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    Social Issues

    • Hope For This Present Crisis


      Our culture has lost its mind. Now, we are waging a bigger fight-a war for our soul.

      Is it possible our world has gone mad? We are under siege and the war is not from without; it is from within. The collapse of the Roman Empire occurred in a single generation and was not so much the result of invasions by their enemies but the result of moral decay and internal corruption. Similar patterns are emerging in America. We neglected or abandoned our traditional institutions long ago, but now it’s time to take them back.

      Today, forces are at work to strip the principles and precepts of faith from public venues or minimize their significance. Many progressive leaders are convinced that when Christianity disintegrates it will create peace on earth. But the loss of our heritage will merely create a spiritual vacuum that will be filled with folly, crammed with chaos, or invaded by Islam. The reality is: Western civilization will become so decadent and reckless that America will collapse like a house of cards.

      In Hope for This Present Crisis, Dr. Youssef provides a diagnosis of the insanity of the current culture and a seven-step prescription for restoring sanity to a world gone mad.  Here’s the seven-step path to restoring a world gone mad:

      *Remember the Truth – Stand firm on the truth of the gospel.

      *Restore the Soul – Seek God’s approval not the approval of other people.

      *Revitalize the Family – Guard your children from the horrors of the Internet.

      *Reestablish the Classroom – Support conscientious, caring public school teachers.

      *Respect our Freedoms – Know your rights.Reform our Society – Morally and spiritually purify yourself.

      *Revive the Church – Demonstrate the forgiving love of Jesus at all times.

      This book will teach you how to stand up to attacks on your faith, and defend Christianity as a meaningful contribution to society.

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    • Journey Out : How I Followed Jesus Away From Gay


      You’ve been looking for Jesus.

      At one time or another you have likely felt conflicted by two opposing desires: the longing to be truly seen and known, versus the drive to hide from real intimacy. This universal human experience points to one simple truth – we want to be loved, but are ashamed of our unworthiness.

      Only one Person could ever meet you in this dilemma, seeing your darkest secrets without flinching, offering the power to change, and loving you without an agenda. This Person is Jesus.

      Before meeting Jesus, Ken Williams describes himself as a homosexual who was tormented by shame and on the brink of committing suicide. But in the person of Jesus, Ken discovered the affirmation, love, and wholeness he had been seeking.

      Since then, Ken has worked tirelessly to help others experience the same hope he found. Today, his life’s work is to cultivate a productive and compassionate environment for those bound by sexual shame, insecurity, and fear, so that they can thrive in righteousness, peace and joy!

      In Changed, Ken Williams will…
      *Reveal that change and freedom from same sex attraction are possible
      *Demystify homosexuality and gender identity issues
      *Help you to make a deep, authentic connection with Jesus
      *Offer wisdom for supporters: parents, family, friends, or pastors

      If you are longing to be deeply known and unconditionally loved, your heart is crying out for Jesus. You will meet Him in the pages of Changed, and discover a new life filled with true hope and enduring joy!

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    • We Will Not Be Silenced


      When You Want to Speak Up but Aren’t Sure What to Say

      You’ve witnessed-and experienced-how Christians are silenced or intimidated because of their beliefs. To merely uphold biblical perspectives is rejected as bigotry and even hatred. Certain segments of today’s culture are quick to shame and pressure everyone to conform to their expectations.

      If you find yourself becoming discouraged by the growing tide of hostility, We Will Not Be Silenced will lift your heart by revealing you are not alone in this battle, while also giving you guidance on how to live your faith with courage. You will learn how to…
      *identify the harmful views being normalized in America and respond to them with truth and gentleness
      *thrive in the face of persecution and display Christlike love through your words and actions
      *show genuine compassion to those who live secular lifestyles without affirming their life choices

      We Will Not Be Silenced will equip you to move beyond fear and joyfully accept the challenge of representing Christ to a watching world that needs Him more than ever before.

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    • Christian Antisemitism : Confrontng The Lies In Today’s Church


      Hate isn’t a thing from history.

      The Jewish people and Israel have been described as “a dominant and moving force behind the present and coming evils of our day”; “a monstrous system of evil…[that] will destroy us and our children” if not resisted; and a group that seeks “the annihilation of almost every Gentile man, woman, and child and the establishment of a satanic Jewish-led global dictatorship.” What’s worse is that these comments were all made by professing Christians.

      In Christian Antisemitism, respected Messianic Bible scholar Michael L. Brown, PhD, documents shocking examples of modern “Christian” antisemitism and exposes the lies that support them. Carefully researched, this book shows that church-based antisemitism is no longer a thing of the past. Rather, a dangerous, shocking tide of “Christian” antisemitism has begun to rise. In Christian Antisemitism, Dr. Brown shows you how to stem this tide now and overcome the evil of “Christian” antisemitism with the powerful love of the cross!

      This book will show you how to confront everyday antisemitism in all areas of your life and become a champion for the people of Israel.

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    • Infected : How To Stop The Global Spread Of Rage, Deception And Insanity


      A spiritual virus more devastating than COVID-19 has infected the global population. It has triggered rage, offense, and murdeous attacks that have exploded in our nation and around the world. If left unchecked, this virus leads to insanity, affecting the mind and body. We see the results all around us and people have no idea it is ruling their lives.

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    • Gen SeXYZ : Love, Sexuality And Youth


      “Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Encourage their interest in sex….”-Vladimir Lenin, 1921, How to Destroy the West

      Going through each of the prophetic statements made by Lenin in 1921 shows why America is where it is today. Only 4 percent of Gen Z think about life through a biblical lens. To them, sexuality is more important than friends, family, or their faith.

      Jeff Grenell’s goal in Gen SeXYZ: Love, Sexuality & Youth is to reach youth, youth leaders, and the church with a message that kicks the devil to the curb and restores sexuality to its God-given origins.

      When the church failed to respond to the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the present one of the 21st century, its role in society crumbled. The media stopped censoring, the government redefined marriage, schools taught progressive sex education, and the list of genders grew. We’ve experienced generational loss because we’ve gotten further away from the source of our original knowledge of sexuality: the Bible.

      Jeff points out that our understanding of sexuality must be anchored to the fact that God is love and the devil stole sex. He provides direct quotations from teenagers and leaders, practical knowledge, and tools to launch a spiritual revolution of love and truth that will grow the church to reach younger generations and combat the loveless, godless sexuality ethic in our culture that’s misleading them.

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    • She Found His Grace


      When Serena Dyksen heard the news that over 2,200 babies’ remains were found on the property of abortion doctor Ulrich “George” Klopfer, her whole body went numb from shock. She began to sob tears of grief. “Is my baby one of those remains?” she questioned. Dr. Klopfer performed her abortion when she was just thirteen years old.

      Just months before, Serena had decided to share her abortion story. After watching one of the last scenes in the pro-life movie Unplanned, she felt it was time to share the hope and healing God had done in her life. Serena’s story reads like a traumatic tale: a childhood of dysfunction, rape, abortion at thirteen years old, a pregnant teenager at the age of sixteen, health issues, and a devastating event that led her to alcohol and drug abuse.

      But in her book, She Found His Grace: A True Story of Hope, Love and Forgiveness After Abortion, Serena reveals the transforming power of God’s healing in her life that set her completely free. She now finds comfort from Genesis 50:20 (ESV): “As for me, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”

      Serena wants everyone who reads her book to know that she walks in freedom because of the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Everyone needs to walk through the healing process of their past abortion, no matter what the circumstances,” she testifies. “If you don’t, you will be walking through deception, pain, and all the bondage that goes with that. But the same God who sent people to show His love for me is the same God who will redeem your life too!”

      Headlines of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s evil highlights the horrors of the abortion industry, but Serena’s testimony overshadows that darkness with the truth of God’s word. There is forgiveness, hope, and healing for your past abortion. “God shines through my life; he can shine through yours too!”

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    • When The Righteous Rule


      It is time for every Christian to stand up, be counted, and be educated on the issues that concern the moral fiber of our country and the future of our families. In When the Righteous Rule: Bible Positions on Political Issues, Pastor Hagee gives insight and educates you on the Bible’s position of various political issues you will face in the voting booth.

      It is time to do more than stand on a soap box and complain. Take a stand for righteousness. Register to vote. Vote our Christian beliefs. We must help take our nation back to the God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We will not be acknowledged for the problems we recognize, but for the problems we help solve.

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    • World Is Changing


      An Agustin Agencty Title

      On December 26, 1991, an event of extraordinary importance in universal history took place.

      It involved the dissolution of the Soviet Union, an event of enormous repercussions that almost no one had anticipated. In fact, only the historian Andrei Amalrík1 and Nobel laureate and writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn,2 two Russian dissidents, had enough courage and vision to forecast that such a seismic event would take place.

      Although it is indisputable that the Cold War had come to an end, there are more than a few who intend to continue analyzing the current global situation from the perspective of a historical period that ended four decades ago. Claiming to understand the present with the paradigms of the Cold War-even to a large extent with those espoused by the Left and Right-is a very serious mistake with consequences that are extremely harmful. History has continued to move forward, and just as it would have been foolish to claim to understand Europe of the end of the nineteenth century on the basis of what life was like for Napoleon, who was finally dethroned in 1815; it is absurd, and even ridiculous, to try to understand our world on the basis of what the Cold War entailed.

      In the first part of the present work, we will take into account the analysis of democracy as a recent and often failed regime, as well as consider the dangers that now threaten its very survival. The second part is devoted to the globalist agenda, which constitutes a real threat that seeks to destroy national sovereignty, the power of the Sates, and the democratic system itself. Finally, the third paints a global picture of how reactions are already perceived in light of this globalist agenda, although not all of them lead to a future of freedom, and, certainly, the human race runs a true and real risk of being subjected to totalitarian systems of various kinds. We invite you on this journey with The World is Changing.

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    • Mundo Que Cambia – (Spanish)


      An Agustin Agency Title

      El 26 de diciembre 1991, tuvo lugar un hecho de extraordinaria importancia en la Historia universal. Se trato de la disolucion de la Union Sovietica, un acontecimiento de enormes repercusiones que pocos habian previsto. A decir verdad, solo el historiador Andrei Amalrik y el premio Nobel Alexander Solzhenitsyn , disidentes rusos, habian tenido el valor y la vision para anunciar que semejante seismo tendria lugar. Aunque es indiscutible que la Guerra fria concluyo, no son pocos los que pretenden seguir analizando la situacion actual del globo desde la perspectiva de un periodo historico que termino hace cuatro decadas. Pretender comprender el presente con paradigmas de la Guerra fria – incluso con los de izquierdas y derechas – constituye una equivocacion de consecuencias perjudiciales. La Historia ha seguido avanzando y al igual que habria constituido una necedad pretender comprender la Europa de finales del siglo XIX sobre lo que fue la vida de Napoleon, destronado definitivamente en 1815, es absurdo, e incluso ridiculo, entender nuestro mundo sobre la base de la Guerra fria. Nuestro mundo ha seguido cambiando desde 1991 y lo que resulta aun mas relevante es que ese conjunto de cambios es constante e implica desafios colosales con los que nunca antes ha tenido que enfrentarse el genero humano. Lejos de ser la democracia y la libertad realidades que se imponen de manera casi natural, lo cierto es que se encuentran mas amenazadas que nunca y que esa amenaza no solo es externa sino, en buena medida, tambien interna. Un mundo que cambia es un intento de explicar que es verdaderamente la democracia y su fragilidad, y que es la agenda globalista, la cual amenaza a el patriotismo y la continuidad de la misma democracia.

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    • Stay Salt : The World Has Changed – Our Message Must Not


      Helps Christians to share their faith in today’s world confidently and effectively.

      The world has changed in so many ways, and many of us no longer feel confident when it comes to evangelism, especially with the rise of hostility towards Christian points of view. Keeping quiet is becoming our default position. Yet the world has not changed in one way-it still needs Jesus.

      Renowned evangelist Becky Pippert draws on decades of conversations about Christianity around the world to call and equip ordinary Christians to share Jesus through their ordinary day-to-day conversations. She shows that by leaning on our extraordinary God, such conversations can, and often do, have extraordinary results. They will transform hearts, transform society, and transform the world!

      Weaving Bible teaching with compelling stories, ‘Stay Salt’ is the next-generation ‘Out of the Saltshaker’ for this new era. It will give readers the confidence to share Jesus like Jesus-relevantly, thoughtfully, and effectively.

      Contains discussion questions for small groups at the end of each chapter.

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    • God Trump And COVID 19


      From the best-selling author of God and Donald Trump, which was brandished by the president at the World Economic Forum in Davos

      How the Pandemic Has Affected the World, America, and the 2020 Election

      This book is a timely follow up to God, Trump and the 2020 Election that reveals insider information about China, the virus, and the ever-increasing stakes of the upcoming election. It will answer the question for the Christian believers (and seekers) of where God is in all this? It provides a little known prophecy by the late David Wilkerson about a plague coming that would shut down the government as well as churches and bars, including shaking New York City as it’s never been shaken. Wilkerson said this plague would force believers into radical prayer that will spark an awakening–something echoed by Christian leaders and prophets.

      Just as the economy was booming and Donald Trump was fixing long-term problems and beating back attacks from his opponents, a brand-new virus shakes up everything including the outcome of this election. The author has inside information about what happened in China early in the pandemic and what went wrong. He even documents how Donald Trump has led the nation in this time of crisis.

      In 2016, God raised up Donald Trump to lead America at a pivotal time. Evangelicals who recognized this backed him more than any other presidential candidate in history. Heading into Election Day 2020, the stakes are even higher, especially with the uncertainty and upheaval caused by COVID-19. This book is really “part two” of God, Trump and the 2020 Election which details the fight for the soul of America. Strang believes readers need both books to understand and explain what’s at stake. With the shutdown caused by the pandemic, serious anti-Christian trends surfaced, such as some states closing “non-essential” churches but allowing liquor stores to provide curbside service. Or ceasing all elective surgeries except abortion, which is the taking of a life while the purpose in shutting down the economy was to save lives from this dreaded virus.

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