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    • Quantum Faith


      How does quantum physics relate to the Bible? Can words move mountains? How did Jesus supersede the laws of physics?

      There are amazing similarities between the teachings of Jesus and the discoveries of the new physics, quantum theory. The concept of speaking to mountains and trees may not be religious metaphor, but laws of a new physics that have not been fully understood.

      Jesus taught that our words are powerful enough to move physical matter. Quantum physics has discovered that subatomic particles respond to the observer.

      In this book, you will discover that your words and your faith (beliefs) are unseen forces that affect everything in your world. You are the one giving substance to your world through words!

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    • 1 True Gift


      Christmas is meant to be full of joy and light; but all too often it is spoiled by grumbling and arguing.

      The 24 concise daily readings in this advent book share Paul’s answer to this problem from Philippians chapter 2 -and many many more: the big story of how and why Jesus came into the world. Each day includes ideas for reflection, prayer and application, designed to excite you about the gospel message in the run-up to Christmas Day.

      If we see ourselves as part of that big story, then we will all shine like stars…

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    • Sipping Saltwater : How To Find Lasting Satisfaction In A World Of Thirst


      Part 1: Idolatory Redefined
      1. Our Nagging Thirst
      2. Our Drink Of Choice
      3. The Saltwater Cycle
      Part 2: Idolatory Destroyed
      4. Living Water
      5. Drinking Fountains
      6. Quenched
      Part 3: Idolatory In Your Life
      7. God – Garbage – Gift
      8. Money
      9. Sex
      10. Control
      11. Comfort
      12. Work
      13. Relationships
      14. Religion
      15. Self

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      A unique take on explaining idolatry, particularly in our contemporary culture of numerous hidden idols.

      The uniqueness of this book comes in the metaphor of sipping saltwater. Our idols promise us a certain level of satisfaction; they fail to quench our thirst; they leave us thirstier than we were before drinking them; and we are left with a devastating hangover (i.e. the consequences of sin) in the end. Ultimately, we must spit them out and drink Christ’s living water, the only drink that will ever truly satisfy us.

      This book enables readers to identify their own source of saltwater, and how to quench their thirst by drinking Jesus’ living water.

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    • Storm That Stopped Coloring And Activity Book


      32 pages of coloring, puzzles, mazes and activities for children.

      Use alongside The Storm that Stopped to discover a true story about trusting Jesus.

      Awesome present for parents, godchildren, and anyone who can hold a pencil/crayon/paintbrush!

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    • Littlest Watchman : Watching And Waiting For The Very First Christmas


      Benjamin is a Watchman. It’s his job to watch for the sign that all God’s promises are coming true-to watch a stump.

      Trouble is, it’s hard just waiting. And one night, Benjamin finally gives in and stops watching. But that same night, as he sits outside Bethlehem, he gets to watch something wonderful.

      Kids will be gripped by what Benjamin saw, and will be excited by the Christmas story all over again.

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    • Rise Above : My 500 Days Of Faith Forgiveness And Fighting Back


      A broken leg nearly ended Steve Zakuani’s career. But he came back stronger than ever. This book, drawn from journals written during his recovery, will give you a raw, honest look into Steve’s story.

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    • Lies Pastors Believe


      All of us are tempted to believe lies about ourselves.

      For many pastors, the lies we’re tempted to believe have to do with our identity: that God has called us to lead a movement, that we must sacrifice our home life for our ministry life, or that our image as holy is more important than our actual pursuit of holiness.

      In Lies Pastors Believe, pastor and professor Dayton Hartman takes aim at these and other lies he has faced in his own ministry and seen other pastors struggle with. With a winsome and engaging style, Hartman shows current and future pastors why these lies are so tempting, the damage they can do, and how they can be resisted by believing and applying the truth of the gospel.

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    • Pilgrims Progress Illustrated Edition


      Acclaimed as “one of the greatest literary masterpieces in the world,” John Bunyan’s beloved allegory captivates the reader’s attention while providing insight into the Christian life. Join Bunyan in this illustrated edition as he tells the story of “Christian,” a man on an adventurous journey across rough terrain, over sunlit hills, and through dark valleys. His trek is an intriguing allegory for today–mixed with the chivalric adventure of yesterday–as the pilgrimage takes us from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City whose builder and maker is God.

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    • Paradoja – (Spanish)


      Todos conocen al Dios que sigue las reglas, y nos dice que las guardemos tambien. Pero la mayoria nunca ha conocido al Dios que rompe las reglas, y las rompe para acercarnos a El. La religion necesita actualizar su entendimiento sobre Dios. Hemos definido a Dios y lo hemos encerrado en una caja, cuando es Dios quien quiere definirnos a nosotros. Dios no esta satisfecho con que vivamos una vida limitada con una vision limitada de El, llena de confusion, estorbada por la duda y nebulosa, a pesar de los cientos de miles de iglesias, pastores y sermones. No importa que tus reglas sean personales, religiosas, ambientales o sociales, si El tiene que romperlas para llegar a ti, El lo hara. Dios hara lo que sea necesario para aclararte, llamarte, prepararte, y promoverte. El rompio las reglas por David, por Abraham, por Moises, por Josue, por Rahab. El las rompera por ti tambien, si tu se lo permites. Cuando estas preparado para redescubrir a Dios, no hay ni una sola regla que se pueda interponer.

      Everyone knows the God who keeps the rules, and tells us to keep them, too. But most have never met the God who breaks the rules, and breaks them to bring us close. Religion needs an updated understanding of God. We have defined God and put Him in a box–when it is God who wants to define us. God is not satisfied with our living a limited life with a limited view of Him, full of confusion, hampered by doubt, and clouded despite the hundreds of thousands of churches, pastors, and sermons. Whether your rules are personal, religious, environmental, or societal, if He has to break them to get to you, He will. God will do whatever it takes to clarify you, call you, prepare you, and promote you. He broke the rules for David, for Abraham, for Moses, for Joshua, for Rahab, and He will break them for you too, if you let Him. When you’re ready to rediscover God, there’s not a single rule that can get in the way.

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    • Paradox : The God Who Breaks The Rules


      Everyone knows the God who keeps the rules, and tells us to keep them, too. But most have never met the God who breaks the rules, and breaks them to bring us close. Religion needs an updated understanding of God. We have defined God and put Him in a box–when it is God who wants to define us. God is not satisfied with our living a limited life with a limited view of Him, full of confusion, hampered by doubt, and clouded despite the hundreds of thousands of churches, pastors, and sermons. Whether your rules are personal, religious, environmental, or societal, if He has to break them to get to you, He will. God will do whatever it takes to clarify you, call you, prepare you, and promote you. He broke the rules for David, for Abraham, for Moses, for Joshua, for Rahab, and He will break them for you too, if you let Him. Because when you’re ready to rediscover God, there’s not a single rule that can get in the way.

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    • Right People Right Place Right Plan Expanded Edition


      Whom should I marry? What will I do with my life? Do I take this job? Should I invest money in this opportunity? God has bestowed an incredible gift in the heart of every believer. He has given you an internal compass to help guide your life, your family, your children, your finances, and much more. Jentezen Franklin reveals how, through the Holy Spirit, you can tap into the heart and mind of the Almighty. Learn to trust those divine “nudges” and separate God’s voice from all other voices in your life. Tap into your supernatural gift of spiritual discernment and you will better be able to fulfill your purpose as a child of God.

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    • Wandering And Wondering


      Mark Twain once said, “The two greatest days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” But what happens when you know the why but can’t figure out how to make it happen? It is this journey between the realization of your purpose and its actualization that Randall Worley calls process. Purpose, which answers why, can be realized in moment. However, process, which must answer how, is not actualized as quickly. In other words, “becoming an overnight success takes years.” Purpose has been a hot topic for several years, capturing the attention of those adrift in a culture of apathy and aimlessness. It is certainly a far more palatable subject in today’s culture of self-improvement than is process, because it seems to offer a free carpet ride from here to there. Your destiny, however, is not downloadable. The dream of your future is free, but the journey will demand a price. Yet it is in the sacrifice and effort of process that God will turn your purpose into a world-changing reality.

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