a Guide to lead him into the new kind of knowledge, the new kind of life. This book shows the contrast between Sense Knowledge and The Revelation Knowledge which we receive only from the Word of God. Sense Knowledge faith is in what man is, and can do, and has done. Revelation faith is in the Word of God, “That liveth and abideth forever.”

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  • Divine Revelation Of Heaven


    Catch a glimpse of heaven—and your eternal home! After 30 nights of horrifying excursions into the depths of hell, Baxter experienced 10 rapturous trips into the realms of heaven. Here is her amazing account. As she recalls her journeys with Jesus and the angels, she realizes her destiny in Christ and receives a fresh vision for her life.

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  • River Of Life



    1. The Son’s Great Prayer
    2. A Prophecy: The Prayer Of Christ Answered
    3. The Surrender Of The Vision Keeper
    4. Current Questions, Timely Answers

    5. When David Captured Jerusalem
    6. The Deliverers
    7. America’s Future: Christ Or Chaos
    8. The Timeless Wisdom Of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    9. Those Who Make A Covenant With God.
    10. “Ask Of Me! P. 128

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    A river is rising from the throne of God. In its waves are healing for the church and renewal for our society. Some of the vital topics Francis Frangipane discusses include…

    The Father’s unchanging purpose
    Christ’s commitment to His church
    The Holy Spirit’s transforming work in us
    Surrendering to the lordship of Jesus
    Achieving unity in the body of Christ
    Creating harmony within the family, the church, and society
    Experiencing the flow of God’s healing power

    Discover the source of the abundant supply of God’s grace that transforms our lives so that we can impact our world for Jesus Christ.

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  • Learning To Flow With The Spirit Of God


    1. Learning What Short-Circuits The Power
    2. Learning To Interpret The Flow
    3. Learning To Control The Excesses

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    There is a very fine line between real spirituality, and fanaticism and excess, Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin states. Discover how to yield to the Spirit of God individually and corporately.

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  • Tabernacle Of Moses


    This book by Australian Bible teacher Kevin Conner strives to present readers with a reasonable working knowledge of the Tabernacle of Moses, finding in the elements of the Tabernacle insights that relate to the story of divine redemption. Study includes: A look at the significance of the Tabernacle layout An explanation of the Tabernacle’s place in Jewish society Design and symbolism of the Tabernacle futniture. Tabernacle construction and purpose And more

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