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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 829–840 of 2417 results

  • Caminar En Profecia Senales Y – (Spanish)


    Entra en el ambito de lo sobrenatural… ! y mira lo que Dios hara!

    Las dos palabras mas poderosas de la Biblia son estas: Y acontecio. En las Escrituras, “y acontecio”, significa que algo sucedio tal como Dios dijo que sucederia. Dios expresa Su voluntad en la Biblia o a traves de mensajes profeticos, y El siempre cumple Sus propositos.

    Caminando en profecia, seales y maravillas, escrito por la profeta Glenda Jackson, le trae un sinfin de relatos de milagros, sanidades y del poder sobrenatural de Dios para caminar en victoria y superar los grandes desafios de la vida. Es un tributo a la asombrosa obra de Dios en el pasado, un ferviente llamado a servirle fielmente en Su poderosa obra hoy, y una mirada profetica a Sus planes para el futuro.

    A traves de testimonios de milagros, enseanzas que edifican nuestra fe, y relatos apasionantes de su herencia familiar personal –incluyendo milagros en la vida de la famosa evangelista de sanidad Maria Woodworth-Etter– vera como Dios puede obrar poderosamente en su propia vida, llevando a cabo lo que El ha ordenado para usted. Descubra lo que significa ser un atalaya profetico y un instrumento para la gloria de Dios en estos dias trascendentales antes del regreso de Cristo.

    Lo que Dios quiere que pase sucede; !Sus palabras se cumplen! Sea lo que sea que necesite, deje que Dios lo haga realidad para usted y sus seres queridos mientras continua sirviendole de todo corazon. Entre en el ambito de los milagros… !y vea lo que Dios hara!

    Step into the Realm of the Supernatural…and watch what God will bring to pass!

    The five most powerful words in the Bible are these: And it came to pass. In the Scriptures, “and it came to pass” means that something happened–just like God said it would! God speaks His will in the Bible or through prophetic messages–and He always fulfills His purposes.

    Walking in Prophecy, Signs, and Wonders by Prophet Glenda Jackson brings you nonstop accounts of miracles, healings, and the supernatural power of God to walk in victory and overcome life’s great challenges. It is a tribute to God’s astonishing work in the past, a fervent call to serve Him faithfully in His mighty work today, and a prophetic look at His plans for the future.

    Through miracle testimonies, faith-building teachings, and gripping accounts from her personal family heritage–including miracles in the life of noted healing evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter–you will see how God can work powerfully in your o

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  • Mans Guide To The Maximized Life


    A Six-Week Devotional for Developing Christlike Character

    The practical, uncompromising, timeless teaching of Ed Cole’s best-selling Maximized Manhood (over a million copies sold) is available for the first time in a six-week devotional format. Each day includes a key insight from Dr. Cole, inspiring and challenging thoughts about developing your full potential in Christ, concise wisdom on the day’s theme in bullet-point form, and a key Scripture.

    Considered “the father of the Christian men’s movement,” Ed Cole was not afraid to tackle the tough topics that affect men today, including media addiction, pornography, and adultery. Some of the Christlike qualities of the maximized man that Cole highlights include: strong, faithful, courageous, mature, decisive, tough and tender, responsible, loving, and forgiving.

    Putting into practice the principles in this devotional will revolutionize your life, helping to transform you into all that God designed you to be.

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  • Daily Conversations With God


    Daily Inspiring Prayers. . .Just for Women!

    Stress. Self-esteem. Work. Health. Relationships. Spiritual matters.

    Daily Conversations with God covers all these topics and more. This inspiring book created just for you offers everyday down-to-earth prayers that are brief–especially for busy women–but bold enough to have life-changing impact. With Daily Conversations with God, you will find true refreshment for your spirit and a renewed sense of God’s loving presence in everyday life. You won’t be able to resist buying one as a gift and one to keep!

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  • Beautiful Wisdom Bible Promise Book


    Beautiful Bible Promises from God’s Word Just for Women

    The Bible Promise Book is now available in the Beautiful Wisdom family of books, featuring the easy-to-understand New Life Bible. With more than 60 relevant topics-including Adversity, Duty, Friendship, Modesty, Protection, Sincerity, Strength, and Zeal-this book includes nearly 1,000 total verses. Each topic includes a brief introductory comment to put the verses into context. Designed in a beautiful package, The Beautiful Wisdom Bible Promise Book will bless the lives of women of all ages.

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  • Beautiful Wisdom Bible Study Journal


    You want the most from your time in God’s Word. . .

    The Beautiful Wisdom Bible Study Journal provides encouraging, edifying quotations, refreshingly approachable New Life Version scriptures, and ample space for you to jot down your reflections. This journal will provoke thought and allow you to share your own insights, creating a treasured record of your personal walk with God.

    With a flexible textured binding, two-color interior printing, stained page edges, and a ribbon marker, it makes a perfect gift–for a friend or oneself!

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  • Meeting God At Every Corner Devotional


    Meeting God at Every Corner is an exciting new 365-day daily devotional based entirely on the teachings of Jamie Buckingham, one of the best-known and best-loved Christian leaders of his time. Jamie was known for his unique ability to teach God’s Word with grace, insight, transparency, and humor. Always relatable and accessible, Jamie sought to be Spirit-led in everything he said and did–and to encourage his fellow believers to do the same.

    A decade in the making, this 365-day devotional is the compilation and capstone of Jamie’s teachings, adapted from sermons recorded over a 30-year period. Each devotion is written to give you a fresh glimpse into the multi-faceted heart of God and to challenge and inspire you to be led by His Spirit.

    Jamie’s teaching is as relevant today as ever–and maybe more so, given the unique hour in which we live. Allow him to take you on this year-long, Spirit-led, Spirit-filled journey. Deepen your understanding of what it means to live each day as Jamie did, knowing that God is always there, ready and waiting to meet you at every corner.

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  • Love Stretched Life


    This life is real and complicated, messy, colorful, good, exhausting, and exhilarating–often simultaneously.

    It’s easy to feel overburdened by life’s demands. Looking out into the world as well as under the roof of our home may cause us to question, “How did we get here? And how will we get through?”

    Jillana Goble has been there. With honesty, faith, and a dose of humor, her debut memoir, A Love-Stretched Life, chronicles what she’s continually learning on the suspension bridge between reality and hope. A mom via foster care, birth, and adoption–in that order–for nearly two decades, Jillana has experienced life’s curveballs. Her come-as-you-are posture amidst a daily reality far different than she ever imagined reassures you that you’re not alone if your life isn’t tidily wrapped in a bow.

    These stories will stay with you as you strive to love and to love well, even when–and especially when–it’s hard. Whether you are widening your family circle or just trying to get through the day, Jillana welcomes you to her table, offering you an anchor of hope to hang on to as you navigate your own love-stretched life.

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  • Confessions Of A French Atheist


    Guillaume Bignon was a French atheist . . . and he was perfectly happy. He loved his software engineering job on Wall Street and was very successful. Yet a chance encounter with a beautiful woman would change the way he thought about his life and beliefs forever.

    Confessions of a French Atheist is the unusual story of Guillaume Bignon–a man who didn’t need God but who grew to believe in God after he thought through the nature of morality, the relationship between science and faith, the supernatural, the problem of evil, and the reliability of the Bible. With rigorous reasoning, remarkable authenticity, and a sense of humor, Guillaume takes the reader on a journey of his innermost questions and surprising discoveries.

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  • He Is Not Ashamed


    Christians belong to God’s own family. This promise is difficult for some people to believe, and even for some believers to remember in their day-to-day struggles with shame or regret. But it’s repeated throughout the Bible, reflected in Christ’s genealogy, and true of the church today; God’s family is filled with broken people whose stories are a testament to his staggering love.

    In He Is Not Ashamed, Erik Raymond takes a close look at the “family portrait” of God-filled with imperfect people throughout Scripture-and shows that God is not repelled by anyone’s shameful past, but delights to redeem and receive those who believe in him. Studying Hebrews 2:11 and other passages in both the Old and New Testaments, Raymond shows that Jesus’s heart is bent toward those who have an embarrassing history, feel far from God, or struggle with sin. By studying God’s abounding love for undeserving people, Christians learn to accept his grace and confidently embrace their place in God’s family portrait.

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  • Night Vision : Making Sense Of Supernatural Dream Encounters


    While you sleep, the Holy Spirit is still speaking!

    What did that blue tree mean in your dream last night? Was it because of the pizza you had for dinner, or was God speaking to you?

    Many believers really want to understand their dreams but aren’t sure where to start. In Night Vision, Dr. Charles Fox lays a solid foundation by offering the biblical basis for dreams and then shares his own personal journey of actual dream encounters and their interpretations. Practical advice, common dream symbols, and prayers of activation into greater night-encounters with the Lord remind the reader to stay grounded in the Word of God.

    Night Vision will teach you how to:

    *Interpret your own dreams
    *Recognize God’s instruction, warning, and encouragement in the night seasons
    *Respond to what God is speaking to you
    *Discern the counterfeit dreams
    *Interpret others’ dreams

    There are heavenly encounters waiting for you when your head hits the pillow! Sharpen your “night vision” and begin communicating and fellowshipping with the Lord on a whole new level. Receive Dr. Fox’s wisdom and an impartation for more revelatory encounters in your dreams!

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  • Turnaround Decrees : Disrupt The Enemy’s Plans And Shift Your Circumstance


    Interrupt the plans of darkness and shift circumstances to align with God’s will!

    In our culture, the powers of darkness have been working overtime to turn a generation away from God, discipling society in wickedness, destroying families, ravaging finances, afflicting bodies, and obstructing the advance of God’s people.

    The only solution is a supernatural turnaround. The good news is that you serve the God of the Turnaround!

    In response to a radically unexpected prophetic word, prayer leaders Jon and Jolene Hamill have launched a turnaround movement to see supernatural breakthroughs take place. In this powerful new book they equip you with prayers, decrees and activations that will render turnaround verdicts from Heaven on your behalf.

    Turnaround Decrees will empower you to:

    *Prophesy divine destiny over your children and the next generation
    *Push through the limitations preventing you from advancing in your assignment
    *See instant healings and deliverances become normative
    *Pray against the assaults of the enemy upon your nation, government and leaders
    *Invoke your rights to the Covenant of Peace
    *Speak powerful decrees that issue a Writ of Assistance in the spirit realm

    The destiny of generations are at stake… but you are the turnaround catalyst! Speak these powerful declarations over every impossibility, and watch as the God of the Turnaround brings supernatural breakthrough!

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  • Dominion : Your Role In Bringing Heaven To Earth


    Every sphere of society is crying out for Kingdom transformation!

    Sadly, poor teaching and great misunderstanding have led many Christians to reject any notion of so-called “dominion theology” This has left the dominion mandate that Jesus imparted to all believers woefully unfulfilled.

    Dr. C. Peter Wagner understood that the reformation of society was never intended to come through man’s ideas and agendas; it could only be achieved through bold, empowered believers, intentional about reforming their culture through Kingdom principles and vision.

    The strategic keys and revelation Dr. Wagner presents in Dominion! are perhaps more relevant today than when he first penned them. A collection of the original book release and its revised edition, this new edition of Dominion! features Dr. Wagner’s helpful perspective on theocracy and the tragic misunderstanding of dominion theology.
    Discover vital keys to exercising authority over the powers of darkness and advancing the Kingdom of God through teachings on:

    *Entering the Second Apostolic age and the move of God that is presently upon us

    *Becoming the Church in the Workplace… by releasing Heaven’s influence and solutions into the marketplace

    *Embracing the practice of spiritual warfare… by encouraging believers to exercise Jesus’ authority over darkness

    *Anticipating the prophesied great transfer of wealth… and its role in shaping culture

    We stand in a pivotal hour of history where there is both tremendous need and opportunity for the Church to bring powerful reformation to all spheres of society. This is the hour to step into your authority and release God’s glory into every segment of your society. This is the hour for transformation!

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