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    • Mans Greatest Challenge


      1. Walls
      2. Blueprint
      3. Wreckage
      4. Foundations
      5. Gang
      6. Cement
      7. Bricks

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      Ever wished you hadn’t lost control of your words, or your time, or your temper? Ever resolved not to do something ever again, only to slip back after a week or a month?
      Self-control. It’s every man’s greatest challenge.
      The Bible says that a man without self control is like a city without walls – defenceless in the face of attack. Lack of self-control is the weakness that lies beneath so many of our sins, from adultery and violence to the way we drive or fritter away our time.
      This book will show you why to, and how to, build self-control that lasts. In showing you what the Son of God has done for you, and what the Spirit of God is doing in you, it will equip you to become the man you want to be, and the man those around you need you to be.
      It’s time to start building.

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    • Purity Is Possible


      1. Beauty
      2. Fantasy
      3. Reality
      4. Factory
      5. Guilty
      6. Mercy
      7. Purity
      8. Liberty
      9. Intimacy

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      One in five Christian women use pornography. One in three visitors to a porn site is a woman. Many, many more women read explicit books like Fifty Shades of Grey. Even more than that write their own pornography – not on paper for publication, but in their heads for their own use.
      Helen Thorne knows all this because she’s done it.
      But no one talks about it. Our churches are silent on it. There are very few books about it. It is the unspoken struggle of thousands of Christian women – perhaps you, and probably someone you know.
      But no more. In this refreshingly honest, resolutely hope-filled and gospel-soaked book, Helen speaks the unspoken. In doing so, she shows how purity is better and more satisfying than fantasy – and that, whoever you are and whatever your struggles, that purity is possible.

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    • Epic Explorers Logbook (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Breathtaking Bay
      2. Discovery Dens
      3. Mysterious Mountain
      4. Captain’s Cave
      5. Rocky Road

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      The Epic Logbook is specially designed for 8-11s to use during Epic Explorers, the children’s edition of Christianity Explored. This full-colour activity booklet contains puzzles, quizzes and discussion questions for each of the five Epic Explorers sessions

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    • Epic Explorers Scratch Pad (Student/Study Guide)


      1. Breathtaking Bay
      2. Discovery Dens
      3. Mysterious Mountain
      4. Captain’s Cave
      5. Rocky Road

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      The Epic Scratch Pad is specially designed for 4-7s to use during Epic Explorers, the children’s edition of Christianity Explored. This full-colour activity booklet contains puzzles, quizzes and discussion questions for each of the five Epic Explorers sessions.

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    • Epic Explorers Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Section 1: How To Use Epic Explorers
      Section 2: Leader’s Guide
      Exploration Crafts, Games And Quiz Ideas
      1. Breathtaking Bay
      2. Discovery Dens
      3. Mysterious Mountain
      4. Captain’s Cave
      5. Rocky Road

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      Epic Explorers is a brand-new addition to the Christianity Explored range, specially designed for 4-11s. The five flexible sessions can be used for a holiday club, after-school club, or as an opportunity for children to invite friends to their church group.

      Epic Explorers takes children through Mark’s Gospel as they explore the life of Jesus together. On the way they will discover Who Jesus is, Why He came, and What it means to follow Him.

      The Leader’s Guide includes session outlines, talks, Bible discussion groups, and a wide range of linked games, crafts and activities. There are also suggestions for family events to help you build links with parents as well as their children.

      The Leader’s Guide is designed to use alongside two children’s booklets: the Epic Logbook for 8-11s, and Epic Scratch Pad for 4-7s.

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    • Engaging With Atheists


      1. Who Are The Atheists?
      2. Beliefs And Practices
      3. Engaging Personally
      4. Engaging With The Gospel
      5. Engaging With The Bible
      6. How Can A Church Engage?
      7. Conclusion And Resources

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      Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversation with atheists-believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and conversations about the Bible. How can we share God’s love with people who don’t even believe he’s there?!

      This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the questions and issues that atheists of various kinds have about Christian faith, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.

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    • Tricky : The Hardest Question To Ask A Christian And Some Answers


      1. Doesn’t Jesus Ruin Your Fun?
      2. In The End It’s Just A Matter Of Opinion, Isn’t It?
      3. How Can Anyone Believe Jesus Rose From The Dead?
      4. If Jesus Is Real, Why Is There So Much Suffering?
      5. Does Jesus Care About My Pain?
      6. Hasn’t Science Disproved God?
      7. What Does Jesus Really Think About Being Gay?
      8. Surely You Don’t Think There’s Only One True Religion?
      9. Why Should I Bother With Jesus?

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      This book does not try to sound clever, or win an argument. It does aim to to introduce people to Jesus and the answers he gives to the hard questions we ask.

      Many Christian young adults and teenagers have hard questions about their faith. Many non-Christians do, too. Michael and Carl take nine of the hardest, such as “Doesn’t Jesus ruin your fun?” “Why is there so much suffering?” and “What does Jesus really think about being gay?” These aren’t questions with easy answers; but, as they show, they are questions that have good answers. Written for people of all backgrounds and beliefs, it’s a book that is short but not simplistic, and clear but not condescending.

      If you are a Christian struggling with these issues… if you want to have confidence to talk to your friends about these things… or if you are a non-Christian who wants answers to the hardest questions you can ask… grab this book.

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    • Reluctant Caregiver : Navigating The Turmoil Of The Sandwich Generation


      Some say courage is fear that has said its prayers.

      Bobbi may be married with two grown children, but the child inside still fears and resents the attacks and tirades of her ninety-year-old mother, now afflicted with dementia. While still a teenager, Bobbi was disowned by her mother. How can she now take on the role of caregiver?

      Bobbi seeks escape from the task, but gradually realizes that Jesus has a greater goal in mind than teaching her to be a caregiver. Crisis after crisis forces Bobbi to turn to Jesus for help, all the while testing to see if his promises can be taken literally. Is he in charge? Will he work things out? Is his plan perfect?

      Nancy’s erratic behaviour and moods punctuate the ensuing year. Stripped of any illusion that she can cope on her own, Bobbi finds her faith rewarded in unpredictable ways. Her journey of anxiety and failure also comes with insights and small but important victories. She tells the story candidly, often humorously, as she comes to a deeper understanding of dementia, her mother, and most of all, Jesus.

      Read and weep. Laugh and pray. Gain courage and perspective of your own!

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    • Me I Can Make A Positive Difference


      Discover how you can make a positive difference wherever you are: in your home, in your local environment, and in your neighbouring community. It all starts with you. You can make a positive difference!

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    • Throwing Stones : A Book About Bullying


      While showing off for his bug friends, Leaping Larry jumps a little too high and a little too far, winding up in deep trouble.

      Boys and girls and parents, too, won’t believe who comes to the rescue in this heart-thumping Leaping Larry adventure.

      Written by Dr. Gary Benfield and illustrated by Chris Sharp the creators of Making New Friends, Throwing Stones and Turtles Are Really Cool! This is the fourth in a series of exciting Leaping Larry books. Join us, won’t you? There are lots more to come.

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    • Visions And Dreams


      Gary Oates Ministries Inc Publication

      Does God give visions to people today. Gary Oates says an emphatic “yes”. Not only is that true of believers but to unbelievers as well. Many of us have heard of incredibly dramatic stories of unbelievers and those of other religions living in remote areas of the world who have given their lives to Jesus directly as a result of experiencing a supernatural vision or dream. Unquestionably, most believers have had more supernatural encounters with God than they think they have. As well, many Christians have also had more visions and, for the most part, they didn’t realize those manifestations were from God. As new born believers in Jesus, most of us were satisfied with simply being able to see with our natural sight. Yet, there is another dimension. It is a place where God develops our spiritual sight-our sanctified imagination-and enables us to receive heavenly visions causing us to flow in supernatural manifestations from our Creator.

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    • James : Simply The Gospel


      It’s easy to get tangled up in the cares of this world and forget what’s important in life. When we lose sight of the big picture, James reminds us what truly matters: simply the gospel. He challenges us to be “doers of the Word, and not hearers only.” The gospel should define how we think, feel, and act.

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