Christian Living
Showing 1957–1968 of 2533 resultsSorted by latest
Looking For Love
$16.00Deep down, each of us wants to experience a relationship that will give us the love, support, and intimate friendship we so desperately desire. If you’re ready to discover the essential keys to experiencing lasting love, then let George Bloomer show you the way to establishing godly relationships that will stand the test of time. Whether you’re married or still looking for that special someone, you can find out how to distinguish between good and bad relationships, deal with harmful relationships, do what it takes to keep your relationship alive and exciting, and develop deeper intimacy in your relationship. Experience a loving, lasting relationship far beyond all you could ever ask or imagine!
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Sabiduria Para Prosperar – (Spanish)
$14.99Por que pedirle poco a un Dios que nos promete tanto?
Sabiduria es la capacidad de ver las cosas desde la perspectiva mas alta, y responder a ellas segun los principios que gobiernan el exito. Es el conocimiento aplicado a las experiencias, que sabe que, cuando, y como alcanzar lo mejor. Es buscar opiniones espirituales a circunstancias terrenales.
Todo ser humano tiene la inclinacion natural de superarse porque el proposito de Dios es colocar la abundancia en las manos de personas que la manejen conforme a Su corazon. Y la sabiduria atrae la abundancia, acepta la abundancia, y la administra para aumentarla.
Yader Simpson nos ensea de manera practica como adquirir esa sabiduria que es capaz de tomar las mejores decisiones , y llevarnos a la prosperidad que tanto anhelamos.
Sabiduria para prosperar es tu guia para un efectivo plan de accion que te lleve a vivir mejor y disfrutar la abundancia total.
En este libro aprenderas a:
*Hacer presupuestos
*Planificar tus gastos
*Ahorrar con vision
*Conocer el arte de la inversion
*Recibir la bendicion de la multiplicacion
*Administrar y aumentar la abundancia!Es tiempo de aprender a prosperar!
Why ask for less from a God who promises much more?
Wisdom is the ability to see things from the highest perspective, and react to them according to the principles that rule success. It is knowledge applied to experiences, aware of what, when and where to reach for the best. It is applying spiritual insight to earthly circumstanc es.
Every human being has a natural desire to exceed because God’s purpose is to put abundance on the hands of people who will steward them in conformity with His heart. Wisdom attracts, accepts and amplifies abundance.
Yader Simpson teaches us in a practical way how to develop a wisdom capable of making the best decisions, and bringing us into the prosperity we have always dreamed. Wisdom to prosper is a highly effective action plan to improve your life and bring you into fulfilling abundance.
In this book you will learn to:
*Budget your money
*Plan your expenses
*Save with a vision
*Know the art of investment
*Receive the blessing of multiplication
*Manage and increase abundanceIt’s time to learn to prosper!
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8 Pasos Para Alcanzar Tu Desti – (Spanish)
$14.99Todo comienza con un pensamiento. Dices las palabras correctas. Tomas decisiones con proposito. Las acciones desarrollan habitos. Los habitos forman el caracter. Y el caracter te lleva a tu destino de exito. !No hay atajos!
El Dr. Samuel Chand comparte ejemplos de las principales organizaciones, estableciendo un fundamento solido para decirte como dirigir tu vida con intencionalidad, y vivir paso a paso el proceso hacia el exito que buscas.
Sea que administras una corporacion, una entidad sin fines de lucro, o una iglesia, te provee acceso a las ocho puertas que te llevan a tu destino.
En este libro, recibiras conocimiento especifico sobre:
1. Personas-Con quienes trabajar y a quienes dejar atras
2. Penas-Como manejar las penas externas e internas
3. Paisajes-La habilidad de cambiar de lugar y adaptarte
4. Perspectiva-Como obligarte a pensar de nuevas maneras
5. Prioridades-Cambiar tus prioridades segun tu vision
6. Pasiones-Saber reconocer nuevas pasiones
7. Preparacion-Cuando cambiar el plan estrategico
8. Posibilidades-La astucia de descubrir posibilidades que otros no ven!Lidera tu vida con proposito hacia tu destino de exito!
Everything starts with a thought. Then you say the right words. You make decisions with purpose. Actions develop habits. Habits shape character. And character leads you to success. There are no short cuts!
Inspired by real situations he has observed in major organizations, Dr. Samuel Chand sets the solid foundation you need to lead your life with intention, and go, step by step, through the process that takes you to fulfill your destiny.
Whether you manage a corporation, a non-profit organization, or a church, 8 Steps to Fulfill your Destiny opens the eight doors towards your destiny.
In this book, you will gain specific knowledge on:
1. People-With whom to work and who you should dismiss
2. Pain-How to manage external and internal pains
3. Places-The ability to change a place and adjust to it
4. Perspective-How to force yourself to think in new ways
5. Priorities-Change your priorities according to your vision
6. Passions-Acknowledge new passions
7. Preparation-When to change your strategic plan
8 . Possibilities-The sense for finding out possibilities nobody can seeLead your life with purpose towards your successful destiny!
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Como Recuperar Lo Perdido – (Spanish)
$15.99Creer en Dios no nos exime de pasar por dificultades. Aun cuando tenemos la promesa de que la victoria es nuestra, nos sentimos fracasados y frustrados ante la adversidad. Nos abruman profundas sensaciones de perdida que nos llenan de dolor y de impotencia. Si perdemos algo material que nos cambia totalmente el estilo de vida, sufrimos por aos perdidos en esfuerzos fisicos y mentales, y la fe sufre. Cuando perdemos relaciones, nos cubrimos de luto emocional y no podemos visualizar un futuro. Ante ambas perdidas, nos sentimos vulnerables. Nuestras reacciones espontaneas pueden entorpecer la manifestacion de la victoria que nos corresponde; ni pasa por nuestra mente recuperar lo perdido. Nos aferramos a las imposibilidades humanas y olvidamos las posibilidades de Dios.
Pero la verdad permanece a pesar de las emociones. Y por encima de las nubes, siempre brilla el sol. Si sufres por una perdida, vuelve en ti. Hoy vamos a ensearte Como recuperar lo perdido.En estas alentadoras paginas aprenderas como:
*Tener la mejor actitud ante una perdida
*Levantarte de tu caida
*Tomar autoridad sobre tus pensamientos
*Reclamar lo que te quitaron
*Recuperar multiplicado todo lo que perdisteEsta es la Palabra de Dios para ti hoy. No te va a faltar cosa alguna. !Lo vas a recuperar todo!
Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.
Faith does not exempt us from adversity. Even when we have the promise of victory, we feel frustrated and prone to failure when we face significant losses. Our heart fills with grief and anger. If we lose whatever supported our lifestyle, we suffer feeling the loss of hard working years and embarrassment in front of our family. When we lose relationships, we mourn them and are unable to foresee a better future. We are vulnerable and hopeless.
But those reactions may stop the ultimate manifestation of the future that awaits us. Enough! Truth has to prevail over emotions. And beneath the clouds, the Sun keeps shining through. If you are suffering a loss, come back to your senses! Right now you we are going to teach how to recover you loss.
In this inspiring pages you will learn how to:
*Face your loss with the best attitude
*Stand up from your fall
*Take authority over your thoughts
*Claim and snatch what they took away from you
*Recover everything you lost…multiplied!This is the Word of God for you today. You will never be short of anything. You will recover all and more!
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10 Horas De Vida – (Spanish)
$15.00Eso es lo que el medico dijo tras diagnosticar a Brian Wills, con veintidos aos de edad, uno de los canceres mas mortales y de mas rapido crecimiento, conocido como linfoma de Burkitt. Increiblemente, este raro tumor aumento desde tener el tamao de una bola de golf hasta 23 centimetros en solo tres dias.
Asi comenzo la batalla de Brian que amenazaba su vida, tanto fisica como espiritual, para recibir una recuperacion completa enfocandose en las poderosas promesas de sanidad de Dios. Mediante su increible testimonio real de sanidad contra toda probabilidad, descubra como puede usted:
*Vencer las circunstancias mas desesperadas
*Aprender a aplicar la Palabra de Dios para sanidad
*Edificar su fe para lo milagroso
*Descubrir gozo en medio del sufrimiento
*Recibir consuelo en momentos de prueba10 Horas de Vida incluye muchos otros testimonios de personas que han sido sanadas sobrenaturalmente por el poder de Dios.
!Dios quiere sanarle a usted tambien!
“I give him ten hours to live.”
That’s what the doctor said after diagnosing twenty-two-year-old Brian Wills with one of the deadliest and fastest-growing cancers, known as Burkitt’s lymphoma. Incredibly, this rare tumor grew from the size of a golf ball to nine inches in diameter in only three days.
Thus began Brian’s life-threatening battle-both physical and spiritual-to receive a full recovery by focusing on God’s powerful promises of healing. Through his incredible, true-life testimony of healing against all odds, find out how you can:
*Overcome the most hopeless of circumstances
*Learn how to apply God’s Word for healing
*Build your faith for the miraculous
*Discover joy in the midst of suffering
*Receive comfort in times of trial10 Hours to Live includes many other testimonies of people who have been supernaturally healed by the power of God.
God wants to heal you, too!
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Kept For The Masters Use
$14.99“Take my life, and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days;
Let them flow in ceaseless praise.”Many believers are familiar with the hymn “Take My Life and Let It Be” but few know the story or author behind it. In this book, the hymnwriter, Frances Ridley Havergal (1836-1879), shares the thoughts and experience behind the worship classic.
Line by line, Havergal takes the reader through the hymn, explaining thematically what it means to live, day by day, as one submitted to Christ. Despite a lifetime battling chronic pain, Havergal rejoiced in a life consecrated to her Master.
Although written more than one hundred years ago, Havergal’s words are still relevant because Christ’s call for complete devotion-of hands, feet, voice, mind, emotions, and livelihood-is unchanged. Perfect as an inspirational study or for personal devotions, Kept for the Master’s Use is an emboldening call to live a life fully consecrated to Jesus Christ.
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Sovereignty Of God
$25.00In this classic work on the sovereignty of God, A. W. Pink explains how His sovereignty is characterized in creation and salvation, and then he describes its relationship to human will. Finally, Pink addresses the proper attitude believers should take towards God’s sovereignty, and how to overcome obstacles in doing so. Pink was a student of theologians like St. Augustine, St. Aquinas, John Calvin, and Jonathan Edwards, and his writing reflects many of their views. Ultimately, however, Pink believed that true faith rests “not in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”
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Family Prayer Made Easy
$14.99Today’s families are busy. Every morning, parents and children head out for a day full of school, work, sports, music lessons, church activities, and more. We return home, often tuning into television, computers, and technology-and tuning each other out! What would happen if we paused, as families, in the middle of packed schedules to seek the most important avenue of help and assurance available? What would happen if we stopped to pray?
Family Prayer Made Easy is a practical guide for praying together as a family in just ten focused devotions. Together, the family can seek God in Scripture-based, Spirit-driven, action-packed, answer-delivering prayers. It includes simple ways to come together in prayer, stories to share with children of all ages, Scriptures on prayer and God’s promises, and 100 interactive ideas for prayer and family worship.
Whether used once a week for ten weeks or once a day for ten days, these prayers and prayer activities will guide the family into powerful, consistent, inclusive prayer, with resources for years to come.
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Leadership Awakening : Foundational Principles For Lasting Success
$24.99Every leader wants to finish well, but sometimes the challenges and discouragements in life become too much to handle. Overwhelmed, we settle for less than God’s best.
Whether you are just beginning your ministry journey or you are a seasoned veteran who is feeling tired, ineffective, or ready to quit…maybe it’s time for a Leadership Awakening!
Your life can be marked by God’s goodness all the way to the finish line. Through the time-tested principles Doug Stringer lays out, you will discover how to…
*Measure successful leadership God’s way
*Overcome the oppositions godly leaders face
*Display leadership traits that transform your family, workplace, church, and world
*Equip yourself-and those you’re leading-to run the race and finish well
*And much more!Don’t allow yourself to become a casualty on the battlefield of Christian leadership. You can have an impactful life and hear God’s beautiful words of affirmation at the end of your journey…”Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23).
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8 Steps To Achieve Your Destiny
$22.99Unforeseen problems.
Unanticipated market changes.
Unexpected organizational conflicts.No leader is immune to the shifting circumstances and events that can challenge or stymie their professional or organizational progress. Advance warning of these oncoming storms, together with adequate preparation, can mean the difference between disaster and success.
Using a wealth of examples gleaned from today’s top organizations, Dr. Samuel Chand lays a solid foundation to prepare today’s leaders for the unavoidable difficulties. Whether you run a corporation, a non-profit organization, or a church, LadderShifts will provide insight into eight issues every leader must face.
These include:
*Getting the most out of people
*Dealing with unexpected pains
*Why it’s necessary for leaders to make friends with their plans
*Ten tools for gaining new perspective
*Discerning your essential priorities
*Coping with changing passions
*Why preparation is more important than planning
*Exploring new possibilitiesAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Live Healed
$3.49Take a Double Dose of God’s Medicine. What’s better than receiving healing from the Lord in times of sickness? Living healed all the time! Gloria Copeland has been living healed for many years, and she has no plans to live any other way. Discover how you, too, can follow the “living healed” plan that has kept Gloria whole and healthy. Take your stand on the Word of God and use it as medicine every day. Learn to Live Healed–all the time!
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Calling Things That Are Not
$4.22The principle of calling things that are not as though they were is the spiritual principle through which everything physical becomes manifest. God created the light by calling for “light” when only darkness was there. Jesus used this same method, calling the lepers clean, and the dead to life, and peace to the storm.
You must call for what you desire. if you want your dog to come, you call the dog, not the cat. You call for what is not there. Whatever you call in the natural will come. Call what does not exist and continue to call until it manifests.
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