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Tag: Christian Living

Showing 1441–1452 of 2417 results

  • Peldanos A La Cumbre – (Spanish)


    Nos quedamos sin respuestas al final de El Contador de Historias. Quien era Selah? Cual era el libro negro? Que contenia el sobre blanco? La historia de Luis Garcia no ha terminado.

    Luego de que muere Selah, el contador de historias mas grande de todos los tiempos, le deja una carta a Luis Garcia. En esa carta estan escritas las lecciones mas importantes de la vida, segun las aprendio Selah. Son una valiosa fuente de sabiduria que ayudara a llegar a la cima a todo el que lo anhele. En palabras de Luis, estas enseanzas son “peldaos a la cumbre”.

    Igual que a nosotros en el ascenso a la cumbre, a Luis le faltan peldaos para subir, lecciones que aprender, retos a conquistar. Asi es el camino a la grandeza. Cuando piensas que llegaste, la vida te sorprende, y no siempre ocurre lo mejor. Pero Selah dejo en su carta una escalera con pasos seguros que, peldao a peldao, nos guia a la cima. Los subimos?

    Con su particular y aclamada narrativa, Jose Luis Navajo nos sigue llevando por la ruta hacia la verdad de la grandeza. Llegara a la cumbre Luis Garcia? Llegaremos nosotros?

    At the end of El contador de historias, we were left with unanswered questions. Who was Selah? Which book was the black book? What was inside the white envelope? The story of Luis Garcia is not finished.

    Upon his death, Selah, the greatest storyteller in the world, left a letter for Luis Garcia. This letter carries the most important lessons in life, as Selah learned them. They are a valuable source of wisdom that will help anybody to reach the top. As Luis would say, those teachings are “a stairway to the top.”

    Just as we climb up the stairway to the top, Luis still has stairs to climb, lessons to learn, challenges to overcome. That is the path to greatness. When you think you are already there, life surprises you, not usually with the best. But Selah left inside his letter a stairway with the safest steps to guide you to greatness. Shall we go up?

    In his particular and acclaimed storytelling style, Jose Luis Navajo keeps taking us on the path to true greatness. Will Luis Garcia reach the top? Will we?

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  • StormProof : Weathering Life’s Tough Times


    Go “storm chasing” through the pages of the greatest Book ever written! What storm has blown into your circumstances? Are you–or someone you love–suffering from the trauma of plans that have been washed away, relationships that have been uprooted, or security that has been devastated? Many believers have been known to ask, “God, where are You in this storm?” or, “Lord, did You send this storm into my life?” Just what does a believer do during a stormy season? StormProof: Weathering Life’s Tough Times tackles these and other tumultuous questions.

    Author Carol McLeod is a storm survivor–more than that, a victor–over infertility, depression, and cancer. She understands the spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges of the trials we face in our lives. A gifted Bible teacher, she provides “life preservers” of hope and faith through the eternal, practical wisdom found only in God’s Word.

    By examining key storms in the Bible, and the lives of those affected by them , Carol guides you to uncommon comfort for your own storms, offering the shelter of hope, joy, and faith. In StormProof, you will step out of the boat to walk the waves with Peter, knowing that Jesus always comes to be with you in the midst of your storms; you will be rocked aboard a wind-driven ship with the apostle Paul, in danger of being smashed against the rocks, but be preserved by God’s power; you will watch the gathering storm clouds with Noah, holding on to faith in God’s purposes. You will also experience Jonah’s self-inflicted tempest while affirming God’s unconditional love, sit in silence with Job and ponder his questions about the greatest storm of testing, and huddle with the disciples as their boat is swamped by surging waves–only to hear Jesus’s eternal words, “Peace, be still.” You will also hear about storms of harsh circumstances that others from recent history have encountered and overcome.

    Storms are common in every season of life. Yet, for a believer in Christ, the damage such storms cause can be contained, depending on how we navigate their tumultuous waves. There is a way–a triumphant way–to encounter the fierce gales of life and then exit the tempests with strength and resilience. There is a definitive way to walk through the most devastating of circumstantial tornadoes and emerge with grace, empowered for the future. There is a way to be StormProof.

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  • Joy In Surrender


    We often try to avoid the painful trials in life. After all, we would prefer to live our Christian lives from victorious moment to victorious moment. But the apostle Peter has challenged us to look at our trials differently: “Instead, be very glad-for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world” (1 Peter 4:13, NLT).

    As we embrace our partnership in Christ’s suffering and fully surrender our lives to His purposes, this wonderful joy in Christ is ours!

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  • Your First Step To Freedom


    This instructional and informative book is written for those who want to help someone that is struggling with an addiction. For those struggling with a life-controlling problem, for church leaders, youth ministers, families and friends of an addict, this book has been written for you.

    With over fifty years of experience and seeing first hand that people do not know how to help those suffering with an addiction, Don Wilkerson has written this book to help. Find useful guidance on:
    -Taking the first step towards treedom
    -Ministering to families of addicts
    -Steps toward intervention for loved ones
    -How to avoid a relapse
    -From denial to decision
    -And much more

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  • When God Says No


    What do we do when deep grief invades our lives? How do we negotiate the unwelcomed journey we find ourselves on? What do we do with our unspeakable pain? Even more, what do we do when we have asked God to spare the life of our loved one and he does not give the answer we hope for?

    In When God Says No, Brenda Smit-James tells the story of her journey with grief following the untimely death of her mother – a journey where she questioned God and his goodness, questioned whether Jesus was worth following, and questioned the relevance of the Christian life.

    In telling her story, Brenda shows us how grief can be engaged and not merely endured and how we can face the darkness of grief with quiet courage and, in so doing, find a way back into the light again.

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  • Dream Book : A Beginner’s Guide To Understanding God’s Voice While You Slee


    What is God saying through your dreams?

    Your dreams are a unique opportunity to hear from Heaven. While you sleep, daily distractions are absent, creating a space for God to speak.

    In the night, God intertwines Heavenly messages and details from your life into a meaningful, storied tapestry. These divinely woven dreams may offer wisdom, bestow comfort, or inspire courage.

    The Beginner’s Guide to Dream Interpretation will show you how to:
    *Interpret your dreams using Scripture and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, even when dreams are embarrassing or frightening.
    *Capture your dreams in a dream journal.
    *Expand your creative ability by learning to ‘catch’ Heavenly treasure from dreams.
    *Understand the meanings behind nightmares.
    *Learn what to do when you experience Deja Vu.
    *Discover your own personal code language with God.

    You have been given access to God’s supernatural voice. Learn to unlock the language of dreams and visions, and take hold of God’s special words for you!

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  • Moms Guide To Lies Girls Believe


    You can’t change the world, but you can prepare her for it.

    Your daughter is facing challenges you never dealt with at her age! From skyrocketing anxiety rates to bullying on social media, the Enemy’s lies are everywhere. How do you help the girl you love walk in freedom?

    Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe, the companion book to Lies Girls Believe is your tool to come alongside your daughter in the fight against the lies the world is telling her. Based on in-depth research and focus groups led by Dannah Gresh, author of Secret Keeper Girl and Lies Young Women Believe (Coauthored with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth,) Lies Girls Believe teaches your daughter the Truth she will need to navigate the challenges she is facing. The Mom’s Guide provides research, cultural trends, and case studies about the problems tween girls face, but also offers encouragement and biblical insight to empower you to talk with your daughter about God’s truth.

    Together, these books give you the tools you need to start important conversations at an age-appropriate pace. Topics include:
    *Lies about God
    *Lies about Friendship
    *Lies about the Future
    *Lies about Myself
    *Lies about Boys

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  • 7 Myths About Singleness


    While singleness is often widely misunderstood by many in the church today and often viewed in negative terms, the Bible speaks about it very differently. This book sets forth a positive vision of singleness by responding to 7 common misconceptions, such as the notion that singleness is too hard, requires a special spiritual gift, is a hindrance to ministry, or is a waste of sexuality. Addressed to the church as a whole and written by a single pastor, 7 Myths about Singleness will help readers better understand, support, and empower the singles around them to contribute to the flourishing of the church as a whole.

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  • Lies Girls Believe


    You can’t change the world, but you can prepare her for it.

    Today’s girls face a number of challenges we never dealt with at their age. From skyrocketing anxiety rates to bullying on social media, the Enemy’s lies are everywhere. How do you help the girl you love walk in freedom?

    Equip her with Truth. Dannah Gresh, author of Secret Keeper Girl and Lies Young Women Believe (coauthored with Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth) brings you Lies Girls Believe. This fun, easy-to-read book engages your daughter in the twenty most important truths she needs. She’ll help solve problems using fun sidebars and it’s packed with wisdom, quizzes, games, exploded quotes, and graphics to help her absorb the message. Prepare your daughter for the difficult challenges she’ll face in the world today with sections addressing:
    *Lies about God
    *Lies about Friendship
    *Lies about the Future
    *Lies about Myself
    *Lies about Boys
    *And more!

    Lies Girls Believe is designed to help your daughter fully understand the Truth so she can live the way God meant for her to live-free!

    For the best results, use the accompanying Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe which invites you to critically examine the lies girls believe and discover how to set your daughter free. It also helps facilitate discussion between you and your daughter.

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  • Camino Del Guerrero – (Spanish)


    Erwin McManus, autor de exito de ventas, pastor, futurista y lider del pensamiento cultural cree que para experimentar y establecer la paz, primero debemos enfrentar las batallas que se desatan dentro de nosotros. El nos demuestra que la paz no se encuentra por accidente, sino por una intencion ingeniosa.

    El camino del guerrero es un llamado a ser decisivos, a auto examinarnos y a buscar la plenitud espiritual. A traves de las antiguas practicas biblicas de humildad, enfoque, dominio de si mismo, claridad, fortaleza y vulnerabilidad, nos guia a una comprension mas profunda de nuestro funcionamiento interior y provee las guias que necesitamos para establecer la paz y la tranquilidad en nuestros hogares, vecindarios, comunidades e inclusive en el mundo. En el estilo de un maestro sazonado por la batalla, McManus nos entrega sabiduria, nos infunde pasion y nos provee los movimientos sagrados necesarios para que te conviertas en el guerrero que fuiste creado para ser.

    Erwin McManus, best-selling author, pastor, futurist, and cultural thought leader believes that to experience and establish peace, we must first confront the battles that rage within.

    McManus shows that encountering peace does not occur by accident, but rather by artful intention. Warrior is a call to decisiveness, self-examination, and the pursuit of spiritual wholeness. Through the ancient biblical practices of humility, focus, ownership, clarity, strength, and vulnerability, he guides readers to a deeper understanding of their inner workings and provides the guidance they need to establish peace and tranquility in their homes, neighborhoods, communities, and even the world! In the style of a battle-wizened teacher, McManus delivers wisdom, instills passion, and provides the sacred movements needed to become the warrior you were meant to be.

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  • Gods Creative Power For Finances – (Spanish)


    Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life. They can make the difference in your finances and your well-being. God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given you that same ability. Learn to turn your financial situation around by following the powerful principles of faith contained in this book.

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  • Strong Men In Tough Times Workbook (Workbook)


    Society’s widening gap between technological achievement and moral decay compels men of courage, integrity and true manhood to stand strong.

    In a quest for satisfaction, many men have lost the meaning of manhood, surrendering ideals to things immoral, illegal, unethical, or irresponsible. Today’s tough times require men to overcome dangerous philosophies and bring hope, dignity, and order back to a world in desperate need–men who are willing to be heroes.

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