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9781433557378 Biggest Story Bible Storybook

Biggest Story Bible Storybook

The Bible Is a BIG book that tells the BIGGEST story.

The Bible is a big book about a great God. From beginning to end, each page tells about the God who created the world, acted in history, and continues to act in the present. In The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, pastor Kevin DeYoung retells this grand story for children ages 6-12 through 104 short chapters.

Beginning in Genesis and ending with Revelation, DeYoung provides engaging retellings of various Bible stories, explaining how they fit into the overarching storyline. Each reading is coupled with beautiful illustrations by award-winning artist Don Clark and concludes with a reflective prayer. Perfect for bedtime stories or to read together as a family, both children and parents alike will experience afresh the captivating story of the Bible in an easy-to-understand, compelling way.

9781433558184 Biggest Story ABCs

Biggest Story ABCs

From Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden to Zion and the new creation, the Bible is telling one big story-the story of God’s promise to deliver his people. Kevin DeYoung, best-selling author of The Biggest Story, has written a new board book to help kids ages 1 to 3 to make connections from Genesis to Revelation and from A to Z. Each page introduces a new letter of the alphabet with engaging and whimsical illustrations from award-winning artist Don Clark, retelling the biblical narrative in one continuous story. This board book is a fun way for parents to introduce their small children to the big story of the Bible.

9781433542442 Biggest Story : How The Snake Crusher Brings Us Back To The Garden

Biggest Story : How The Snake Crusher Brings Us Back To The Garden

The burning bush. David and Goliath. Joseph and the coat of many colors. The Bible is full of classic stories that fill children with awe and wonder. But kids need to know how all those beloved stories connect to Scripture’s overarching message about God’s love for the world. In The Biggest Story, best-selling author and father of six, Kevin DeYoung, leads readers on an exciting journey through the Bible, connecting the dots from the garden of Eden to the return of Christ. Short and extremely readable, this imaginative retelling of the biblical narrative can be read in one sitting and features action-packed illustrations that will bring the message of the Bible to life for the whole family.

9781496450371 Blank Canvas : The Amazing Story Of A Woman Who Awoke From A Coma To A Life

Blank Canvas : The Amazing Story Of A Woman Who Awoke From A Coma To A Life

When Marcy Gregg awoke from a coma, 13 years had vanished from her memory.
She was 30 years old; she thought she was still 17. She didn’t recognize the man who introduced himself as her husband. She stared at pictures of the three children they said were hers, trying desperately to remember them, but her mind was blank.

Terrified and confused, Marcy did the only thing she could think of: she faked it. She told the doctors she was starting to remember and bluffed her way through visits from friends and family. Against all odds, it worked: she was released to a home, family, and life she should have known intimately–but seemed to be a stranger’s. How was she going to pull off the biggest acting challenge imaginable–and would her memories ever return?

Ghost Boy meets What Alice Forgot in this amazing true story of a woman who lost herself and tried to fight her way back on her own–but who found unexpected beauty in hope, faith, and second chances.

9781642960136 What If : My Story Of Believing God For More Always More

What If : My Story Of Believing God For More Always More

An ARC Resources Title

Find a need… We need great stories to inspire us, and this is certainly one of them. From crusade tents to “Johnny Cash and The World’s Biggest Sunday School” to 400,000 at an evangelistic event in Bangalore, India, to Dream Centers being established all over the world, Tommy Barnett has seen God do amazing things. Tommy’s God-given passion is to find a need and fill it, find a hurt and heal it. In this book, he looks back over a lifetime of walking with God, being directed by the Spirit, and boldly taking risks to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Along the way, he has built great churches and organizations to meet the crushing needs of broken people and restore those who have strayed far from God. Every moment of every day, Tommy has always been ready to share the love of Jesus. This is his amazing story.

9781641233170 Courage : Winning Life's Biggest Battles

Courage : Winning Life’s Biggest Battles

Courage is a call to men who want to be champions, a daring challenge to young men who want to be a success in life, a rousing cry for mature men to come alive again!

From the acrid streets of New York to the arid deserts of Namibia to the airless mountains of Nepal, men worldwide, both young and old, are fighting a war waged against them, both physically and spiritually. Learn how to fight an enemy that would emasculate your manhood, shame your God-given ambitions, mock your ego-mastery, and try to make you a wimp.

More than ever before in history, young men today must be trained to be men and have the courage to life in that manhood. If you have the guts to do more than wallow in a moral morass of mediocrity, this book if for you!

Don’t waste your youth! Live your God-given dreams! This book will train you in manhood, in responsibility, in maturity, and in warfare. The only question is: Do you have the courage to read it?

9781433593796 Not So Secret Secret To Reaching The Next Generation

Not So Secret Secret To Reaching The Next Generation

5 Christlike Ways to Inspire the Next Generation for Christ

Church leaders are continuously concerned they might lose the next generation of faithful believers. They’ve scoured for practical and effective ways to disciple young Christians, often resorting to adopting new and exciting programs, emotional appeals, or mere moralism. However helpful these attempts are, they all too often lack one critical element-Christ.

In this concise booklet, bestselling author Kevin DeYoung presents 5 Christlike ways to effectively communicate the Christian faith and practice with the next generation. DeYoung reminds leaders that they won’t ultimately impact young hearts with cleverness, humor, or good looks but by walking with Jesus and following his ways-grab them with passion, win them with love, hold them with holiness, challenge them with truth, and amaze them with God.

*How to Reach the Next Generation of Christians: Unpacks 5 practical and biblically sound points to lead the next generation to Christ

*Useful for Church Leaders: Pastors, youth workers, campus staff, and anyone else who wants to pass the faith on to the next generation

*Written by Bestselling Author Kevin DeYoung: Author of Just Do Something; Impossible Christianity; and The Biggest Story

*Concise Repack: This portion was originally published within Don’t Call It a Comeback by Kevin DeYoung, ed.

9781641239448 Cristina Emprende - (Spanish)

Cristina Emprende – (Spanish)

La protagonista del cuarto cuento de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes es Cristina, de 12 anos, cursando el septimo grado. Es bajita de estatura, su pelo es largo de color marron claro. Tiene los ojos de tono “Hazel” y usa espejuelos. Es una nia amorosa, organizada y determinada, pero su mayor reto es su miedo a quedarse sin nada. Necesita superar las distracciones, la ansiedad y el miedo. Aunque la determinacion es su mayor fortaleza, su mayor miedo es que su familia se quede sin dinero y que su tienda no funcione. Como podra Cristina superar sus temores?

The main character of the fourth story in the Brave Young Girls Series is Cristina, 12 years old, attending the seventh grade. She is short in height, her hair is long light brown. She has hazel eyes and wears glasses. She is a loving, organized and determined girl, but her biggest challenge is her fear of being left with nothing. She needs to overcome distractions, anxiety, and fear. Although her determination is her greatest strength, her greatest fear is that her family will run out of money and their store will fail. Will Cristina be able to overcome her fears?

9781646070169 Land Of The Lost

Land Of The Lost

When the kids step into the Imagination Station, they travel back in time and across the world with cousins Patrick and Beth. Each book is historically accurate, and readers will grow in their faith and knowledge of big historical events as they race through each unforgettable story.

Lions and tigers and . . . oh my, are those . . . giants? Cousins Patrick and Beth knew their next adventure in Mr. Whittaker’s Imagination Station was going to be epic, but this one may be their biggest one yet. They’re off to meet one of the most famous families in the Bible-Noah, his wife, and their sons! Can they help them round up the different animals before the rain starts falling?

9781641239417 Mariana Se Valora - (Spanish)

Mariana Se Valora – (Spanish)

Valorarse a si misma, soar, crear y emprender son etapas que cada mujer debe vivir para auto realizarse. Por eso es tan importante que las nias y jovencitas aprendan a desarrollarlas desde temprana edad. La Serie Jovencitas Valientes, nuevo proyecto de la autora Omayra Font, surge de querer cumplir ese proposito. Los personajes de esta serie fueron creados con la participacion de las cuatro hijas de la autora, junto a su propia experiencia de vida y lo que ella conoce como necesidades de las nias en la preadolescencia. Los nombres de las protagonistas aluden a las mujeres que han colaborado con ella en la realizacion de su sueo de ser escritora.

El primer cuento de la serie es Mariana se valora. Mariana, una jovencita de 12 aos, estudiante de septimo grado, tiene cabello rizo largo y negro, ojos claros y grandes, y pecas. Aunque siempre quiere ayudar a los demas, su mayor miedo es que nadie la acepte tal cual es. Teme decir lo que piensa, se deja llevar por otros y es testaruda. Ama a las personas, las hace sentir bien, y sabe escuchar. El compararse con todo el mundo, sus amigas y hermana ha causado inseguridades en ella donde no se siente bonita, no se atreve a expresarse, y la timidez le impide hacer cosas que le gustaria hacer. Conoces alguna “Mariana”?

Valuing herself, dreaming, creating and becoming an entrepreneur are stages that each woman must live in order to fulfill herself. That is why it is so important that girls and young women learn to develop these stages from an early age. The Brave Young Girls Series, a new project by author Omayra Font, arises from wanting to fulfill that purpose. The characters in this series were created with the participation of the author’s four daughters, along with her own life experience and what she knows as the needs of pre-teen girls. The names of her main characters allude to the women who have collaborated with her in the realization of her dream of being a writer.

The first story in the series is Mariana values herself. Mariana, a 12-year-old seventh grader, has long black curly hair, large, light eyes, and freckles. Although she always wants to help others, her biggest fear is that no one will accept her as she is. She is afraid to say what she thinks, she gets carried away by others and is stubborn. She loves people, makes them feel good, and knows how to listen. Comparing herself to everyone, her friends and her sister has caused insecurities in her where she doesn’t feel pretty, she does


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