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    Christian Living

    • Nuevo Testamento Facil De Apre – (Spanish)


      Mucha gente quiere crecer en su fe, pero no sabe por donde empezar. Estudiar la Biblia puede ser abrumador, y los recursos diseados para ayudarnos pueden ser demasiado complicados, lo que hace que muchos duden en siquiera empezar. Con un enfoque simple y agil, el autor y maestro biblico Zach Windahl te explica en 60 dias cada uno de los libros del Nuevo Testamento, en un formato facil de seguir. A traves de un desglose diario de contenido para leer, una descripcion general del texto, puntos reflexivos de enseanza y preguntas de aplicacion personal para ayudar a asimilar el contenido, lograras:

      *ver la historia completa de toda la Biblia
      *aumentar tu conocimiento del Nuevo Testamento
      *interactuar con las Escrituras con confianza
      *cultivar una relacion mas profunda con Dios

      No solo obtendras una mejor comprension del Padre, de su Palabra y de su corazon, sino tambien descubriras un mejor sentido del significado y el proposito para tu vida.

      Too many people want to grow in their faith but don’t know where to start. Studying the Bible can be overwhelming, and even the resources designed to help can be too complicated, leaving many hesitant to even start. Offering a simple, streamlined approach, author and Bible teacher Zach Windahl takes you through each book of the New Testament in 60 days in an easy-to-follow framework. Through a daily breakdown of content to read, an overview of the text, thoughtful teaching points, and personal application questions to help the content sink in, you will:

      *See the big picture story of the entire Bible
      *Increase your knowledge of the New Testament
      *Engage with Scripture confidently
      *Cultivate a deeper relationship with God

      Not only will you come away with a better understanding of the Father, his Word, and his heart, but you will also discover a better sense of meaning and purpose for your life.

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    • Mujeres Que Oran – (Spanish)


      La oracion es una de las cosas mas poderosas y que mas cambia la vida. A veces oramos. Sin embargo, a menudo luchamos. Es dificil encontrar el tiempo para orar. Es repetitivo. Nos distraemos y a veces es incluso aburrido. Y las respuestas a menudo parecen pocas y distantes entre si.

      Las buenas noticias? Existe una manera simple y poderosa de reavivar tu conversacion con Dios. En Mujeres que oran, la autora de exitos de venta Sheila Walsh comparte ayudas practicas directamente de la Palabra de Dios, mostrandote como:

      *saber que decir cuando oras
      *entender como usar la oracion como arma cuando estas en medio de una lucha
      *orar como una guerrera llena de alegria, no como una mujer preocupada y ansiosa
      *dejar atras el pasado y defender las promesas de Dios para ti ahora

      La oracion te cambia a ti y cambia el mundo. Puedes haberlo intentado antes, pero si estas lista para comenzar de nuevo en tu relacion con Dios, deja que Sheila Walsh te muestre como convertirte en una mujer de oracion fuerte.

      Prayer is one of the most powerful, life-changing things we will ever do. Yet we often struggle. It’s hard to find the time. It’s repetitive. We get distracted and sometimes even bored. And the answers often feel few and far between.

      The good news? There is a simple, powerful way to reignite your conversation with God. In Praying Women, bestselling author Sheila Walsh shares practical helps directly from God’s Word, showing you how to:

      *Know what to say when you pray
      *Understand how to use prayer as a weapon when you are in the midst of a struggle
      *Pray as a joy-filled warrior, not an anxious worrier
      *Let go of the past and stand on God’s promises for you now

      Prayer changes you and it changes the world. You may have tried before, but if you’re ready to start again in your relationship with God, let Sheila Walsh show you how to become a strong praying woman.

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    • Leamos Los Evangelios – (Spanish)


      La autora mas vendida del New York Times, Annie F. Downs, sabe por experiencia personal que cuando empiezas a leer los Evangelios, ellos empiezan a cambiar tu vida. Como un experimento, leyo los cuatro evangelios: Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan, en 30 dias. Cuando termino, tomo otra traduccion de la Biblia e hizo lo mismo, una y otra vez. De repente se dio cuenta de que no podia guardarse esta experiencia para ella y nacio el podcast “Let’s Read the Gospels” (Leamos los Evangelios). Annie quiere que tengas el mismo cambio de vida al experimentar la lectura de los Evangelios como ella lo hizo. Esta guia diaria te lo facilita porque:

      *te muestra que leer ese dia
      *ofrece preguntas para pensar y escribir un diario
      *puedes utilizarlo una y otra vez, tantas veces como quieras

      Unete a esta creciente comunidad de personas que estan viendo cambiar sus vidas, actitudes y relaciones a medida que se sumergen en la historia de Jesus.

      New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs knows from personal experience that when you start to read the Gospels, they start to change your life. As an experiment, she read all four Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–in 30 days. When she finished, she picked up another translation of the Bible and did it again. And again. Suddenly she realized she couldn’t keep this experience to herself, and the “Let’s Read the Gospels” podcast was born. Annie wants you to have the same life-changing experience reading the Gospels as she has, and with this guided journal, she makes it even easier. Each of the 30 entries:

      *Shows you what to read on that day
      *Offers questions to think about and journal through
      *Can be used again and again, as many times as you go through the Gospels

      Join this growing community of people who are seeing their lives, attitudes, and relationships change as they immerse themselves in the story of Jesus.

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    • Checking The Boxes Only You Can Check


      Most of us don’t realize how much we’re uniquely designed by God to change the world. It starts with building a list of action steps to change your world in critical ways.

      In Checking the Boxes Only You can Check, Jay Payleitner outlines forty different objectives we can strive for to make the world a better place. These objectives aren’t so lofty that someone can’t reach them, but they will be challenging. These objectives will help create lasting unity, compassion, efficiency, positivity, and thoughtfulness in a needy world.

      Will you be able to check the box of going above and beyond in your life or the lives of others? Can you give others or yourself a second chance in the age of cancel culture? With all the superstars and rock stars in the home and workplace, can you admit that you have limits or show humility? Can you proclaim Scripture and your faith in the face of scorn and ridicule? These are some of the questions you may ask yourself as you engage with this book.

      Reading this book will take you on a journey to better steward your life and be a better caretaker of the earth and humanity. Are you ready to take on the challenge and complete your checklist?

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    • Diva Principle : Divine Inspiration For Victorious Attitude (Revised)


      Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly “learned” about herself–truth, fiction, deception, or just the superimposed bad feelings of others who’ve tried to smother the diva within.

      Although the word diva now evokes the image of a vain or undisciplined person, author Michelle McKinney Hammond takes diva back to its original meaning. It comes from the word prima donna or “first lady” and was used to describe the principal female singer in an opera or concert organization, who was the best of the best.

      The DIVA Principle: Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude shines a spotlight on fourteen women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude, including Deborah from the book of Judges, the Queen of Sheba, Wisdom, Ruth, Jacob’s wives Rachel and Leah, Esther, Rahab, and more. In the process, Michelle encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

      With solid, practical advice, Michelle suggests ways for women to get their head, heart, life, and act together so that they will emerge happy and victorious as divas in the best sense of the word.

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    • Discover Your True Strength



      Do you ever feel like your dreams are on the cutting room floor and your hopes are going down the drain? Have circumstances made you feel powerless or unable to move forward?

      In Discover Your True Strength, Lindsay Roberts shares examples of powerful women who applied their faith and found their true strength by trusting in God’s Word. She uses three key strength-building Scriptures and her own life experiences to show how you can have the courage and determination to overcome life’s obstacles and find your vision for the future.

      As you come to understand and embrace your true, God-given strength, you can live each day to the fullest and pursue what you love and are called to do.


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    • Finding Gods Will For Your Life


      #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer instructs readers on an integral part of the Christian faith–knowing God’s will and acting on it–in this practical and encouraging book.

      Did you ever dream about what you would be when you grew up? We think naturally about our purpose because God tells us that He created us to do great things. But how do we know when we have truly found God’s calling for our lives? Many people live most of their lives striving to find and follow God’s will but still wondering whether they’ve gotten it right. The many pressures, expectations, and distractions we experience can create confusion and anxiety and cause us to doubt whether we are following God’s will or if He even has a plan for us at all.

      Beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer invites us on a journey to confidence, freedom, and peace through exploring the wisdom of what the Bible tells us about God’s character and about His love and purpose for us. She also offers practical steps to discovering how to build your trust in God, seek His guidance, and overcome the fear of missing out on His best for you.

      If you’re struggling to have confidence that you can hear God’s voice and know what He’s created you to be and do, Finding God’s Will for Your Life will leave you with more peace and more confidence to live joyfully in God’s love and walk the path He has for you.

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    • Are You Praying For The Wrong Thing


      The Bible tells us to pray continually and without ceasing, but what happens when we’re waiting for God but discover He’s waiting for us? In his first book, pastor and recording artist Travis Greene guides the reader to apply Biblical truths for a fulfilled life.

      Praying and waiting for God to answer can be confusing. When something–or everything–feels stuck because God doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers, what next? Pastor and Grammy-nominated recording artist Travis Greene issues a challenge and asks us to examine our prayers–Are we praying for the right thing? Are we planning and preparing for what we’ve asked for? Are we praying for our will to grow closer to His? Or do we sometimes treat him like a genie in a bottle? Using Biblical examples, Travis invites readers to reconsider our prayers and:

      *navigate beyond feeling trapped to thriving in God’s purposes;
      *learn to use what’s left instead of focusing on what was lost;
      *be willing to forgive, wait, and work as God allows; and
      *believe in God’s miracles while being a faithful steward of what He has already provided.

      Sometimes what happens next depends on the choices made right now. And sometimes God has something else in mind for us–something we might never have imagined, or in a way we might not have imagined it! It’s possible to press forward into a life filled with joy and expectation for the future! Like the widow who used the oil she had at hand, by using what God has already supplied, Travis encourages the readers that they may be closer to enjoying God’s promises than they realize. Management can be a magnet for miracles.

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    • Rest Of Your Story


      God never intended the Christian life to be boring, empty, or irrelevant. In The Rest of Your Story, Pastor Greg Lindsey takes us on a journey past forgiveness to freedom.

      The journey starts with diving deep into our own stories so we can let go of the shame, regret, and pain that are holding us back. Only then can we discover all the ways we need Jesus’ help–and become people of godly passion who live out the true desires of our hearts.

      Many of us find that despite our best religious efforts, we’re still chasing God’s abundant life instead of enjoying it. In The Rest of Your Story, Pastor Greg Lindsey shows us why believing the “right” things or behaving the “right” way will never lead to our fullest life. True spiritual growth happens when we journey with Jesus back into our stories.

      The Rest of Your Story is a roadmap to what God wants our Christian life to be: passionate, joy-filled, fulfilling, significant, and freeing.

      Along with his own vulnerable story of redemption, Greg shares:

      *The dangers of knowing the significance of our sin but not the significance of our stories
      *Ways our spiritual enemy uses our past to keep us from realizing our purpose
      *The difference between living forgiven and living free
      *Why the places we are most afraid to go lead us to the life we don’t want to miss

      What you’ve done and what you’ve experienced is not who you are. As you identify how your past is keeping you from experiencing Jesus’ abundant life, you’ll find that God can turn the deepest pain into your richest treasure.

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    • Joy Challenge : Discover The Ancient Secret To Experiencing Worry-Defeating


      What if you could close the “joy gap,” that distance between how you feel now and the way you wish you felt? In The Joy Challenge, pastor and bestselling author Randy Frazee shares the secret to experiencing real, lasting joy–and stepping into a life of contentment and purpose.

      If this sounds familiar, Frazee has good news for you. In The Joy Challenge, he shares the secret to experiencing genuine joyfulness, the kind of resilient happiness that doesn’t evaporate in the face of challenges and setbacks. Bringing together research about the science of happiness with the apostle Paul’s masterclass on joy in the book of Philippians, The Joy Challenge will help you:

      *discover the vital link between increasing your joy and winning the battle against worry and anxiety;

      *develop patterns and mindsets of gratefulness and forgiveness that clear obstacles to happiness; and

      *access the kind of circumstance-defying contentment that opens the door to a truly fulfilled life–even when there’s a gap between the life you have now and the life you hope for.

      As you encounter these easy-to-understand principles, thought patterns, and habits, you’ll begin to experience more joy and happiness, transforming your relationships and your outlook for the better. It’s time to discover the freedom of a deeply joyful life.

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    • Devotions And Prayers For Managing Anxiety And Depression For Teen Boy


      Overwhelmed by anxiety and depression? . . .

      It’s difficult to manage life’s overwhelming feelings and frustrations.

      When you don’t know where in the world to turn, God’s Word can help.

      These180 devotions and prayers are a welcome start–by offering much-needed assurance, comfort, encouragement, understanding, love, support, and more truth-filled tools to help you manage and overcome your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

      In the pages of Devotions and Prayers for Managing Anxiety and Depression, you’ll encounter just what your anxious soul needs. Every wisdom-filled devotion offers biblical encouragement and support for life’s difficult days.

      With each turn of the page, you’ll discover the truth and tools you need to better manage your feelings of anxiety and depression. . .and will come to trust you’re never alone and always loved.

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    • Daily Devotions To Conquer Anxiety And Depression


      Where should you turn when you’re struggling with anxiety and depression? . . .

      To God and His Word!

      Each of the meditations and prayer starters in this reassuring daily devotional will remind you that you’re never alone in your struggles.
      With each turn of the page, you’ll encounter a memorable scripture, a truth-filled reading, and a prayer that promise to encourage, inspire, and strengthen your faith.

      As you read every heartfelt word, trust in and lean on the one who “is with you in this” (1 Chronicles 28:20). . .the one who’s with you in all things.

      With the heavenly Creator by your side, you’ll be well on your way to conquering your anxiety and depression.

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