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    • Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs


      Mountain Of Fire And Miracles
      Pray Your Way To Breakthroughs is to give the user’s prayer life a sharper focus. The Word of God says: “And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the tree: therefore, every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire” (Matthew 3:10). Those things that have seemed resistant to prayers may be so because the axe has not been laid to the root. Also, those recurring and stubborn problems that subside only to come back after a while may be because the axe was laid at the branches but not unto the root.

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    • Take Heed : Strategies To Endure In Life And Ministry


      Written to catch our attention, Take Heed exposes the schemes of the enemy. Believers today are deceiving themselves and planning how to sin and be clever. Then they are shocked when everything falls apart. The foundation laid by our forefathers has been left behind as we claim to have knowledge and information yet the devil still comes and eats our lunch. Pastor Rathod uses examples from the Old Testament such as Samson, Saul, David, Daniel and Joseph to reveal the bait used by Satan to attack each of these men in a specific way based on their area of weakness. He also uses the example of Jesus who was able to resist the schemes of the devil and overcome the enemy. The devil is like a roaring lion at the waterhole. He knows us and our weaknesses. But like a splash of cold water in the face – it’s time we take heed.

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    • Vuelta Alrededor Del Sol – (Spanish)


      If you had your life to live over again, what would you do differently? New York Times best-selling author Mark Batterson and his mentor, Richard Foth, will help you answer that question before it’s too late. In a storytelling style, Mark and Richard challenge you to take more risks, dream bigger dreams, and quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. The accumulated wisdom from their combined 117 trips around the sun radiates from every heartfelt page.

      Do you want to grab life and squeeze every ounce of adventure out of it? Be inspired by this unapologetic celebration of the life Jesus died to give us.

      Si vivieras tu vida otra vez, que harias de manera diferente? El autor de exitos de ventas del New York Times, Mark Batterson, y su mentor, Richard Foth, te ayudaran a responder a esa pregunta antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Narrando sus historias, Mark y Dick te desafian a correr mas riesgos, a soar cosas mas grandes, y a dejar de vivir como si el proposito de la vida fuera llegar a la muerte. Su sabiduria acumulada en sus 117 vueltas alrededor del sol, irradia de estas paginas, que fueron escritas con el corazon.

      Quieres aprovechar tu vida al maximo, y exprimir de ella cada gota de aventura? Inspirate con esta franca celebracion de la vida que Jesus murio para darte.

      Este libro excepcional te demostrara que:
      La vida es una aventura llena de momentos que te marcan.
      Es mejor dar a tus hijos experiencias que posesiones.
      Cuando ves la vida como una aventura, tus sueos ya nunca estan lejos de ti.
      Se critica creando.
      Mientras mas sabes, mas sabes lo mucho que no sabes.
      Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser quien debiste haber sido.

      En cada vuelta alrededor del sol, esta la inefable aventura de vivir, !Siempre escoge la aventura!

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    • Bueno O Eterno – (Spanish)


      En estos dias, los terminos “bueno” y “Dios” parecen sinonimos. Creemos que lo que generalmente se acepta como bueno debe estar en linea con la voluntad de Dios. La generosidad, la humildad, la justicia son buenas. El egoismo, la arrogancia, la crueldad son malos.
      La distincion parece bastante clara.

      Pero es eso todo lo que hay? Si lo bueno es tan obvio, por que la Biblia dice que necesitamos discernimiento para reconocerlo? Porque lo que parece bueno, no siempre viene de Dios.

      En este libro aprenderas:
      *Que lo que parece bueno, sabio, estrategico y hasta beneficioso, puede ser daino e improductivo
      *A conocer y entender los estandares de Dios, diferentes a nuestros estandares de lo que es “bueno”
      *A separar lo que parece “bueno” de lo que es “bueno” segun Dios
      *A discernir la voluntad de Dios sobre lo que es realmente “bueno” para tu vida
      *A alcanzar un nivel de comprension y plenitud que lograra alinear toda tu vida al proposito presente y eterno de Dios contigo.

      Bueno o Eterno? no es otro mensaje de auto-ayuda. Este libro hara mucho mas que pedirte que cambies tu comportamiento. Te empoderara para involucrarte con Dios a un nivel que cambiara cada aspecto de tu vida para siempre.

      Porque lo que parece “bueno”, si no esta Dios, no es suficiente.

      These days the terms good and God seem synonymous. We believe what’s generally accepted as good must be in line with God’s will. Generosity, humility, justice-good. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty-evil. The distinction seems pretty straightforward. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say that we need discernment to recognize it?.

      Forgiveness is the bridge that enables dialogue to regain trust, and strengthen the relationship. If we don’t forgive and ask for forgiveness, we may kill the illusion and joy of sharing our lives with each other.

      Through this book you will learn:
      *Whatever seems to be good or strategic, may be harmful.
      *to understand God’s standards, which may not match yours.
      *to discern what is good for you from what is good for Him.
      *to follow God’s will on what he finds really good for you.
      *to achieve a level of engagement with God that aligns your life to His purpose.

      Good or God? isn’t another self-help message. This book will do more than ask you to change your behavior. It will empower you to engage with God on a level that will change forever every aspect of your life.

      Because good, without God, is not enough.

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    • Surprise The World


      Christianity is a surprising religion. It has changed the world in remarkable ways throughout history simply through Christians living out their faith. More recently, we’ve become afraid of a habituated Christianity, thinking that routines will rob our faith of its vitality. The net effect is that we’ve replaced the habits that surprise the world with habits that mimic the world-and both we and the world suffer for it.

      Integrating the five habits in the BELLS model-Bless others, Eat together, Listen to the Spirit, Learn Christ, and understand yourself as Sent by God into others’ lives-will help you spread the gospel organically, graciously, and surprisingly.

      Michael Frost, a world-renowned expert on evangelism and discipleship, makes evangelism a lifestyle that is fulfilling, exciting, effective, and easy to live out!

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    • Grace Of Yielding


      If God asked you, as He did with Abraham, to sacrifice your “pride and joy,” your “Isaac,” could you do it? From the Scriptures, Derek Prince shows that God will give back to you abundantly when you are willing to yield to Him. Discover how you can please God in all you do, become mature in your faith, and receive your inheritance as a child of God. You can be confident that, as you yield to the Spirit of Christ, you will learn to walk in the abundance of God’s power and blessings.

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    • Pause With Jesus


      Think of reading the biblical stories of Jesus as a written travelogue. Each verse, story, chapter, account stands alone as an example of the exquisite life of Christ as each snapshot from a vacation individually reflects a unique experience of life. Unless surveyed as a whole, the completeness escapes and leaves us grasping mere fragments. The totality of a vacation, missed when viewing individual photos, can be seen by observing the album containing all the pictures, or a video showing the story in motion. Places and people. Good days and bad. Events comprising the entire trip come into focus, accurately portraying a journey that would appear out of balance when only certain pictures were noticed. This biblical travelogue presents description, like snapshots of a historical person. Knitted together, stories from Christ’s life bring into focus a true and astounding picture. More than a portrait of a movement, it is representation of the Man Himself. A Man who loved all the characters of the drama. The lonely? He loved them. The misfits? He loved them. The legalistic, religious, gotta-do-it-our-way-or-we-will-kill-you folks? He loved them. Demonstrations of that love differ with each scene, but uniqueness merges with unity; the same pure, profound love shines in every sighting. What I’ve offered here is an awareness, a glimpse, of what the Gospel writers were telling us. And what life seems to be revealing. These stories have caused me to see Jesus in fresh ways. I am more aware than ever of both my imperfections and His love for me in spite of my frailty. Watching Him with sinners in Matthew’s house, seeing Him gaze at the impish Zaccheus while certainly grinning, hearing His powerful words stifle the storm: such scenes moved me despite my familiarity with them. Moments of study offered me the impossible task of laying aside my preconceptions long enough to live through the events unfettered by prematurely drawn conclusions. Along the way, I met Jesus. Again. And He is very real, very alive. And He seems to think we are all important. May we refuse to think lightly of Jesus. May we refrain from closeness to Him that merely leaves us callous to His majesty. May we refuse to be ordinary. May we not work so hard to rise above others. May we pause. May we pause with Jesus.

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    • Shattering : An Encounter With Truth


      A paranormal encounter with a psychic relative convinced Jessica of a spiritual reality outside the bounds of her Christian upbringing, projecting her on an intense quest for spiritual truth. As the mysterious realm of energies and meditation opened before her, she expanded her practice by seeking in-depth training at a Buddhist Center in California, a meditation retreat in South America, and an ashram in India. After a decade of passionately pursing spirituality, she became a certified yoga teacher and a master level Reiki practitioner. Jessica then moved forward with her dream to share these teachings with others, but strange things began to occur. Before her business plan for an instruction center was completed, a terrifying and profound spiritual encounter shattered not only Jessica’s goals, but the very lens through which she viewed the world.

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    • Give Me 40 Days


      Do you need a manifestation of the healing power of God in your life? If so, Give me 40 Days for Healing could quite possibly be the tool the Lord will use to teach you how to bring forth what you already possess. Jesus did it all for you on Calvary. Healing in every area of your life – spirit, soul, and body, has already been bought and paid for by Jesus Christ. Total health is a part of your covenant in God, but it will not come to you automatically. You must learn how to appropriate what already belongs to you.

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    • Supernatural Deliverance : Freedom For Your Soul Mind And Emotions


      Is There More to Your Problem Than Meets the Eye?

      What’s the most difficult problem you face? Have you been struggling with an issue for months-or even years-without finding a solution, even though you have prayed about it? Perhaps you have an underlying sense of fear or anxiety, a cycle of failure, an inability to forgive someone, crippling feelings of guilt, a struggle with addiction or sexual immorality, uncontrollable anger, or some other persistent problem.

      You may think you understand what you’ve been dealing with, but perhaps there is more to it. Most believers love Christ but, for lack of knowledge, are still living under some form of bondage by the enemy. Demonic spirits are the main cause of many emotional, spiritual, and physical problems we struggle with.

      The answer, as you will discover in this book, is the precious ministry of deliverance.

      Through biblical examples, his personal experiences in ministry, and powerful testimonies of people who have been delivered, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado clearly explains that deliverance is part of the finished work of the cross, on which Jesus won the war against sin, sickness, death-and all the power of the enemy.

      Deliverance is available for every child of God. Whether you need deliverance-or desire to help set others free-Supernatural Deliverance provides solutions for defeating the enemy, enabling you to enjoy peace, freedom, and a fruitful life.

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    • Power Of Prophetic Prayer


      Prayer releases the atmosphere of heaven into the earth.

      If prayer can alter the course of history and reshape the world, then why don’t believers pray more? Perhaps because they don’t understand the power of prophetic prayer! Kynan Bridges leads readers in a spiritual discovery of what prayer is and how much power it holds by exploring the relationship between “prophecy” and “prayer.”

      Prophetic prayer is more than a religious exercise; it is actually the supernatural catalyst that enables us to experience the power and presence of God in every area of our lives. If believers only knew the power of prophetic prayer, they wouldn’t struggle to bend the knee.

      This book will answer your questions about prayer, including:
      *What is the power and significance of prayer?
      *Is every believer supposed to pray prophetically?
      *Can I really manifest the miraculous through prayer?
      *What do I do when nothing happens after I pray?

      The Power of Prophetic Prayer will forever alter your prayer life.

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    • Pride Versus Humility


      There are universal spiritual laws that govern the success of our lives, and Pride Versus Humility explores one of those vital laws that is often overlooked: “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matthew 23:12 NIV).

      With candor and biblical force, Derek Prince confronts central issues concerning pride and humility. As always, what he shares is not only insightful but also immensely practical. Ranging from the vital role of humility as we draw closer to God, to the absolute necessity for humility in any position of leadership, to the indispensable role of humility in our relationships with others, the contents of this book can have a life-changing impact on you as you learn the hazards of pride and discover God’s perfect pattern for humility.

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