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    Character Development

    • Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus


      Nothing but the Blood of Jesus introduces little ones to the one of the most timeless, enduring anthems of the Christian faith in a fun and colorful way.

      Robert Lowry’s eloquent ode to our Savior’s lifesaving work on the cross contains powerful promises for small children to grasp as they grow in their knowledge and trust of Jesus.

      Now little ones can experience the comfort and reassurance of this Christian classic for the first time. The lyrics are paired with whimsical watercolor art that celebrates the joy and wonder of God’s world. In the back of the book, you’ll find the sheet music and lyrics.

      Hymns for Little Ones is a series of creative and colorful board books that introduce young children to the most inspiring and influential Christian anthems of all time. Little ones will learn powerful truths about God through these classic songs.

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    • Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party


      What will heaven be like? Answering this question for kids can be challenging, especially as it’s hard to get past the myths.

      This beautifully illustrated, biblically faithful storybook by Joni Eareckson Tada excites children with this truth–that when Jesus comes back to this world, he will bring heaven with him! There will be a new creation where we’ll have new hearts and a new body, living in a new city. And best of all, we’ll be with Jesus, forever! It will be better than we can ever imagine.

      Kids are encouraged to respond to Jesus’ invitation personally by repenting and believing. They will also be inspired to invite others, and to ask Jesus to come soon.

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    • His Grace Is Enough


      This illustrated, rhyming book will help parents explain to children the unique and wonderful Christian message of God’s grace–that Jesus offers forgiveness and allows us to move on from our mistakes.

      It can be used to share the heart of the Christian faith with children or to remind them that Jesus is the person to run to when they mess up.

      Children will learn that God’s grace is enough to cleanse and change us every day, as the book itself says…

      My child, here’s the truth:
      From God, you can’t hide
      He sees what you’ve done
      He knows what’s inside

      But please don’t despair
      There’s good news, I say!
      Whatever you do
      God’s grace makes a way

      Yes, his grace is enough
      It’s so big and so free
      His grace is enough
      Both for you and for me

      This beautiful hardback book makes a great gift for children and even beyond.

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    • Mi Amigo Le Encanta La Musica – (Spanish)


      En este tercer libro de la serie Cuentos para dormir que te haran despertar, Ana Belen, Javi y su perrito Yakob viven una aventura super emocionante en un magico viaje al Mundo de la Musica.

      Los relatos y cuentos que sus papas y abuelitos van a transmitirles, los haran vibrar de emocion, aunque alguno de ellos tambien les daran un poquito de miedo: “Me habian dicho que la musica puede hacerte reir, y tambien llorar, pero ahora se que, ademas, puede hacerte temblar. !Si! Temblar de emocion… pero tambien de miedo”. Asi lo expresa Ana Belen despues de escuchar una de las historias.

      Finalmente llegan a entusiasmarse tanto con la musica que Javi quiere inscribirse en un conservatorio. La porcion biblica con la que van a familiarizarse es el Salmo 150.

      In this third book in the series Bedtime Stories that Will Wake You Up, Ana Belen, Javi and their puppy Yakob live a super exciting adventure on a magical journey to the World of Music.

      The stories that their parents and grandparents are going to transmit to them will make them tremble with emotion, although some of them will also give them a little fear: “They had told me that music can make you laugh, and also cry, but now I know that. Furthermore, it can make you shiver. Yes! Tremble with emotion…but also with fear.” This is how Ana Belen expresses it after listening to one of the stories.

      Finally they become so enthusiastic about music that Javi wants to enroll in a conservatory. The portion of the Bible that you are going to become familiar with is Psalm 150.

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    • Precious Little You


      Did you know that you were very much loved-and missed-even before you were born?

      Mommy and Daddy were very lonely without precious little you. They hoped and prayed for you even when it seemed like you would never come. So always remember, sweet little one, how dearly loved and wanted you are. You are Mommy’s and Daddy’s precious little miracle, a gift from God!

      In this sweet tale, we’re reminded that the very best things are always worth the wait-no matter how long or hard that wait may be.

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    • Good Night Classics


      Classic fairy tales are full of God’s truth-you just have to know where to look.

      In Good Night Classics, celebrated author and illustrator C. S. Fritz uses beloved fairy tales to tell the story of God’s good news for the world. Families will learn about honesty, contentment, obedience, grace, and more through these familiar and beloved stories. In this beautifully written and illustrated exploration of fairy tales through the lens of the Gospel, classic stories illuminate the truths of Scripture in ways children will love.

      *Geppetto walks through the woods to carve out his creation
      *Jack learns that money isn’t the treasure he needs
      *Gretel discovers the dangers of temptation
      *The three little pigs find out how important a firm foundation is
      *Pinocchio listens to his father’s call to come home and be made new

      Sure to become a favorite bedtime ritual for both parents and children, reading these captivating retellings of beloved fairy tales will help you explore biblical truths, strengthen familial bonds, and bring you closer to God. This collection of stories also includes a Scripture-based discussion guide for families.

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    • Earth To Eden


      “Earth to Eden…” Dad says, grabbing little Eden’s attention long enough to share the story of the Garden…

      In this story, Eden learns of the Creator’s glory and love for His creation. Her dad shares his take on the story that inspired her name–the Garden of Eden. After imagining the beauty of the

      Garden, Eden takes the story to school with her to share with others and relate it to the class’s lesson. The wonderful story of God’s perfect garden inspires Eden to plant a garden of her own and rest in His love.

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    • Thanks For Little Things


      Being thankful changes our hearts, and there are so many things to be thankful for! This rhyming board book leads little hearts into a prayer of thankfulness for wonderfully ordinary things. The simple language is accessible for young children and will spark their imagination as they think of all the little things they can thank God for! Jesus responds to the child’s prayer with Scripture-based encouragement.

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    • Clever Cub Learns About Love


      Clever Cub is a curious little bear who LOVES to cuddle up with the Bible and learn about God.

      Mama Bear teaches Clever Cub there are many ways to say “I love you!” as she tells him the story of Moses’s mommy, who loved Moses so much that she put him in a basket on the river to keep him safe.

      This engaging picture book:
      *Tells the story of baby Moses from Exodus 1 and 2.
      *Helps children ages 3-6 think about ways they can show love to others.
      *Includes questions about the story’s theme and ideas for learning more in the Bible.

      Clever Cub Learns about Love is part of the delightful Clever Cub children’s book series. Also check out Clever Cub Explores God’s Creation, Clever Cub Sings to God, Clever Cub Gives Thanks to God, Clever Cub Welcomes Baby Jesus, and Clever Cub and the Easter Surprise.

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    • Llego Mi Mejor Amigo – (Spanish)


      !Bienvenidos al pais de la magia y de la fantasia! Este es el segundo ejemplar de la serie Cuentos para dormir que les haran despertar. Estas son unas breves palabras para las mamas, los papas, los abuelitos, las abuelitas… y para todos aquellos que todavia mantienen la magia de contar cuentos a losnios. Leer o contar cuentos a los nios es un habito que, lamentablemente, ha ido quedando en el pasado, con nuestros padres y abuelos; una escena deliciosa que quedo sepultada bajo el peso del televisor, telefono movil y ordenador. Hoy estamos tan agobiados que no queda tiempo para para leer un cuento antes de dormir. Pero el sencillo acto de leerles un cuento en la noche es mas que una actividad para arrullarlos: tiene grandes beneficios como fomentar la lectura, fortalecer su imaginacion, crear lazos de cario entre padres-abuelos e hijos. Con la lectura, los talentos del nio se iran desarrollando, al mismo tiempo que adquiere conocimientos eticos y valores, proporcionados por las historias narradas.Gracias por mantener esta magica costumbre y por haber elegido este libro de cuentos como herramienta para alcanzar ese fin.

      Welcome to the land of magic and fantasy! This is the second issue of the series Bedtime Stories That Will Make You Wake Up. These are a few short tales for moms, dads, grandparents, grandmothers … and for all those who still maintain the magic of telling stories to children. Reading or telling stories to children is a habit that, unfortunately, is uncommon in our day among parents and grandparents, a delicious scene that was buried under the weight of the television, mobile phones, and computers. Today we are so overwhelmed that there is no time to read a bedtime story. But the simple act of reading a story to children at night is more than an activity to lull them: it has great benefits such as encouraging reading, strengthening their imagination, and creating bonds of affection between parents and children, or grandparents and grandchildren. With reading, the child’s talents will develop, while he acquires ethical knowledge and values provided by the stories being told. Thank you for maintaining this magical custom and for choosing this storybook as a tool to achieve that end.

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    • Fruits Of The Spirit Stories Patience Kindness Goodness (DVD)


      Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and the entire Veggie cast are back together putting on shows for Mr. Nezzer’s theater. Bob impatiently puts producing the shows onto the fast track, resulting in chaos and hurt feelings among his friends. Finally Pa Grape steps in with Bible stories that help everyone learn about waiting with grace, being kind and having a heart that filled with goodness. Every show is filled with hilarious onstage performances, silly songs and crazy backstage antics that both entertain and bring home a lesson in Patience, Kindness and Goodness. As part of the Bible’s Fruit of the Spirit passage – kids will be inspired to practice these truths in big and small ways every day.

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    • Big Thoughts For Little People ABC


      Beloved author Ken Taylor’s bestselling book has been turned into a delightful ABC board book. Charming rhymes and colorful diverse characters will introduce children to the alphabet while teaching them important morals and values. Each letter is paired with a Bible verse and a short rhyme. Big Thoughts for Little People has sold almost 600,000 units since it initially released.

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