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    • Power Of A Praying Grandparent


      Being a grandparent is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. And loving and caring for our grandchildren not only blesses us but is also honoring to God. The best way to love your grandchild is to pray for him or her.

      In The Power of a Praying(R) Grandparent, you will find powerful suggestions to help you do just that by:
      *Praying for your grandchildren to be healthy, protected, smart, kind, wise, godly, and obedient, so that they do not stray into enemy territory
      *Praying for yourself to be a powerful praying “grandma” or “grandpa” who understands what your grandchildren are facing in this world today and how you can best cover them spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically
      *Praying for your grandchildren’s parents to be led and enabled by God, so they can be the wisest, most patient, and loving parents for their children

      Being a praying grandmother or grandfather is not only one of the best gifts you can give your grandchildren, but their parents as well.

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    • Oracion Familiar Al Alcance De – (Spanish)


      La Oracion Familiar al Alcance de Todos es un manual practico para orar juntos como familia en tan solo diez devocionales enfocados. Incluye maneras sencillas de unirse en oracion, historias para compartir con nios de todas las edades, escrituras sobre la oracion y las promesas de Dios, y 100 ideas interactivas para la oracion y la adoracion familiar.

      Family Prayer Made Easy is a practical guide for praying together as a family in just ten focused devotions. It includes simple ways to come together in prayer, stories to share with children of all ages, Scriptures on prayer and God’s promises, and 100 interactive ideas for prayer and family worship.

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    • Power In Prayer


      God loves to answer prayer, and Scripture teaches that it is a simple thing to see answered prayer in our own lives. Charles Spurgeon’s classic writings tackle the fears and questions that arise as we learn to pray. His time-tested, hard-hitting teachings will clear the way for you to experience true faith and the power of answered prayer. Spurgeon discusses God’s promise to hear our prayers, the humility of pleading prayer, and our position before God’s throne of grace. Every believer can, and should, have a life marked by answered prayer. Charles Spurgeon will lead you to the place where life begins-a place of true communion with God.

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    • Intercessory Prayer : How God Can Use Your Prayers To Move Heaven And Earth (Rep


      Your Prayers Are PowerfulI, God is all-powerful, why does He need us to pray? If we pray and nothing happens, does this mean that God isn’t listening? If you’ve ever felt that your prayers don’t count, Intercessory Prayer will show you just how vital your prayers are. In this book, pastor and teacher Dutch Sheets explains the nuts and bolts of prayer with wisdom, gentleness, and humor. This book will inspire you, give you the courage to pray for the “impossible,” and help you find the persistence to see your prayers to completion. Discover your role as a prayer warrior–it can mean the difference between heaven and hell for someone you know!

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    • Lave A Lo Milagroso – (Spanish)


      Unlocking the Miraculous contains power-filled chapters such as Prayer that Opens Doors, Praying Under an Open Heaven and Prayer that Releases the Miraculous and much more. It is studded with spiritual truths and the insights of a man who knows that there are no limits to what God can do if we, his children, come before him in prayer. For the author, the only thing worse than prayer-less-ness is prayer without expectation. Intercession is not a human invention; it is God’s idea. He has called us to partner with him in prayer, believing in faith. This book is for those who desire to enter into this divine partnership and join the prayer revolution.

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    • Unlocking The Miraculous


      Unlocking the Miraculous contains power-filled chapters such as Prayer that Opens Doors, Praying Under an Open Heaven and Prayer that Releases the Miraculous and much more. It is studded with spiritual truths and the insights of a man who knows that there are no limits to what God can do if we, his children, come before him in prayer. For the author, the only thing worse than prayer-less-ness is prayer without expectation. Intercession is not a human invention; it is God’s idea. He has called us to partner with him in prayer, believing in faith. This book is for those who desire to enter into this divine partnership and join the prayer revolution.

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    • Real Prayer : Connecting With Our Heavenly Father (Student/Study Guide)


      Why Study Real Prayer?
      1. Why Pray? (Luke 18 V 9-14)
      2. How Not To Pray (Matthew 6 V 5-8)
      3. How To Pray (Matthew 6 V 9-15)
      4. Praying Confidently (Hebrews 10 V 19-22; 4 V 14-16)
      5. Praying Dependently (John 15 V 1-17)
      6. Praying In Weakness (Romans 8 V 9-30)
      7. Praying To Serve (1 Corinthians 14 V 1-25)
      Leader’s Guide

      Additional Info
      Confusion reigns over the topic of prayer. Yet, at one time or another just about everyone prays-but often it’s like shooting in the dark. Wonderfully, the Bible-and Jesus especially-shows us what real prayer is: talking to the real, living God with humble confidence.

      If we look at what the Christian message tells us about “connecting” with God, we’ll see how and why we can talk to God knowing that he will listen and respond. Forget formulas and techniques. This is about real communication with the real God-the unique Christian privilege of real prayer.

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    • 5 Things To Pray For The People You Love


      21 Chapters

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      We love our friends and family, and we long for God to be working in their lives. But when it comes to praying for them, often we don’t quite know what to ask for. Or our requests to God on their behalf feel shallow, repetitive and stuck in a rut.

      That’s where this little book is designed to help. It will equip you to pray powerful prayers for the people you love-prayers that really change things, because they’re based on God’s word.

      Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a person in your life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)-and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.

      Use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever someone you know is in particular need of prayer.

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    • Family Prayer Made Easy


      Today’s families are busy. Every morning, parents and children head out for a day full of school, work, sports, music lessons, church activities, and more. We return home, often tuning into television, computers, and technology-and tuning each other out! What would happen if we paused, as families, in the middle of packed schedules to seek the most important avenue of help and assurance available? What would happen if we stopped to pray?

      Family Prayer Made Easy is a practical guide for praying together as a family in just ten focused devotions. Together, the family can seek God in Scripture-based, Spirit-driven, action-packed, answer-delivering prayers. It includes simple ways to come together in prayer, stories to share with children of all ages, Scriptures on prayer and God’s promises, and 100 interactive ideas for prayer and family worship.

      Whether used once a week for ten weeks or once a day for ten days, these prayers and prayer activities will guide the family into powerful, consistent, inclusive prayer, with resources for years to come.

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    • Hope For The Praying Nation


      You Are About to Discover Why God Loves You and Why He Loves America!

      God’s purpose for this world is far from over. Your nation is worth saving and worth praying for.

      Prayer is not merely the last resort of the weak, as some suggest. Prayer is the foundation of the wise, and at the heart of all that is noble and everlasting. When people open their hearts to God, He moves on their behalf in ways that are quite extraordinary, as history shows.

      History is being written right now. Before your very eyes, a nation’s story is being told.
      How do you respond?

      You are not powerless and helpless; you have the greatest advantage imaginable:

      In the midst of chaos and crisis-either national or personal-your voice can shape how history unfolds! Through this book, you will find hope and courage to pray to a God who loves you and wants to answer your prayers.

      When people pray, God listens!

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    • 365 Pocket Prayers For Women


      Get to the very heart of what you want to express to God with 365 Pocket Prayers for Women.

      Daily life can bring hope and joy . . . as well as heartache and disappointment. The Bible promises that God is always there to help us through any situation we face in life. He invites us to come to him in prayer, but sometimes it’s hard to know how to talk to him or what to pray for. Let 365 Pocket Prayers for Women help you connect with God and get to the very heart of what you want to say to him.

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    • Snuggle Time Prayers

      Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $8.39.

      Snuggle Time Prayers, written by Glenys Nellist and illustrated by Cee Biscoe, is a perfect bedtime collection of fifteen prayers. This padded cover board book will help children settle down at bedtime and remind them of their blessings as they draw closer to God.

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