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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 1801–1812 of 2417 results

  • Nunca Te Rindas Manuel De Estu (Workbook) – (Spanish) (Workbook)


    Si alguna vez has querido rendirte, !debes leer esto primero!Tension, cambio, !crisis! Todos sabemos lo que es. Todos hemos sido tentados de escaparnos, olvidarnos o rendirnos. El escritor de exito, Edwin Louis Cole, ense?a que “la crisis es normal en la vida.” Pero Dios tiene una forma de hacerte triunfador en cada situacion.Campeones no son aquellos que nunca fallan, sino aquellos que nunca se rinden.Enfrentar el desafio del desempleo, la crisis de la mediana edad, dificultades en el matrimonio, mudanzas, problemas financieros y tension en general, puede convertirse en el combustible que lo impulse a sus mas grandes victorias y a su mayor exito.En este manual de estudio de este clasico best-seller, Edwin Louis Cole ofrece respuestas reales, soluciones sensatas para cambios y crisis contemporaneos. Usted aprendera: Que hacer en la crisisDiez pasos para salir de lo anterior y entrar a lo mejorComo transformar el fracaso en exito aplastanteCual es su parte, cual es la porcion de DiosCuando la vida parece muy dificil, la fidelidad de Dios es mas perseverante. !Aun cuando este tentado a rendirse, usted prevalecera!

    If you’ve ever wanted to quit, read this first!Stress. Change. Crisis! Everyone knows what it’s like. Everyone has been tempted to walk away, forget it, give up. “Crisis is normal to life,” best-selling author Edwin Louis Cole teaches. But God has a way for you to become a winner in every situation.Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit.Facing the challenge of a job loss, a mid-life crisis, a troubled marriage, moving, financial difficulties and general stress can become the fuel that propels you to your greatest victories and success!In this study guide for the best-selling book, Edwin Louis Cole offers real, sensible solutions to contemporary changes and crises. You’ll learn…What to do in a crisis.Ten steps to leave the old and enter the new.How to transform crisis into overwhelming success.What is your part and what is God’s part.When life is just too tough, God’s faithfulness is tougher. Even if you’re tempted to quit, you can make it through!

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  • Praise Is My Weapon


    Dan Willis will show you how true praise can lead you to victory in life. Far beyond song, dance, music, and singing, praise is a weapon for defeating your spiritual enemies.

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  • Joy For All Seaons


    Imagine reading a book that is so much more than written words on a page but, instead, it is an invitation to experience exuberant joy! Simply imagine the sweet hope that comes from reading about the patience, the gladness and the excitement that is nestled within one woman’s heart. Imagine!

    You have just imagined the devotional book entitled, “Joy for All Seasons” written by best-selling author, blogger, speaker, radio host, TV host and Bible teacher, Carol McLeod. Carol’s perspective on life serves as an invitation to live life with gusto and at full-throttle! Her capacity for joy and her resolve to trumpet the bidding to embrace joy in every week of the year is not for the faint of heart. This weekly summons into His presence is filled with rich experiences, with heart-felt celebration and with an intimate knowledge of what it takes to walk with God.

    “Joy for All Seasons” is a weekly devotional that includes Bible verses to consider and questions to ponder. It is perfect for a personal devotional handbook or for group discussion. This is a “once-in-a-lifetime” book that will be read and re-read year after year after year.

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  • Habits Of Grace


    The Christian life is built on three seemingly unremarkable practices: reading the Bible, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. However, according to David Mathis, such “habits of grace” are the God-designed channels through which his glorious grace flows-making them life-giving practices for all Christians. Whether it’s hearing God’s voice (the Word), having his ear (prayer), or participating in his body (fellowship), such spiritual rhythms of the Christian life have the power to awaken our souls to God’s glory and stir our hearts for lifelong service in his name. What’s more, these seemingly simple practices grant us access to a host of spiritual blessings that we can only begin to imagine this side of eternity-and the incredible joy that such blessings bring to God’s children today.

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  • Lifegiving Home Experience


    It’s time to plan some unforgettable moments with your family! Containing sections for each month of the year, this companion resource to The Life-Giving Home is a planner full of creative ideas that will help you be intentional about creating times and spaces for your family to relax, celebrate, and simply enjoy one another all year long. You’ll learn how to cultivate special times that will speak to your family’s hearts . . . and inspire cherished memories that you will all treasure.

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  • Lifegiving Home : Creating A Place Of Belonging And Becoming


    How to make home your family’s favorite place to be . . . all year long.

    Does your home sometimes feel like just a place to eat, sleep, and change clothes on the way to the next activity? Do you long for “home” to mean more than a place where you stash your stuff? Wouldn’t you love it to become a haven of warmth, rest, and joy . . . the one place where you and your family can’t wait to be?

    There is good news waiting for you in the pages of The Life-Giving Home. Every day of your family’s life can be as special and important to you as it already is to God. In this unique book designed to help your family enjoy and celebrate every month of the year together, you’ll discover the secrets of a life-giving home from a mother who created one and her daughter who was raised in it: popular authors Sally and Sarah Clarkson. Together they offer a rich treasure of wise advice, spiritual principles, and practical suggestions. You’ll embark on a new path to creating special memories for your children; establishing home-building and God-centered traditions; and cultivating an environment in which your family will flourish. (Don’t miss the companion piece, The Life-Giving Home Experience.)

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  • Habits Of Grace Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    Designed as a supplement to Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines by David Mathis, this study guide helps readers engage more deeply with the spiritual disciplines (Bible study, prayer, and fellowship) as channels of God’s grace. Intended for individuals and small groups alike, this 31-day guide includes relevant Scripture readings, discussion questions tied to assigned readings from the book, and prompts for applying each lesson to daily life. Mathis rehearses key principles and practices outlined in the book, equipping readers to stay focused on the gospel as they cultivate habits that awaken their souls to the glory of God and stir their hearts for joyful service.

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  • Do Ask Do Tell Lets Talk


    Conversations among friends accomplish more than debates between opponents…

    Conversations on controversial issues do not to go well when the dialogue happens community-to-community or figurehead-to-figurehead. Whether it’s race, religion, or politics, groups don’t talk well with groups. Too much is at stake when we feel like our words and actions speak for the collective whole. Platforms and podiums will never accomplish what can only be done around dinner tables and in living rooms.

    Two individuals from those respective groups are much more likely to forge a good relationship, influencing one another in various ways. Unfortunately, an individual who listens well is often viewed by his or her collective compatriots as engaging in compromise; at the group level, representing each side fairly feels too much like agreement.

    That is why the aim of this book is friendship. Friendship is the level at which influence can be had, because the dialogue does not seek to represent an agenda but to understand a person. Friendship is what protects good points from becoming gotcha moments.

    The subject for which this approach may be most vital for the modern church may be homosexuality and same-sex attraction (SSA). Yet our approach has tended to be more polemical or political than pastoral and personal.

    Churches have articulated their position on a conservative sexual ethic. Churches have re-examined the key biblical texts that are challenged in defense of a progressive sexual ethic. As important as these things are, however, they do not equip everyday Christians to develop meaningful friendships with people who experience same-sex attraction or have embraced a gay identity.

    In the absence of relationship, our theology becomes theory.

    Many Christians are seeing that the church’s unwillingness to befriend people who experience SSA has blocked us from engaging with the subject of homosexuality on a person-to-person level. We are reticent to engage relationships where it feels probable that there will be awkwardness.

    Admittedly, this book is not as “neat” as you might like for it to be. Many tensions will be navigated; maybe not all contradictions will be avoided. However, when it comes to being salt and light for the sake of the gospel, it seems far better to choose possible messiness over guaranteed ineffectiveness.

    That means we must realize that it is good for us to have conversations where we don’t know what to say. This is part of the ess

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  • In Search Of A Fathers Blessing


    “There are times when I feel like the title ‘father’ is the worst name God could have given Himself. What a stupid idea, when ‘father’ means rejection in my world.”
    -Excerpt from a troubled teen’s letter to Doug Stringer

    By the late 1980s, God began to give Doug Stringer insight regarding the state of our nation and the daily problems his ministry saw as it reached out to young people struggling with drugs, alcohol, abortion, prostitution, apathy, and other issues. The root and source of all these issues suddenly became clear: America is a nation devoid of fathers, both natural and spiritual. We are an orphaned nation with broken and dysfunctional families, a society of individuals in search of identity. Now, almost thirty years later, we have a “double generation” of fatherlessness-orphaned parents raising orphaned children. Even people with good fathers suffer from the widespread effects that fatherlessness has on our culture and our world.

    Doug illustrates the heart of God and gives the reader a clear path to the affirmation, acceptance, and approval of a father. He draws from his own struggle with fatherlessness and the struggle of others to offer insight into the power of God, including:
    *The answer to the problem of fatherlessness in our nation
    *The importance of spiritual fathers in the church
    *How to be a spiritual father
    *How to find a spiritual father
    *God’s heart for reconciliation between generations
    *The power that is unleashed with generations work together
    *How to overcome broken trust and learn to trust again.

    The church is only now awaking to the heart cry of a generation that has been abandoned and left to its own devices. Doug Stringer believes that God is ready to release a multigenerational anointing, calling forth generations of churches and nations to come back to their Abba Father.

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  • Liberacion Sobrenatural – (Spanish)


    La mayoria de los creyentes aman a Cristo pero por falta de conocimiento aun viven bajo alguna forma de atadura del enemigo. Espiritus demoniacos son la causa principal de muchos de los problemas emocionales, espirituales y fisicos con los que luchamos. La respuesta es el ministerio precioso de la liberacion, como descubrira en este libro. Empleando ejemplos biblicos, sus experiencias personales en el ministerio y los testimonios poderosos de personas quienes han sido liberadas, el Apostol Guillermo Maldonado explica de manera clara que la liberacion es parte de la obra terminada de la Cruz, donde Jesus gano la guerra en contra del pecado, la enfermedad y la muerte – y tambien sobre todo poder del enemigo. La liberacion esta disponible a todo hijo de Dios. Sea que usted necesite liberacion o desee ayudar a los demas a ser libre La Liberacion Sobrenatural provee soluciones para derrotar al enemigo, permitiendole disfrutar de paz, libertad y una vida fructifera.

    Most believers love Christ but, for lack of knowledge, are still living under some form of bondage by the enemy. Demonic spirits are the main cause of many emotional, spiritual, and physical problems we struggle with. The answer, as you will discover in this book, is the precious ministry of deliverance. Through biblical examples, his personal experiences in ministry, and powerful testimonies of people who have been delivered, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clearly explains that deliverance is part of the finished work of the cross, on which Jesus won the war against sin, sickness, death-and all the power of the enemy. Whether you need deliverance-or desire to help set others free-Supernatural Deliverance provides solutions for defeating the enemy, enabling you to enjoy peace, freedom, and a fruitful life.

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  • Loyalty : Going Beyond Faithfulness


    Where are the faithful? Where are the loyal ones? CHRISTIANITY 101 calls us to imitate our Father God. Believers are to be faithful as the Lord is faithful. We will find this fruit of faithfulness evidenced in our lives as the Spirit of God is at work. Pastor Ed King charges us to incline our ears to hear God’s call to loyalty. Pleasing God means we must build on our lifestyle of faithfulness to many and extend an undying loyalty to few. It is His good pleasure. It is His heart. In this book, Pastor King elaborates on the subtle distinctions between faithfulness and loyalty and focuses on lessons learned by looking at the brotherly love shared by Jonathan and David. Find promotion and honor as you commit to be a rare gem in God’s crown who demonstrates both of these desirable traits. Learn how God’s grace will meet you at your point of decision to go past faithfulness and enter into loyalty. It all starts with a decision!

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  • Raising Grateful Kids In An Entitled World


    “But everyone else has it.” “If you loved me, you’d get it for me!” When you hear these comments from your kids, it can be tough not to cave. You love your children-don’t you want them to be happy and to fit in?

    Kristen Welch knows firsthand it’s not that easy. In fact, she’s found out that when you say yes too often, it’s not only hard on your peace of mind and your wallet-it actually puts your kids at long-term risk. In Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World, Kristen shares the ups and downs in her own family’s journey of discovering why it’s healthiest not to give their kids everything. Teaching them the difference between “want” and “need” is the first step in the right direction. With many practical tips and anecdotes, she shares how to help kids become hardworking, fulfilled, and successful adults.

    It’s never too late to raise grateful kids. Get ready to cultivate a spirit of genuine appreciation in your family and create a home in which your kids don’t just say-but mean!-“thank you” for everything they have.

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