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    • Princess And The Goblin


      From the man who influenced the minds of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Madeleine L’Engle, comes a classic story about courage and overcoming evil. The story follows young Princess Irene and her friend Curdie as they work to fight wicked goblins who intend to overthrow the kingdom. Intended for children, George MacDonald’s writing is captivating for all ages and the messages he conveys are incredibly deep and thought provoking.

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    • Grace Of Yielding


      If God asked you, as He did with Abraham, to sacrifice your “pride and joy,” your “Isaac,” could you do it? From the Scriptures, Derek Prince shows that God will give back to you abundantly when you are willing to yield to Him. Discover how you can please God in all you do, become mature in your faith, and receive your inheritance as a child of God. You can be confident that, as you yield to the Spirit of Christ, you will learn to walk in the abundance of God’s power and blessings.

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    • Lenguaje Del Perdon – (Spanish)


      Love does not grow by itself. It must be nourished daily with gentle words, trust, and good communication. When we allow hate, resentment and lack of forgiveness to take over, we start killing love. Distance takes its place, along with indifference, yelling, demeaning silences, and reproaches.

      Forgiveness is the bridge that enables dialogue to regain trust and strengthen the relationship. If we don’t forgive and ask for forgiveness, we may kill the joy of sharing our lives with others.

      *When arguing, humility brings out the best solution.
      *Do not hold grudges without forgiving or asking for forgiveness.
      *Complaining, insults, and mockery turns love away.
      *Approach your partner with gentleness.
      *Hold yourself accountable for your mistakes.
      *To experience a flourishing relationship, you must give your best every day.

      When there is true love, it’s never too late to appreciate it. Today is the best day to ask for forgiveness and start all over again!

      El amor no crece solo. Debe alimentarse cada dia con palabras de afirmacion, afecto, confianza y dialogo. Cuando dejamos que el rencor, la amargura y la falta de perdon se apoderen de nosotros, vamos matando el amor lentamente hasta producir un distanciamiento que se manifiesta con indiferencia, gritos, silencios que castigan y recriminaciones.

      El perdon es el puente que facilita el dialogo para recuperar la confianza, y fortalecer la relacion. Si no pedimos perdon y no perdonamos, podriamos matar la ilusion y la alegria de vivir juntos.

      *En una discusion, la mejor solucion la alcanza la humildad.
      *No acumules situaciones sin perdonar o pedir perdon.
      *La queja, el reclamo, los insultos y la burla alejan el amor.
      *Comunicate con amabilidad.
      *Admite los errores.
      *Decide cada dia que daras lo mejor de ti para hacer crecer la relacion.

      Cuando hay amor de verdad jamas es tarde para apreciarlo. !Hoy es un buen dia para pedir perdon, y volverlo a intentar!

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    • Diet Diagnosis Dr Healthnut


      Many diet plans are promoted as “one size fits all.” But each person is unique and has specific needs and preferences. Diet Diagnosis: Navigating the Maze of Diet and Nutrition Plans will show you how to choose the program that is best for you, while providing practical tools and effective principles that you can implement step-by-step.

      No matter what your current health status, David Nico, aka “Dr. Healthnut,” will help you to reach your highest level of wellness possible, including a healthy weight. Dr. Healthnut says, “Healthnuts are not really ‘crazy’ they’re just everyday people who want to make healthier lifestyle choices.”

      Maybe you’ve had your ups and downs as you’ve tried to maintain good eating habits, producing a vicious cycle of lifelong weight problems and risk of disease. Or, perhaps you feel perplexed by the conflicting opinions expressed in the media about the “best” foods to eat, so you wonder just what the right foods to incorporate into your daily meals.

      Achieving wholeness in your life requires multiple dimensions of health. Yet, as you take progressive steps toward healthier eating, you will be on the road to wellness. By changing what, why, and how you eat, you can experience optimum health.

      The healthnut life: “Not Crazy. Just Healthy.

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    • Army Of The Dawn


      God has an army that will soon mobilize. Its weapons are not physical but spiritual, and this gathering will be the most powerful force on earth. This book is a call to be part of the greatest adventure and the most important cause there will ever be.

      Army of the Dawn is both a prophecy and a training manual. It is written to inform, inspire, and provide practical instruction for those who are called to follow the King and turn an upside down world right side up.

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    • Picturing Scripture : Verse Art To Inspire The Biblical Imagination


      Refresh your soul with beautifully rendered pieces of art paired with thought-provoking devotions. The designers and writers collaboratively invested their energy and creativity into this collection, each drawing upon the timeless, inspired words of Scripture. The result is 100 pairings of art and devotional thought that illuminate the words of Scripture.

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    • Common Grace Volume1


      In Common Grace Abraham Kuyper presents a constructive public theology of cultural engagement rooted in the humanity Christians share with the rest of the world. He addresses a gap in the development of Reformed teaching on divine grace, and he articulates a Reformed understanding of God’s gifts that are common to all people after the fall into sin. This first volume contains Kuyper’s demonstration of common grace in its origin and operation.

      This new translation of Common Grace, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church’s development of public theology.

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    • Retribution : A Novel


      Jonas Everard is a soldier driven by revenge, seeking to justify his friend s unnecessary death by ruining the woman who drove him over the edge. When he meets Daphne Turnbull, he thinks he s found his mark, despite the respect and admiration he comes to feel for her.

      Soon Daphne is embroiled in a plot that threatens her entire family. Will her infectious faith in God draw Jonas to the One who can heal his wounded soul? Or will his thirst for revenge succeed in destroying the lives of the Turnbull family?

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    • What A Blast A Leaping Larry 5 Book Set


      What a Blast! Is a Leaping Larry 5 Book Set containing these exciting titles: Making New Friends, Throwing Stones – a book about bullying, Leaping Larry’s Scarry Adventure, Turtles Are Really Cool – a book about kindness, and The Frog & Toad Sleepover.

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    • Philippians


      Benefit from the incredible wisdom of Charles Spurgeon, passage by passage. Spurgeon’s writings on the Bible fill dozens of volumes-his thoughts on particular passages scattered in numerous books and sermons. These volumes collect his thoughts on ten different New Testament letters in a commentary format, with illustrations and applications culled from his sermons and writings.

      Spurgeon’s content is now easily accessible-there is no longer a need to comb through many volumes looking for one nugget of wisdom. Spurgeon’s writings are now curated in a format that is tied to the biblical text.

      These commentaries direct you to places where Spurgeon explicitly cites a verse and where he alludes to it. They highlight illustration content, so the preacher looking for an illustration from Spurgeon relating to a verse will be able to find one easily. Each section of Scripture includes at least one application from Spurgeon based on those verses. And these volumes save time-reading Spurgeon for pleasure is wonderful, but preachers and teachers working under a deadline need ways to streamline their sermon preparation process.

      The Spurgeon Commentaries do all this by trimming the excess out of Spurgeon’s sermon archive and increasing functionality, usability, and readability. Outdated language has even been updated, making Spurgeon’s writing easier than ever to understand.

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    • I Prayed For You

      Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $6.29.

      Did you know that even before you were born, I prayed for you? Mommies love their babies and pray over them before they are born and for their whole lives. This book will help them share the many ways they have prayed, and continue to pray, over the lives of their precious children. Mama Bear shares with Baby Bear how much she prayed for her, even before Baby Bear was born. And each and every day, Mama prays and asks God to help Baby Bear grow big and strong, be safe, love God, and be good to others. From before these sweet babies are born, and for every part of their futures, Mama covers them in prayer. Every spread will share a different prayer, and mamas everywhere will resonate with this eternally important message. And baby bears everywhere will fall asleep knowing they are loved and prayed over.

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    • Teen To Teen By Teen Girls For Teen Girls


      What more encouraging way to gain perspective than by talking to someone who has been there, especially when that someone is one of your peers? Written specifically for teens by teens, this unique 365-day devotional offers readers personal experiences that are relatable and heartfelt.

      Bullying, substance abuse, sex, divorce, peer pressure-today’s teens are facing some tremendously difficult issues on their path to adulthood. These 365 devotions will offer them encouragement and been-there-faced-that wisdom to show teens that there is only one answer to life’s problems-God. Through the stories of more than 100 teen authors, readers will see how God can work in their lives too if they only let Him in. Teens will love learning that they are not alone in their challenges and that God is with them each day of the year.

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