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Category: Christian Living

  • Contador De Historias – (Spanish)


    Todos buscamos la grandeza. Y el exito que alcanzamos depende de la narrativa que escuchamos.

    Luis Garcia ejerce como ejecutivo de una importante multinacional. Su vida es, para cualquiera que la contemple desde afuera, un exito absoluto. Reconocido, laureado, con una altisima remuneracion economica, Luis Garcia toca la gloria con ambas manos. Sin embargo, poco despues de alcanzar uno de sus maximos logros empresariales, su existencia se quiebra, y conoce el amargo sabor de la bancarrota fisica, emocional y familiar.

    Esa crisis lo hace recalar en un tranquilo pueblito de la costa. Alli llega abatido y absolutamente desanimado, pero tendra un encuentro que cambiara su vida para siempre. La experiencia que vive lo conducira a la verdadera cumbre, y le hara conocer que es y como es la autentica grandeza.

    El Contador de Historias es un libro realista que aborda las claves fundamentales del verdadero liderazgo. A traves de una narrativa agil, dinamica y llena de giros inesperados, Jose Luis Navajo lleva al lector en un viaje cargado de suspenso, donde reira, reflexionara y, sobre todo, encontrara las claves y diferencias entre ser activo y ser efectivo. De asombrar a transformar, y del liderazgo de imposicion al liderazgo de influencia.

    We all strive for greatness. And the success we accomplish breaks forth from the narrative we hear.

    Luis Garcia is a top executive at a multinational company. For anybody who sees him from the outside, he is an absolute success. Awarded, recognized, highly paid, Luis Garcia reaches the sky. However, right after one of his biggest business achievements, his life goes into burnout, and he goes financially, emotionally, and relationally bankrupt. The crisis takes him to a peaceful coastal town. When he arrives, he is depressed and downhearted, but one encounter soon changes his life. He soon learns what authentic greatness is all about.

    The Storyteller is a realistic book about the core foundations of true leadership. Through an agile, witty, and dynamic storytelling technique, full of unexpected twists, Jose Luis Navajo takes the reader on a ride charged with suspense, humor, and thought-provoking ideas. Most importantly, during the ride the reader, too, will find the difference between being active and being effective and move from amazement to transformation; from impositional leadership to influential leadership.

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  • Personas Inesperadas – (Spanish)


    Este libro te llevara a un nuevo nivel de confianza en ti mismo, y te movera a re-escribir tu historia. Con demasiada frecuencia encogemos nuestros sueos al tamao de nuestros recursos. Sin embargo, cuando te enfocas en tus sueos intencionalmente, muchas cosas van a ocurrir. Esta es una historia de grandes victorias contra obstaculos que parecian insalvables. Puede ser tu historia; esa que te cuentas a ti mismo, de ti mismo.

    Personas inesperadas cambian el mundo responde las siguientes preguntas:
    *Estoy viviendo mi vida a mi maxima capacidad?
    *Cual es el proposito mayor de mi vida?
    *Como escapo paras perseguir mis sueos?
    *Como construyo una vida que impacte mi mundo?

    Piensa profundamente. Ora fuertemente. Actua agresivamente. Nunca te rindas.
    Exito es el resultado de la constancia de proposito. Personas inesperadas cambian el mundo, porque estan dispuestas a pagar el precio.

    A captivating story of endurance and victory against overwhelming obstacles. The discovery of a man’s identity against the backdrop of slavery, negative forces, and a world in turmoil. Stories that every man will identify with-to discover a new source of strength for himself.

    Here is a book that will release a new level of confidence in men, that will stir the hearts of those who desire to live full out. Here is your new narrative! Just a Bartender answers the age-old questions:
    *Am I living life at my full capacity?
    *What is the larger purpose of my life?
    *How do I break out and go after my dreams?
    *How do I build a life that counts?

    A man’s definition becomes the center of his decisions. What a man does with his hands starts in his heart. Here’s how to achieve your deepest desires. Here’s how to make your story the one you’ve always wanted.

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  • Ultima Flecha – (Spanish)


    Cuando llegues al final de tus dias, no mediras el valor de tu vida a base de exitos y fracasos. Todo eso comenzara a difuminarse en una sola memoria llamada “vida”. Lo que te dara consuelo, o te perseguira hasta tu ultimo suspiro, es lo que pudiste haber hecho, pero no hiciste; lo que pudiste haber sido, pero nunca llegaste a ser; la vida que hubieras podido vivir que nunca viviste.

    Este libro es un mapa que desafia probabilidades y altera destinos. Descubre los atributos de quienes desafian la mediocridad, a medida que Erwin Raphael McManus examina las caracteristicas de aquellos que arriesgaron todo por una vida que tan solo podian imaginar. Imaginate viviendo la vida que estabas convencido de que tan solo era un sueo.

    Todos comenzamos esta vida con una vaina llena de flechas. La eleccion es tuya. Te aferras a tus flechas, o las arriesgas todas optando por vivir hasta que no te queda nada que dar?

    When you come to the end of your days, you will not measure your life based on success and failures. All of those will eventually blur together into a single memory called “life.” What will give you solace is a life with nothing left undone. One that’s been lived with relentless ambition, a heart on fire, and with no regrets. On the other hand, what will haunt you until your final breath is who you could have been but never became and what you could have done but never did.

    The Last Arrow is your roadmap to a life that defies odds and alters destinies. Discover the attributes of those who break the gravitational pull of mediocrity as Erwin McManus examines the characteristics of individuals who risked everything for a life they could only imagine. Imagine living the life you were convinced was only a dream.

    We all begin this life with a quiver full of arrows. Now the choice is yours. Will you cling to your arrows or risk them all, opting to live until you have nothing left to give?

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  • Poder Creativo De Dios Obrara – (Spanish)


    !La Palabra de Dios es la cosa mas poderosa en el universo hoy en dia! Usted tiene la autoridad de dar una voz a Su Palabra.

    Mucha gente ha sido derrotada en vida porque ellos creyeron y hablaron las cosas equivocadas. Ellos han permitidos las palabras de su propio boca ponerlos en esclavitud.

    Dios creyo el universo por el hablarlo a la existencia. Dios le ha dado a usted la misma habilidad en la forma de Su Palabra. Para ser efectivo en vida usted debe hablar palabras de fe. Todo principio de fe, toda ley espiritual, toda promesa de Dios estuvo establecido para su crecimiento. Dios estructuro Su Palabra para imponerle a usted en vida.

    In este libro, usted puede aprender como liberar la habilidad de Dios por las palabras de su boca.

    Las palabras llenas de temor le derrotara a usted. !Pero las palabras llenas de fe se le impondran!

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  • Danza Divina – (Spanish)


    La Trinidad es la doctrina central de todo nuestro sistema de creencias cristiano. Sin embargo, a menudo nos dicen que no debemos intentar entenderla, porque es un “misterio”. La Danza Divina explora ese misterio, demostrando como una concepcion mas profunda del Padre, el Hijo y el Espiritu Santo transformara nuestra relacion con Dios, y renovara nuestras vidas.

    Invitation to a Dance

    The Trinity is supposed to be the central, foundational doctrine of our entire Christian belief system, yet we’re often told that we shouldn’t attempt to understand it because it is a “mystery.” Should we presume to try to breach this mystery? If we could, how would it transform our relationship with God and renew our lives?

    The word Trinity is not found in the New Testament-it wasn’t until the third century that early Christian father Tertullian coined it-but the idea of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was present in Jesus’ life and teachings and from the very beginning of the Christian experience.

    In the pages of this book, internationally recognized teacher Richard Rohr circles around this most paradoxical idea as he explores the nature of God-circling around being an apt metaphor for this mystery we’re trying to apprehend. Early Christians who came to be known as the “Desert Mothers and Fathers” applied the Greek verb perichoresis to the mystery of the Trinity. The best translation of this odd-sounding word is dancing. Our word choreography comes from the same root. Although these early Christians gave us some highly conceptualized thinking on the life of the Trinity, the best they could say, again and again, was, Whatever is going on in God is a flow-it’s like a dance.

    But God is not a dancer-He is the dance itself. That idea might sound novel, but it is about as traditional as you can get. God is the dance itself, and He invites you to be a part of that dance. Are you ready to join in?

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  • Principios Y Poder De La Sabid – (Spanish)


    Se ha dicho que la diferencia principal entre ganadores y perdedores es su perspectiva. La mejor posibilidad de tener exito en el negocio, en el gobierno, en la familia-en cualquier ambito de la vida-es desarrollar una perspectiva que mejore la que ya traemos a la mesa. Esa perspectiva unica es una perspectiva dirigida por la sabiduria. El empresario y lider civico Dale Bronner ha estudiado, probado, y aplicado los principios de la sabiduria. Con la vision que ha recibido, ha ayudado a miles a aprender como expresar al maximo sus capacidades. Principios y Poder de la Sabiduria te guia hacia los innumerables beneficios de la vida dirigida por la sabiduria, demostrando por que la sabiduria es “lo principal”.

    It has been said that the primary difference between winners and losers is their perspective. The best chance of real success in business, in government, in the family-in any realm of life-is to develop a perspective that will enhance what we already bring to the table. That unique outlook is a wisdom-driven perspective. Businessman and civic leader Dr. Dale Bronner has studied, tested, and applied the principles of wisdom. With the insights he has gleaned, he has helped thousands learn how to realize their maximum capacities. Power Principles guides you into the countless benefits of the wisdom-driven life, demonstrating why wisdom is the “principle thing.”

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  • Venciendo Enemigo – (Spanish)


    When was the last time a Christian hurt you?

    The demonic trio of slander, gossip, and offense has gained huge momentum both in our society and in the church. They ruin marriages, relationships, destroy churches, and discredit those in spiritual leadership. Even worse, instead of fighting them, believers daily aid these spirits. And daily, other believers fall victim.

    Satan’s favorite lie is that spiritual attacks always come from outside-that Christians can’t hurt each other. But when Pastor Kynan Bridges rips the mask off of the accuser, the truth is revealed: Satan’s spirits of slander, gossip, and offense are using believers themselves to infect the church with bitterness and spiritual disease. Using a careful study of the Word of God, Pastor Kynan shows how to fight back and find unity in Christ.

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  • Hijos Exitosos – (Spanish)


    Si maana fuera tu ultimo dia en la tierra, que les ensearias a tus hijos? Todo padre, durante su vida, ha aprendido lecciones que les aseguraria el exito a sus hijos si las compartiera con ellos.

    El Dr. Sixto Porras, en sus experiencias interviniendo en relaciones entre padres e hijos, ha descubierto un detalle unico. Aun cuando los padres educan a sus hijos y son su ejemplo, se les escapa sembrar en ellos aquellos aprendizajes recibidos de la vida misma, que les dieron, fuerza, aplomo, y grandes resultados. Esas experiencias que se convirtieron en sabiduria es lo que tus hijos necesitan oir para alcanzar el exito. Sixto Porras, con el profundo conocimiento que le caracteriza, te invita a pensar: Que le ensearias a tu hijo sobre la vida, que le sirva para alcanzar la vida que desea? Cuales son las lecciones que no debes irte sin compartir?

    If tomorrow were your last day here, what would you teach your children? Every parent, as life goes on, has learned some lesson that would help his children to live a successful life, if they only knew.

    Dr. Sixto Porras, through his experiences with parent-child relationships, has discovered a unique truth: Even when parents are good role models and educate their children faithfully, they rarely consider imprinting their children with the life lessons that shaped their characters for good and helped them to live better. Life experiences that turned into wisdom are exactly the lessons your children need to learn in order to conquer life. That is real life wisdom; they should not miss it. Sixto Porras challenges you to ask yourself: What should you teach your children about life to ensure they will live successfully? What are the lessons you cannot afford not to share with them?

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  • Sin Rival – (Spanish)


    Hay una razon por la cual nos miramos unos a otros como rivales, y nos limitamos a compararnos y competir. Tenemos un enemigo atacando nuestra mente, nuestra voluntad y muestras emociones, con la esperanza de que nos tornemos uno contra otro, y contra nosotras mismas. Es un ciclo que nos aisla de conexiones intimas, crea confusion sobre nuestra identidad, y limita nuestro proposito.

    En Sin Rival, la autora de exitos de ventas Lisa Bevere, comparte como una revelacion del amor de Dios rompe estos limites. Aprenderas como dejar de ver a otros como rivales, y hacer las conexiones profundas con tu Creador que tu deseas; conexiones que tienen la promesa de identidad e intimidad verdaderas. Con sabias enseanzas biblicas llenas de vision profetica para nuestros dias, Lisa usa el humor y la pasion para desafiarte a:
    *Darle la vuelta a la rivalidad para que saque lo mejor en ti
    *Dejar de esconderte de conversaciones de las que necesitas ser parte
    *Responder al argumento de que las mujeres son ineptas, faciles de engaar, y credulas
    *Desarma la rivalidad de genero, y trabaja con los hombres en tu vida
    *Es tiempo de dar el paso adelante para vivir una vida sin rival.

    In this day of challenge and opportunity, women have been the victims of constant comparison and rivalry. It has robbed the church of the feminine voice and contribution that would make her strong.

    In a wild, vibrant, and relatable style, Lisa challenges women to:
    *embrace the fact that God loves us uniquely rather than equally
    *realize their undisputed calling
    *reconnect to their divine identity
    *dismantle the rivalries that keep us from God’s fullness

    There has never been a more desperate need for each of us to discover who and why we are a daughter without rival, loved by a God without rival, entrusted with a promise without rival, to complete an assignment without rival, that is destined for an eternity without rival.

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  • Oracion Familiar Al Alcance De – (Spanish)


    La Oracion Familiar al Alcance de Todos es un manual practico para orar juntos como familia en tan solo diez devocionales enfocados. Incluye maneras sencillas de unirse en oracion, historias para compartir con nios de todas las edades, escrituras sobre la oracion y las promesas de Dios, y 100 ideas interactivas para la oracion y la adoracion familiar.

    Family Prayer Made Easy is a practical guide for praying together as a family in just ten focused devotions. It includes simple ways to come together in prayer, stories to share with children of all ages, Scriptures on prayer and God’s promises, and 100 interactive ideas for prayer and family worship.

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  • Tribunal De Cristo – (Spanish)


    From the Lost Treasures Series Rediscover the amazing TRUTHS that surround the Judgment Seat of Christ, one of the great forgotten treasures of Scripture. It is a theme central to the doctrine of the New Testament authors and especially to Jesus Christ Himself. Yet it is often missing in modern preaching and teaching. RECEIVE a life-changing eternal perspective! Once awakened to this theme, it will be hard to read even one page of the New Testament without seeing it plainly, or feeling its influence.THIS is REAL. How you live matters. What you do matters. THIS is what you NEED to KNOW before you GO into ETERNITY!

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  • Lave A Lo Milagroso – (Spanish)


    Unlocking the Miraculous contains power-filled chapters such as Prayer that Opens Doors, Praying Under an Open Heaven and Prayer that Releases the Miraculous and much more. It is studded with spiritual truths and the insights of a man who knows that there are no limits to what God can do if we, his children, come before him in prayer. For the author, the only thing worse than prayer-less-ness is prayer without expectation. Intercession is not a human invention; it is God’s idea. He has called us to partner with him in prayer, believing in faith. This book is for those who desire to enter into this divine partnership and join the prayer revolution.

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