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Showing 6373–6384 of 8105 resultsSorted by latest
Is Forgiveness Really Free
1. Is Forgiveness Really Free?
2. A Precious Word
3. If It’s Free, Is It Worth Anything?
4. How Does Grace Change Me?
5. What Place Does OT Law Have In The Life Of Grace?
6. How Does Grace Change Us?
7. Why Does God Give Grace To Some And Not Others?
ConclusionAdditional Info
We’re saved by the free gift of God – but how free is that gift when our lives are demanded in return?
Many Christians are confused by the relationship between the Grace of God, and the role of laws and commands in the Christian life. What does it mean to live a life of grace? How does Grace help us grow? And are we “once saved always saved?” In this short, readable book, Michael Jensen explores the Bible’s teaching on these important questions and delivers some surprising conclusions.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Romans 1-7 : The Gift Of God (Student/Study Guide)
$8.99We want to be right in the eyes of the law of our land, of those we respect, of our loved ones, of those we work with. We strive to gain and then keep this right standing.
But there is another, far better and more important righteousness. A righteousness which changes and liberates every aspect of our lives, and yet which none of us can earn or maintain ourselves.
It s a righteousness from God.
Romans 1 7 is all about that righteousness. It shows us why we don t have it, why we need it, and how we can receive it. It thrills us that the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6 v 23).
These seven studies will help you to understand one of the most-read, most written-about parts of the Bible. And, as they enable you to you unwrap God s precious gift of right standing with him, they ll transform your hearts, lives, identities and perspectives.
For use with individuals or groups.
Leader’s Guide included.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Romans 1-7 For You (Student/Study Guide)
$17.99Join Dr Timothy Keller as he opens up the first half of the book of Romans, helping you to get to grips with its meaning and showing how it transforms our hearts and lives today.
Written for people of every age and stage, from enquirers to new believers to pastors and teachers, this flexible resource is for you to: READ: As a guide to this wonderful letter, helping you appreciate the great gift of righteousness with God. FEED: As a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you read and meditate on this portion of God s word. LEAD: As notes to aid you in explaining, illustrating and applying Romans 1 7 as you preach or lead a Bible study. Whoever you are, and however you use it, this is… Romans 1-7 For YouAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Transformacion Sobrenatural – (Spanish)
$16.99Cada problema espiritual, mental y emocional, y muchos fisicos, esta arraigado en el corazon. El estado de nuestro corazon espiritual afecta a todos los aspectos de nuestra vida diaria. Por lo tanto, la condicion de nuestro corazon sera la condicion de nuestra vida. Acompae al Pastor Maldonado en un viaje de descubrimiento del proposito, los motivos y el potencial de nuestro corazon espiritual.
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Supernatural Transformation
$16.99The central organ of the human body is the heart. It circulates the blood throughout the whole bodily system, pumping oxygen and nutrients to the other organs and pulling toxins away from them.
Yet we human beings have another “heart”-a spiritual one-that is the true center of our existence. Our spiritual heart is our identity. It is the foundation of our whole being, from which our desires, designs, purposes, will, thoughts, and attitudes originate.
Yet, as a result of the fall and our sinful nature, we all have symptoms of “heart disease,” and we need to know how to become spiritually heart-healthy. As the Scriptures say, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Every spiritual, mental, and emotional matter-and many physical ones-is rooted in the heart. The state of our spiritual heart affects all aspects of our daily living. Therefore, the condition of our heart will be the condition of our life.
Join Apostle Maldonado in a journey of discovery into the purpose, motivations, and potential of our spiritual heart. God wants us to understand how, in Christ, our heart is designed to “pump” life to our entire being-producing mental, emotional, and physical health and removing the toxins of sin.
We were created to reflect the heart of our heavenly Father. And God is ready even now to change our heart to be like His through a supernatural transformation!
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Como Probar Un Espiritu – (Spanish)
$14.99A fin de caminar en la verdad y evitar ser engaados por filosofias mundanas y ataques satanicos, debemos probar los espiritus para ver si son de Dios, segun el mandato de 1 Juan 4:1. Muchos creyentes son conscientes de este mandamiento pero no saben como probar los espiritus. Por donde comienzan?
Si es usted una de esas personas, no se preocupe. !Este libro puede ayudar! Mary Garrison ha compilado una guia de los principales espiritus malos que estan obrando en nuestro mundo actualmente, para que usted pueda identificarlos y eliminarlos de su vida y de las vidas de otros. En este libro aprendera…
*Los nombres biblicos de los principales espiritus malos
*Los frutos de esos espiritus
*Las tacticas que utilizan en las vidas de los creyentes
*Metodos biblicos para vencerlos
*Como vivir en victoria sobre el malignoNo continue siendo engaado. Aprenda a probar los espiritus y camine en la victoria que Cristo ha comprado para usted en la cruz. Usted fue creado para caminar en la verdad, !y la verdad le hara libre!
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Realidades De La Nueva Creacio – (Spanish)
$16.99Hemos encontrado el secreto que los psicologos han buscado por tanto tiempo. Es el “hombre interior”; es el espiritu creado de nuevo; es el alma que ha sido cambiada por la obra redentora de Dios. Es la constante revelacion de quienes somos en Cristo hoy: quien El dice que somos y quien El nos ha hecho ser.
Los cuatro Evangelios describen el “caminar terrenal” del Maestro, pero las Epistolas paulinas nos dan una revelacion de lo que sucedio en la cruz y lo que significa para nosotros que Cristo fue resucitado de la muerte. Mediante esas cartas, obtenemos una imagen viva de la obra sustitutoria de Cristo: el marco legar de nuestra redencion.
En este importante libro, el Dr. E. W. Kenyon desgaja el proceso de la “nueva creacion”. Usted descubrira la verdad acerca de su nueva identidad en Cristo, y obtendra una imagen mas clara de lo que Dios ve en usted y lo que El piensa de usted.
Si alguna vez batalla con la culpa o la condenacion, o si alguna vez piensa que el amor de Dios es “demasiado bueno para ser verdad”, debe leer este libro. Vera por las palabras de la Escritura lo verdadero que es el amor de Dios por usted.
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Cloud Of Unknowing
$16.00Few things are as eternal in this world as man’s quest to better know and understand his Creator. Because the human mind is far too small to fully grasp the Almighty, believers who try to approach Him intellectually often “freeze up,” entering into a “cloud of unknowing.” But God is approachable.
The Cloud of Unknowing dates back as far as the fourteenth century and has inspired generations of seekers in their efforts to connect with God. Created as a primer to instruct young monks to develop techniques for encountering God, its tone is not academic or austere but rather a loving call for believers to grow closer to God through meditation and prayer.
If you desire to experience God in your heart, and yourself in God’s heart, The Cloud of Unknowing will be a book to read and reread for a lifetime.
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Coming One : What The Scripture Teaches About The End Times
$16.99Understanding God’s Plan
Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, which was, and which is to come. Revelation 1:4
Did the Lord Jesus Christ complete His work on earth during His first advent and leave to others the finishing of His great plan of redemption? Or did He simply accomplish the first stage of that great work? And is He coming back again in person to complete His glorious plan?
In this Christian classic, legendary author and pastor A. B. Simpson provides a thorough teaching on a topic that has been debated and theorized throughout history: the second coming of Jesus Christ. Among the topics Simpson addresses are…
The premillennial versus postmillennial theories
The church age
The world powers
The plan for Israel
The false prophet and the Antichrist
The great tribulation
The new heaven and earth
Signs of the end timesAs time grows short, it has never been more crucial for believers to understand God’s future plan as laid out in Scripture. We must be swift to hear His voice and obey His command so that we will be ready on that glorious day.
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Lives Of Fame And Shame
$14.99Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer presents biographical sketches of eleven men and women in a manner that provides both inspiration from their achievements and caution from their failures:
*David and Jonathan
*Timothy“Here are men and women of like passions as ourselves, and they appeal to the imagination of the average person today because of a similarity of experience. Like these ancient characters, we triumph by faith, as some of them did, or fail through disobedience and unbelief, as others did….The lives of men and women of old may be a continual inspiration or warning to us in these modern times.”
-Herbert LockyerAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Ultimate Security : Finding A Refuge In Difficult Times
$17.00Where do I find security?
Discovering the answer to that question is a universal quest. Mankind has addressed the basic human drive for security through such avenues as the police, the military, insurance policies, investments, and governmental social programs. These efforts cost billions of dollars each year.
Yet, in spite of our best attempts, in most instances, we are ultimately powerless to achieve real security. In fact, our only hope of attaining genuine security is to first come to grips with the fact that any man-made agency is powerless to provide it in the end. Many circumstances remain totally outside our control.
Thankfully, there is another source of security we can turn to-one that is completely different in nature and in the type of security it offers. This alternative source can provide both total and permanent security. What is it? It is the wisdom of God.
Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explores various ways in which God provides security, highlighting the conditions we must meet in order to qualify for His protection in each area of our lives-spiritual, physical, financial, and so forth-as well as be protected from fear and worry, discouragement and depression, and criticism and lies.
We must have a solid foundation that can endure the pressures and difficulties we inevitably face. That foundation is the Word of God and the wisdom it provides. God’s wisdom reveals His eternal nature, contains His everlasting counsel, and shows us the way through the shifting sands of time to the Eternal Rock upon which we can all build with absolute confidence.
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Halloween Harmless Fun Or Risky Business
$9.99Most people consider Halloween to be a harmless occasion for children to wear costumes and collect candy. But there is a lot more behind the holiday-both historical and spiritual-that Christians may want to consider before deciding how and if their children should participate. In this book, you will learn about many traditions and superstitions associated with Halloween, including:
*Trick-or-treating and jack-o’-lanterns
*Black cats and owls
*Fortune-tellers and psychics
*Wicca and witches
*Ghouls and zombiesJoin Diana Wallis Taylor in exploring the origins of Halloween customs and discovering what they mean for us today.
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