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    • Baptism : A Guide To Life From Death


      You’ve been baptized. But do you understand what it means?

      Baptism is the doorway into membership in the church. It’s a public declaration of the washing away of our sin and the beginning of our new life in Christ. But the sacrament that is meant to unite us is often a spring of division instead.

      All Christians use water to baptize. All invoke the triune name. Beyond that, there’s little consensus. Talk about baptism and you’re immediately plunged into arguments. Whom should we baptize? What does baptism do? Why even do it at all?

      Peter Leithart reunifies a church divided by baptism. He recovers the baptismal imagination of the Bible, explaining how baptism works according to Scripture. Then, in conversation with Christian tradition, he shows why baptism is something worth recovering and worth agreeing on.

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    • Understanding The Jewish Roots Of Christianity


      How Jewish is Christianity?

      The question of how Jesus’ followers relate to Judaism has been a matter of debate since Jesus first sparred with the Pharisees. The controversy has not abated, taking many forms over the centuries. In the decades following the Holocaust, scholars and theologians reconsidered the Jewish origins and character of Christianity, finding points of continuity.

      Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity advances this discussion by freshly reassessing the issues. Did Jesus intend to form a new religion? Did Paul abrogate the Jewish law? Does the New Testament condemn Judaism? How and when did Christianity split from Judaism? How should Jewish believers in Jesus relate to a largely gentile church? What meaning do the Jewish origins of Christianity have for theology and practice today?

      In this volume, a variety of leading scholars and theologians explore the relationship of Judaism and Christianity through biblical, historical, theological, and ecclesiological angles. This cutting-edge scholarship will enrich readers’ understanding of this centuries-old debate.

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    • Theology Is For Preaching


      Is it right to “just preach the text”?

      Why do we preach and do theology? How do we relate them? And how do they relate to God’s word?

      Theology Is for Preaching helps preachers with theology and theologians with preaching. Though diverse in contexts and disciplines, the contributors share a commitment to equipping the saints to “rightly handle the word of truth.” Through essays on foundations, methods, employing theology for preaching, and preaching for theology, this volume will equip preachers and theologians to engage deeply with the text of the Bible and communicate its meaning with clarity.

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    • Figuring Resurrection : Joseph As A Death And Resurrection Figure In The Ol


      The death and resurrection of Joseph

      Towards the end of Genesis, the narrative slows down to tell the story of Joseph. There is no dispute that Joseph’s story is unique, but why does it deserve such focused attention? And how does this story relate to the rest of Genesis?

      In Figuring Resurrection, Jeffrey Pulse presents the view that Joseph is a death-and-resurrection- figure. A close literary reading of Genesis 37-50 reveals that Joseph’s story is one of rejection and restoration, descent and ascent, condemnation and exaltation, exile and return, death and resurrection. Far from a lengthy diversion, Joseph’s story of “death and resurrection” plays an important role in the theology of Genesis and later Second Temple Jewish literature.

      Figuring Resurrection has implications for our understanding of Joseph’s narrative, the book of Genesis, Hebrew thinking on the afterlife, and typology.

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    • Prayer Map For Grads


      THE ORIGINAL Prayer Map!

      What Does Prayer Look Like? . . .
      Find out in The Prayer Map for Grads.

      This engaging prayer journal is a fun and creative tool to help you experience the power of prayer. Each colorful spread will guide you to write out thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .which then creates a specific “map” for you to follow as you talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so you can look back on your prayers and see how God has worked in your life–and helped to shape your future plans. The Prayer Map for Grads will not only encourage you to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most. . .it will also help you build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer for life!

      This practical journal, perfect for personal quiet time or small groups, features:

      *A user-friendly spiral binding–lays flat!
      *Attractive, two-color interior design
      *Space to record the date on each Prayer Map
      *Prompted sections guide the creation of each Prayer Map–from start to finish
      *Carefully selected scripture on every spread

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    • Nevertheless She Believed


      Nevertheless, Hold onto Faith!

      This lovely devotional collection is designed to help you grow deeper in your faith and connect to the heavenly Father’s heart. Dozens of practical and faith-filled devotions inspired by Matthew 21:22 (“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”) will help you celebrate the beautiful gift of prayer and strengthen your heart-connection to the Master Creator. You’ll discover a deeper understanding and love for the One who holds the whole world in His hands.

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    • Robins Greeting


      A Season of Hope Is Coming

      For the past two years Belinda King, along with her two grown daughters and teenage son, has been struggling to keep the family greenhouse running. Despite disconcerting events that have threatened to put them out of business, they have survived two growing seasons. And now Belinda can focus on the two suitors vying for her attention. Herschel Fisher, a new acquaintance, makes her feel relaxed, and Monroe Esh, an admirer from her past, reminds her of her youth.

      But just when Belinda thinks she can choose between her suitors, life throws more trials her way. Her son, Henry, becomes bitter about the idea of her dating anyone, and attacks on the greenhouse start again.

      When can Belinda hope to experience the peace and love her weary heart longs for?

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    • Gods Unstoppable Breakthrough


      Experience God’ s Unstoppable Breakthrough and Blessings!

      You may be facing an issue that seems like an insurmountable mountain in your life. Or, your circumstances may be so difficult you feel surrounded by walls with no way out. You ask God to knock down those walls, just as He did for Joshua at Jericho. But they’re still standing. Sometimes, God removes the obstacles from our lives immediately and dramatically. But what can we do when the mountain doesn’t move, when the breakthrough doesn’t come, when God’s promises aren’t fulfilled, even when we pray?

      That’s when we have to plant ourselves in God’s Word and presence and let Him take us over our mountain! The breakthrough starts as our roots grow deep. This is what Joseph did when he was in the pit and the dungeon. “Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a well; his branches run over the wall” (Genesis 49:22). He grew over his wall, his mountain, by adopting a heavenly perspective rather than an earthly one. The result was a multitude of blessings for him, his family, and the world.

      You can rise up over your own mountain of difficulty, opposition, or hindrance. As you do, that mountain won’t look as high as it used to. Every negative situation will divinely position you to be where you need to be in life. You will rise over circumstances you thought were too powerful for you. You will rise over the wall of limitation that once surrounded you. You will rise over the dead end or impossibility that threatened to defeat you. The trials of life have no power to stop you from being abundant and fruitful in God, receiving His blessings, and fulfilling the plans He has for you. Then, your breakthrough will become a breakthrough and blessing for others, too, enabling them to rise over their own mountains of difficulty.

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    • Tesoro – (Spanish)


      Quien de nosotros no ha sentido verdadera angustia y muchas veces frustracion ante la necesidad, o sueo, de una buena economia? Luego de leer este libro es facil darse cuenta de que el asunto monetario debe ser visto de una manera mucho mas profunda -me atreveria a decir “espiritual”- para que funcione. Puede sonar descabellado en un comienzo, pero una vez que usted se sumerja en los patrones y principios que esta obra propone, no solo pondra su cerebro a trabajar, sino tambien su corazon y es claro que ya, desde ahi, se gana.

      Un lenguaje sencillo, sin pretensiones de erudicion, o de manual para entendidos, hacen de este libro una guia que se lee muy rapidamente, y que pese a ello deja grandes reflexiones. Luego de leerlo se sentira motivado, con un pensamiento positivo y podra hacerse un autoanalisis sobre las formas y habitos incorrectos que no le permiten prosperar. Por supuesto, no quiere decir que el camino al exito sea facil y que no implique sacrificios y dedicacion, pero estamos seguros de que el camino del fracaso es mucho mas dificil y doloroso.

      Se puede confiar en un experto que ha ayudado a muchisima gente. Edwin Louis Cole pone a nuestro alcance una vida dedicada a aconsejar y a aprender, iluminada por su fe y respaldada por resultados tangibles. Sin necesidad de un mapa, ni de largas travesias, se nos entrega el mayor de los tesoros, el del conocimiento, la opcion de lograr ese cambio que nos hace falta.

      Who among us has not felt true anguish and often frustration at the need, or dream, of a good economy? After reading this book it is easy to see that the monetary issue must be looked at in a much deeper way – dare I say “spiritual” – for it to work. It may sound far-fetched at first, but once you dive into it, the patterns and principles that this work proposes will not only put your brain to work, but also your heart and it is clear that, from there, you win.

      Despite this book’s easy-to-read language, the reader is left with great reflections. After reading it, you will feel motivated, with positive thinking and will be able to do a self-analysis on the wrong ways and habits that do not allow you to prosper. Of course it does not mean that the road to success is easy and does not involve sacrifices and dedication, but we are sure the road to failure is much more difficult and painful.

      An expert who has helped so many people can be trusted, Edwin Louis Cole puts a life of counseling and learning within our grasp, enlightened

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    • Hidden Man : The Secret To Living In The Spirit Realm


      The Hidden Man by E. W. Kenyon is a masterly unveiling of the deeper walk in the Spirit. “The hidden man of the heart” is the human spirit recreated in Christ. The only way to know God and the Lord Jesus Christ is through the spirit because this is how God imparts His messages to us. He unveils spiritual realities to our hidden man, and one of those vital messages is an understanding of our identity in Christ. It is of utmost importance that we understand who we are. Until we do, we can’t know the riches that belong to us and the abilities that are ours.

      Faith, like wisdom, is a product of our spirit. Until our spirit gains mastery over our senses, our faith will never be strong and vigorous. Faith is developed and wisdom is enriched as we meditate and act on the Word of God.

      The secret of the divine life is to learn how to live in the spirit realm and have one’s lamp filled with the oil of heaven. This book will open new spiritual vistas and make the Word a thrilling reality for you!

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    • Feeler : Discovering How Sensitivity Helps You Discern And Act On Gods Voic


      The Scriptures give us a full-color picture of a God who is moved by emotions such as yearning, love, and compassion. Our human emotions reflect the emotional qualities of our Creator, who made us in His own image. Feelings have a vital place in any believer’s life, not just in those who have a more sensitive nature due to their personalities.

      The Feeler by James W. Goll delivers a remarkable biblical perspective on our emotions and how they help us to discern and act on God’s voice. We experience the love, joy, and presence of God with our feelings. Our emotions have an impact on our bodies, our level of holiness, our relationships, and our decisions.

      The Bible tells us we need to have our “senses trained to discern good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14 NASB). What are we training? Both our natural senses and our spiritual senses. Our physical senses, with the addition of “knowing,” correspond to our spiritual senses in these ways:

      Eyes (sight): visions and dreams

      Ears (hearing): voices and sounds

      Heart (touch): emotions and feelings

      Tongue (taste): good and evil

      Nose (smell): good and bad

      Mind (knowing): divine thoughts and impressions

      This book will show you how to listen for and recognize the often subtle ways God’s Spirit speaks to believers, as well as how to discern good and evil spirits. With consecrated gifts and senses, you can reach out to the body of Christ and to the world at large in both spiritual and practical ways, making you much better equipped to fulfill your role as an ambassador of the gospel.

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    • Enthusiast Growing As An Enneagram 7


      The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Enthusiast, number 7 of the Enneagram personality types.

      This book will help Enthusiasts, and those who love them, better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 7, including the Enthusiast’s deadly sin and their greatest strength.

      Some attributes of the Enthusiast:

      Motivation: To be satisfied. This leads to Sevens pursuing the things they think will bring them happiness and true satisfaction in life.

      Biggest Fear: Sevens fear being deprived or in pain. They avoid negative emotions as much as possible.

      Head Triad: Sevens, along with Fives and Sixes, receive all information as something that needs to be thought over and analyzed before they can trust their feelings or gut to process it. Sevens take information in as something to analyze, and then they move on to feeling.

      The sixty days of this devotional are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and how Enthusiasts react in times of stress and growth.

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