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Category: Family Concerns

  • Uncommon Marriage Bible Study


    A marriage gets stronger when you invite God into it.

    A companion study to Tony and Lauren Dungy’s popular book Uncommon Marriage, this 5-week guide for couples or small groups delves into Scripture to explore the blessings and challenges couples face today. Drawing on biblical truths and their own personal experiences, Tony and Lauren share the importance of making time for each other, resolving conflict well, staying strong and committed through difficult times, coping with changes and big decisions, praying together, building a spiritual foundation for your family, and more. The Uncommon Marriage Bible Study will help equip your marriage to survive tough issues and flourish with joy, purpose, and partnership-in other words, to be a marriage that is truly uncommon. The book also includes icebreakers for groups, a leader’s guide, and links to free resources for churches.

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  • Gospel Centered Family (Workbook)


    Part One: A Gospel-Centered Family
    1. Gospel-centered Families
    Your Family Can Show How Great It Is To Live Under God’s Reign Of Love.
    2. Gospel-centered Hopes
    Knowing God Is Far More Important Than Getting On In Life.
    Part Two: A Grace-Centered Family
    3. Disciplining A Parent’s Heart
    The Biggest Obstacle To Good Discipline Is Our Own Selfish Hearts.
    4. Grace For A Parent’s Heart
    Trying To Be A Good Parent Will Crush You If You Don’t Embrace Grace.
    5. Disciplining A Child’s Heart
    Changing Hearts Matters More Than Controlling Behaviour.
    6. Grace For A Child’s Heart
    Don’t Train Your Child To Be A Legalist.
    7. Children As A Gift
    Make Sure You Enjoy Your Children!
    Part Three: A Word-Centered Family
    8. Living The Word
    Teach Your Children About God In The Context Of Everyday Life.
    9. The Word And Other Voices
    Shape What Younger Children Watch And How Older Children Watch.
    10. Praying The Word
    Teach Children To Pray By Praying With Them.
    Part Four: A Mission-Centered Family
    11. A Bigger Family
    We Belong To Two Families.
    12. A Serving Family
    Children Are Not The Centre Of The World.

    Additional Info
    Numerous books set out to help Christian parents in the challenging mission of raising their children well-so what’s different about this one? Well, the answer’s in the title! It’s not about how the gospel fits into Christian family life, but how family life should fit into the gospel-God’s greatest purpose for this universe, achieved in Christ.

    Many books aim to raise up competent, balanced parents and well-trained, well-rounded children. But Tim Chester and Ed Moll focus on families growing God-knowing, Christ-confessing, grace-receiving, servant-hearted, mission-minded believers-adults and children together.

    Christian families should be about…
    – not just making good citizens but also church planters, missionaries, reformers, servants and evangelists
    – not just learning about God but also showing Him to others;
    – not just controlling behaviour but also changing the heart;
    – not just parents and children, but being an integral part of the wider church family.

    In twelve concise chapters, Gospel-Centered Family takes us through the major Bible principles for family life, challenging us to give up our ‘respectable’ middle-class idols, and to become the distinctively different people that God, through His gospel, calls us to be.

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  • Gospel Centered Marriage (Workbook)


    Finding Your Way Around
    Part One: Gospel-Centred Marriage
    1. Marriage And The Passion Of God
    2. Marriage And The Purposes Of God
    3. Marriage And The Kingdom Of God
    4. Marriage And The Submission Of God’s People
    5. Marriage And The Loving Authority Of Christ
    Part Two: Gospel-Centred Relationships
    6. Grace
    7. Love
    8. Conflict
    9. Reconciliation
    10. Forgiveness
    Part Three: Gospel-Centred Sex
    11. Enjoying Good Sex
    12. Pursuing Good Sex
    13. Transforming Bad Sex
    14. Gospel-centred Beauty
    15. Marriage Is Not Forever
    Further Reading

    Additional Info
    Most of what the Bible has to say about marriage does not come flagged up under a heading of “marriage”. It’s not just the famous “marriage passages” that shape a gospel-centred marriage, but the whole Bible-story of God’s good creation, humanity’s wicked rebellion and God’s gracious redemption.

    To understand why marriages struggle-as they all do-we need to understand the nature of our sin. To make marriages work, we need to understand how to apply the truth about God and His salvation.

    This study guide on Christian marriage focuses on how the Gospel shapes the practical realities of everyday life. Author Tim Chester lifts the lid on many of the common pressure points that modern couples face, and shows how a proper understanding of the Gospel can shape a response.

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  • Christ In The Chaos


    Moms: Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop striving to meet false expectations. Stop thinking your performance dictates your worth.

    For far too long mothers have been beaten down by the law of “do better” and “try harder.” The burden of “getting it right” threatens to crush weary souls who desire to serve their families faithfully. Christ in the Chaos brings comfort to conflicted hearts that are starved of grace and longing for the freedom in Christ the Bible promises.

    In this book, Kimm Crandall emphasizes the importance of the gospel and how Christ’s life, death, and resurrection change every aspect of motherhood. From finding our identity in Christ and understanding God’s grace to taking off the mask of acceptability and dealing with the comparison crud, this book will free you to serve your family knowing that his love for you does not change based on your performance.

    Christ in the Chaos is a “must read” for every mother who longs for what is seemingly impossible: peace and freedom in the midst of her chaos.

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  • Love Dare (Revised)


    Unconditional love is eagerly promised at weddings, but rarely practiced in real life. As a result, romantic hopes are often replaced with disappointment in the home. But it doesn’t have to stay that way.The Love Dare, the New York Times No. 1 best seller that has sold five million copies and was major plot device in the popular movie Fireproof, is a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. It’s time to learn the keys to finding true intimacy and developing a dynamic marriage.This second edition features a special link to a free marriage assessment survey, a new preface by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, minor text updates, and select testimonials from The Love Dare readers. Take the dare!

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  • Beyond Ordinary : When A Good Marriage Just Isnt Good Enough


    How safe is your marriage? The answer may surprise you. The biggest threat to any marriage isn’t infidelity or miscommunication. The greatest enemy is ordinary. Ordinary marriages lose hope. Ordinary marriages lack vision. Ordinary marriages give in to compromise. Ordinary is the belief that this is as good as it will ever get. And when we begin to settle for ordinary, it’s easy to move from “I do” to “I’m done.”Justin and Trisha Davis know just how dangerous ordinary can be. In this beautifully written book, Justin and Trisha take us inside the slow fade that occurred in their own marriage-each telling the story from their own perspective. Together, they reveal the mistakes they made, the work they avoided, the thoughts and feelings that led to an affair and near divorce, and finally, the heart-change that had to occur in both of them before they could experience the hope, healing, and restoration of a truly extraordinary marriage.

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  • Nonprescription Drugs In Pregnancy


    A Smart Start Press Title

    Many women of child-bearing age buy over-the-counter medications for a variety of disorders, such as seasonal allergies, colds, headaches, and others. Whether planning their pregnancy or already pregnant, they want to know if these nonprescription drugs are safe for unborn babies. All nonprescription drugs contain one or more active ingredients that treat the patient’s symptoms and are actually drugs themselves. Twenty to thirty years ago, many of these active ingredients were FDA-approved prescription drugs. At the time, those prescription drugs were assigned a Pregnancy Risk Category: A, B, C, D, or X. Although some of these drugs switched from prescription to nonprescription status, meaning they could be sold over-the-counter, their Pregnancy Risk Categories still applied. This unique book contains the FDA’s Pregnancy Risk Categories for the active ingredients in five hundred nonprescription drugs, and includes a procedure for locating risk categories for any drug that isn’t in the book.

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  • Excellence In Marriage


    Married and Happy?

    Yes, it is possible! Your marriage can be all that you ever dreamed it would be-no matter what season you are in. In this honest, open, down-to-earth book, Diane Hampton explores the wonders of married life, as well as the woes. For those who want make their marriages better, Excellence in Marriage offers life-changing principles that are easy to put into practice.

    Learn to live in true unity by using these biblical principles. Enduring love, stored-up treasures, intimate communication, and true forgiveness are just a few of the marital building blocks you will be able to establish in your home. Your marriage can be transformed and flourish, far exceeding the expectations you had on your wedding day.

    Are you ready to be blessed with the “marriage made in heaven” that God desires for you? Keep reading-this book has the answers!

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  • 4 Seasons Of Marriage


    Spring, summer, winter, fall. Marriages are perpetually in a state of transition, continually moving from one season to another-perhaps not annually, as in nature, but just as certainly and consistently. Sometimes we find ourselves in winter-discouraged, detached, and dissatisfied; other times, we experience springtime with its openness, hope, and anticipation. On other occasions, we bask in the warmth of summer-comfortable, relaxed, enjoying life. And then comes fall with its uncertainty, negligence, and apprehension. The cycle repeats itself many times throughout the life of a marriage, just as the seasons repeat themselves in nature.

    The seasons of marriage come and go. Each one holds the potential for emotional health and happiness, and each one has its challenges. The purpose of this book is to describe these recurring seasons of marriage, help you and your spouse identify which season your marriage is in, and show you how to enhance your marriage in all four seasons.

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  • This Momentary Marriage


    The chasm between the biblical vision of marriage and the common human conception is-and has always been-gargantuan. Reflecting on over forty years of matrimony, John Piper exalts the biblical meaning of marriage over its emotion, exhorting couples to keep their covenant as a display of Christ’s covenant-keeping love for the church. He aims to lift the church’s low view of marriage to something infinitely greater, namely, a vision of Jesus’s unswerving allegiance to and affection for his bride. This Momentary Marriage unpacks the biblical vision, its unexpected contours, and its weighty implications for married, single, divorced, and remarried alike. Now available in paperback with a freshly redesigned cover, Piper’s book on marriage holds even greater appeal.

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  • Baby Names : Thousands Of Names And Their Meanings


    The First Gift You Give Your Child

    To help you in the wonderful and important task of naming your child, Baby Names provides a comprehensive listing of great choices for any boy or girl-from Aaron to Zuwena-with plenty of variety in between. In addition to its extensive list of names, this book also includes…
    *Origins and meanings of a wide selection of names
    *Ideas for creating a name specifically suited for your child
    *Some of the greatest Bible names found in Scripture
    *Alternative spellings and variations of popular names
    *Things to avoid when naming your baby
    *Helpful sidebars highlighting accomplishments of famous Christians

    Baby Names will be an invaluable resource in your family for one of the most cherished decisions you’ll ever make as a parent!

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  • Ceremony Of Marriage (Reprinted)


    The marriage union is the closest relationship that can exist between two human beings. When a man and woman decide to join together in marriage, they should do so with full realization of their responsibilities. Marriage is serious business.

    This booklet contains the wedding ceremony that Kenneth Copeland uses as a minister of God. It is based totally and completely on the Word of God.

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