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    • Shattering : An Encounter With Truth


      A paranormal encounter with a psychic relative convinced Jessica of a spiritual reality outside the bounds of her Christian upbringing, projecting her on an intense quest for spiritual truth. As the mysterious realm of energies and meditation opened before her, she expanded her practice by seeking in-depth training at a Buddhist Center in California, a meditation retreat in South America, and an ashram in India. After a decade of passionately pursing spirituality, she became a certified yoga teacher and a master level Reiki practitioner. Jessica then moved forward with her dream to share these teachings with others, but strange things began to occur. Before her business plan for an instruction center was completed, a terrifying and profound spiritual encounter shattered not only Jessica’s goals, but the very lens through which she viewed the world.

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    • Mystery Rider


      In the third installment in the Horses and Friends series, thirteen-year-old Kate Ferris already has one problem. Snooty, well-to-do Melissa is boarding her horse at Kate’s family stable. When Melissa suddenly turns nice, Kate is shocked … and suspicious. The last thing she needs is more trouble. So when a hooded rider appears-and then disappears-on a stunning black horse outside her home, Kate isn’t sure if Melissa is playing a trick or something more dangerous is going on. Either way, Kate and her friends will need an extra measure of faith and courage to solve this mystery.

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    • Our Daily Bread For Kids Coloring And Activity Book


      The Our Daily Bread for Kids Coloring and Activity Book is bursting with stuff for kids….awesome artwork to color, simple word games that teach Bible truth, and other activities that will engage their eager minds. Each page contains a few sentences to tell the big story of the bible, helping kids better understnad the characters they’re coloring. And kids will love the connection between the artwork they color and the four-color illustrations in the Our Daily Bread for Kids devotional book.

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    • Unseen Realm : Recovering The Supernatural Worldview Of The Bible


      Start with a Skeptical, naturalistic culture. Add the Church’s tendancy to avoid or gloss over difficult supernatural Bible passages. The result most Christians miss the supernatural worldview

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    • Divine Design : Gods Plan For Restoration In A Community Setting


      When we began working as licensed counselors in the field of mental health, we encountered some of the most devastating problems of horrific proportions endured by human beings-childhood sexual abuse, human trafficking, and ritualistic abuse.
      The main purpose of this book is not about how to recover from severe childhood abuse and trauma, although it is a byproduct. This is a book about community. Community is the soil in which the landscape for healing is created. While trauma recovery is our passion, it is what God used to help us discover His passion: true fellowship among brethren committed to living life together through the community experience. We didn’t know it at the time but He put us together with His lost sheep, people with backgrounds and problems that couldn’t be helped in the way of traditional counseling. He used our passion to draw us all into His life-saving redemptive plan. This thing we call community is God’s divine design.

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    • Christmas Promise Coloring And Activity Book


      32 pages of coloring, puzzles, mazes and activities for Christmas.

      Use alongside The Christmas Promise to discover exactly how God kept His Christmas Promise by sending his New, Forever, Rescuing King.

      Awesome present for parents, godchildren, and anyone who can hold a pencil/crayon/paintbrush!

      Includes downloads links for additional coloring pages

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    • Hesitant Heiress


      After being unjustly expelled from the Boston Conservatory of Music, Amaryllis Brigham sees her dreams of founding a music academy in her hometown of Seattle, Washington, disappearing before her very eyes. Now, the only way to achieve her goal comes with high stakes for someone set on avoiding men as much as possible: Marry within the year to inherit the immense fortune of her estranged grandmother.Amaryllis reluctantly moves in to her aunt’s Boston home and rubs shoulders with fashionable society. Despite her own misgivings, she soon finds herself quickly falling in love with the most unlikely of men And Nathan Everstone, the envy of every eligible female, whose father has haunted her dreams for the decade following her mother’s tragic death.However, Nathan turns out to be much more than he seems…and everything she never knew she wanted. But just as everything Amaryllis has recently hoped for comes to fruition, it all falls apart when she finds that the real culprit who has been managing her life isn’t who she thought at all.The Hesitant Heiress is the 2015 winner of the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence in Romance!

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    • Mentalidad De Millonario – (Spanish)


      “Usted necesita esto. Va a llevarle al siguiente nivel!”
      T. D. Jakes

      “Todo el que est bajo esta enseanza ungida]] ser plenamente equipado para recoger en la cosecha de los ltimos tiempos!”
      Rod Parsley

      “Recomiendo sinceramente a Gary Whetstone!”
      Morris Cerullo

      Dios ha decretado riqueza para los que le aman!

      Cree que es la voluntad de Dios bendecirle? Imagine su vida si experimentara la realidad de la promesa de Dios en Proverbios 10:22: “La bendicin de Jehov es la que enriquece, y no aade tristeza con ella.”

      La Palabra de Dios contiene principios todopoderosos e inmutables diseados para gobernar sus circunstancias. Cuando usted se pone en consonancia con su Palabra, esos principios le bendicen perpetuamente y proporcionan libertad en cada rea de la vida.

      Permita que Mentalidad de Millonario le ayude a…

      Entender sus dones y talentos

      Descubrir y perseguir la visin que Dios le ha dado

      Pasar del “no es suficiente” a la tierra de “las promesas de Dios”

      Ver ms all de sus limitaciones

      Crear un bombeo de efectivo de riqueza perpetua

      Desencadenar ideas creativas para prsperas aventuras de negocio

      Encontrar una carrera que le emocione

      Aprender los secretos de Abraham y sus descendientes, para poder depositar y retirar recursos ilimitados de su cuenta celestial a fin de cumplir el sueo que Dios puso en su corazn

      Descubra los secretos sobre cmo desatar las bendiciones de Dios para su familia, y cmo generar riqueza para el reino de Dios mediante su propia prosperidad!

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    • Daily Fire Devotional 365 Days In Gods Word


      There is no greater challenge, no greater call, no greater personal instruction than to read and take heed God’s Word, imprinting it on the pages of your heart and mind. Walking daily in the power of His Word will make a permanent impact on your faith, your emotions, and your destiny. “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to God’s word” (Psalm 119:9).

      Daily Fire Devotional is a collection of dynamic devotionals from the powerful writings of evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. With its simple, convenient, easy-to-read format, you can take this book anywhere and plunge in at any point, choosing to read specific indexed selections focused on a particular topic or to read it chronologically as your personal daily Bible reading program. Much more than a daily devotional, this book will to give you a passion for lost souls and motivate you to be a soulwinner.
      Features a brief, daily motivational message; a Scripture verse for the day; related Bible passages; a “Daily Fire” encouragement to carry you through the day; and a verse plan to help you read through the entire Bible in one year.

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    • Integrity : Walking In The Spotlight Of Truth


      In a generation of selfies, slander, and little white lies, what does a life of integrity look like?

      Sean Feucht can see a problem: our generation has lost its integrity. We are not true to our countries, our families, our friends, or even ourselves. Integrity is left in the dust as we chase what the world wants: the perfect body, the biggest bank account, and the most power. Many in the church have abandoned integrity and been swept downward into a spiral of hypocrisy and finger-pointing. The need for radical Christian integrity to spread throughout the world has never been greater. But what would that look like?

      For the answer, internationally-known worship leader Sean Feucht asked his “mothers and fathers in the faith” to explain what integrity means in their lives. With chapters from James Goll, Darlene Cunningham, Heidi Baker, Dick Mills, Charlie Stock, Stacey Campbell, Allen Hood, Ch Ahn, and Cindy Jacobs, the result is a book full of insight and vulnerability from these leaders on how to walk with integrity through your communication, your ministry, your marriage, your family relationships, your leadership, your personal finances, and your times of trial.

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    • Adventures In Odyssey Advent Activity Calendar


      Take the time this Christmas season to connect with your kids in a meaningful way while enjoying a very special Advent in Odyssey! Prepare for Christmas with 25 Adventures in Odyssey activities, devotions, and prayers. Cut out and decorate the paper craft Odyssey town and even make your own Whit and Eugene characters! This Christmas, start a new family tradition and have fun with your friends from Adventures in Odyssey.

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    • Jacob : Discerning Gods Presence


      Heir to a great promise, Jacob should have lived a life defined by God’s presence. Instead, it was often characterized by conflict, deception, and selfish ambition. Yet, Jacob’s story shows us how God remained with Jacob, just as He remains with believers today.

      Jacob: Discerning God’s Presence will help you gain insights into Jacob’s story as you explore the themes, context, and cultural background of the text. Find new ways to apply Jacob’s life lessons to your own life with discussion and reflection questions.

      A collaborative effort by editor John D. Barry and writers Derek R. Brown, Miles Custis, Douglas Mangum, and Wendy Widder, this resource will help you dig deep into the life of Joseph. Walk with Jacob, and discover what it means to know and respond to God’s presence.

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