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    • No Quick Fix


      Every Christian struggles with sin and wants to be victorious in the fight.

      Higher life theology–also known as Keswick theology–offers a quick fix for this struggle. It teaches that there are two categories of Christians: those who are merely saved, and those who have really surrendered to Christ. Those who have Jesus as their Savior alone, and those who have him as their Master as well. If Christians can simply “let go and let God” they can be free of struggling with sin and brought to that higher level of spiritual life. What could be wrong with that?

      A lot, it turns out. In No Quick Fix, a shorter and more accessible version of his book Let Go and Let God?, Andy Naselli critiques higher life theology from a biblical perspective. He shows that it leads not to freedom, but to frustration, because it promises something it has no power to deliver. Along the way, he tells the story of where higher life theology came from, describes its characteristics, and compares it to what the Bible really says about how we overcome sin and become more like Christ.

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    • Brand New : A 40 Day Guide To Life In Christ


      What’s the Bible really about? What’s God like? And what does all this mean for how I live?

      Especially when you’re new to the Christian faith, these questions surface again and again. Brand New is a brief and practical 40-day devotional for new believers to help them reflect on and answer these questions themselves.

      Readers will learn:
      The basics of the Christian faith
      The story of the Bible
      The character of God
      The practices of the Christian life

      Each day an important topic is discussed alongside insightful Bible passages. Reflection questions help readers respond to what God might be showing them. Each devotion ends with a prayer paraphrased from the Bible to learn how to use God’s word in personal prayers.

      Brand New will launch readers into an exciting adventure of trusting God and growing in faith!

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    • Philippians Verse By Verse


      Even though he was writing from prison, the Apostle Paul’s gratitude and joy leaps off the page in his letter to the Philippians. He writes to Christians in a Greek city that he visited on his second missionary journey to thank them for their partnership with him, and also to encourage them to maintain unity in the face of forces that were trying to divide them.
      In Philippians Verse by Verse, Grant R. Osborne draws on years of examining the text to offer a clear explanation of what this book meant to its original audience and what it means today. In spite of sometimes dire circumstances, we too may experience joy, encouragement, and fellowship if we remain focused on what God has done for us in Christ.

      The Osborne New Testament Commentary Series is a set of commentaries on every New Testament book for people who are looking for a straightforward explanation of the text. In each volume, Grant R. Osborne seeks to carefully exposit the text in plain language, bringing out the treasures in each book and making them accessible for today’s readers.

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    • Victor : The True Story That Inspired The Award Winning Film


      Fans of The Cross and the Switchblade will love Victor. It is the true story of Victor Torres, who moved with his family from their native Puerto Rico to Brooklyn, New York, in search of a better life. Their American dream, however, quickly faded into a nightmare when young Victor was introduced to gang life on the New York streets. Within a few years, teenage Victor had set up a lucrative drug-trafficking business in an attempt to help his financially struggling family. But Victor quickly became enslaved by his own drug addiction, as his parents, Manuel and Lila, desperately searched to find a way to help their son. Through the persistent prayers of Victor’s mother and the ministry of David Wilkerson, Victor’s parents realized that a faith-based rehabilitation program was their last chance to rescue their son. After a series of personal tragedies, Victor experienced a life-altering encounter with the Lord that changed everything. In this companion book to the award-winning movie of the same name, Victor Torres himself takes you through his journey, from tragedy to triumph, a living example of the power of redemptive freedom found only in Christ.

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    • Culture Of Heaven


      The Culture of Heaven explores the key traits of people who consistently experience powerful partnership with the Holy Spirit, thereby invading earth with the atmosphere of heaven.

      God’s heart is for His people to be influenced daily by the culture that He inhabits, benefitting from His presence in their lives. Moreover, He wants us to be “brokers” of His culture. It should be so much a part of us that we begin to transform everything-and everyone-around us. When we release the culture of heaven, we place people on a direct path to the loving touch of God-a touch that can heal them and change their lives forever.

      To experience the culture of heaven ourselves, we must set aside distractions so that we can get in tune with God’s thoughts and ways. Many of us have lost our passion and fire for the Lord; as a result, we experience very little of heaven’s atmosphere. Through prayer, fasting, sacrificial living, and spiritual anointing, Troy Goode describes how we can regain a hunger for God and witness His kingdom at work in our world in remarkable ways with supernatural power.

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    • Invading The Heavens


      Is a brick wall blocking your spiritual path? Is a barrier of fear, lack, sickness, or anxiety hindering your vision of heavenly possibilities? Then it’s time to reach up and receive the power for a supernatural breakthrough so you can move forward into the blessings on the other side.

      But first you must be willing to hear a supernatural instruction from God, because a supernatural breakthrough requires supernatural obedience.

      In these powerful pages, Dr. Kynan Bridges will teach you how to invade the heavens for your breakthrough by responding to heavenly instruction just as Peter responded to Jesus’s instruction with, “Because You have said it, I will do it.” As you do, you will gain the confidence to:

      *Believe you live under an open heaven.
      *Press into the promises of God.
      *Avoid the roadblocks of the devil.
      *Embrace the “breaker anointing.”
      *Do the impossible with faith in God’s possible.

      Don’t stand stymied for a minute longer. It is God’s will for you to receive what He has promised you. Launch into the deep at the Lord’s command. Break through to the life you’ve been waiting for!

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    • Entendiendo El Proposito Y El (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)


      El varon esta en crisis. Los roles tradicionales le daban al hombre estabilidad y continuidad de generacion en generacion. Hoy dia, el mundo esta enviando seales conflictivas sobre lo que significa ser un hombre. Muchos hombres se estan preguntando quienes son y cuales roles deben desempear en la vida, como varon, como esposo, y como padre. Eso los deja frustrados, y provoca que vivan muy por debajo de su potencial. El autor de exitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina las actitudes culturales hacia los hombres, y discute asuntos criticos como:
      *Como pueden los hombres ganar su posicion en el ambiente de expectativas culturales que cambia constantemente?
      *Que significa ser varon?
      *Que definicion de masculinidad deben los hombres adoptar?
      *Cuales roles deben los hombres desempear en su lugar de trabajo y en el hogar?
      *Que tienen que ver los roles de genero con el proposito del varon?
      *Cuales son las diferencias entre varones y hembras?
      *Como estan destinados a relacionarse entre si los hombres y las mujeres?
      *Como puede un hombre construir una vida mejor para si mismo, su familia, y el mundo?

      Cuando los hombres entiendan el proposito que Dios les ha dado, y el verdadero diseo de su relacion con las mujeres, seran libres para cumplir su destino y realizar su potencial. Edicion ampliada con material de guia de estudio incluido.

      The male is in crisis. Traditional roles once gave men stability and continuity from generation to generation. Today, the world is sending out conflicting signals about what it means to be a man. Many men are questioning who they are and what roles they fulfill in life-as a male, a husband, and a father-leaving them frustrated and causing them to live far below their potential. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines cultural attitudes toward men and addresses critical issues such as:
      *How can men gain their footing in the ever-shifting environment of cultural expectations?
      *What does it mean to be male?
      *What definition of masculinity should men adopt?
      *What roles should men fulfill-in the workplace and in the home?
      *What do gender roles have to do with the male’s purpose?
      *What are the differences between males and females?
      *How are men and women meant to relate to one another?
      *How can a man build a better life for himself, his family, and the world?

      When men understand the purpose God has given them and the true design of their relationship with women, they will be free to fulfill their destiny and

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    • Floodgates : Recognize The End Time Signs To Survive The Coming Wrath


      While many people think the world is progressing and on the brink of transforming our mortal human bodies through science and technology, humanity is actually regressing and in serious peril of God’s last-days wrath. Floodgates raises our understanding of the prophetic Scriptures about the last days, offering a clear analogy for determining where we are on the prophetic timetable. This analogy from biblical history rolls back the curtain on our own times in remarkable ways. By exploring how the pre-flood world parallels our contemporary world, and examining the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, Floodgates answers the critical question of whether the timetable for final judgment has already begun. This book also widens the lens of prophecy to explore what will actually transpire before the Great Tribulation, revealing the ways in which we are edging closer to that day. Reflecting careful research and keen biblical insights, Floodgates uncovers God’s dealings with human beings and the fate that soon awaits those who do not acknowledge Him. God has an “endgame” for the world and a strategy for how He wants to bring this age to a close. As we draw nearer to the culmination of human history, Jesus calls every believer to be salt and light in the world, warning people of the coming judgment and showing the way to eternal life in Him. After reading this book, you will be reminded that everyone has a choice to make concerning their ultimate destiny-and time is growing short.

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    • Equipped The Weapon Of Prayer Journal Edition


      What is the one thing that “puts God to work”? Prayer! In response to His children’s prayers and petitions, God has promised to answer, to do, and to give us “all things whatsoever.” E. M. Bounds expounds on God’s need of people who pray. He explains why prayer moves God to act, how busyness in church activities can hinder prayer, why Jesus could not dispense with prayer, how the early apostles gave themselves to prayer, and why prayer is essential in God’s kingdom. Includes inspiring sketches of the prayer lives of dedicated Christians, such as David Brainerd, George Muller, and Jonathan Edwards. This journal edition includes room for readers to reflect and add their own prayers.

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    • Blood Covenant Expanded Edition (Expanded)


      Mob boss Michael Franzese had it all–money, power, prestige. From the time he took a blood oath that bound him body and soul to New York’s Colombo crime family, Franzese became a force to be reckoned with in organized crime. Named one of the biggest moneymakers in the mob since Al Capone by Vanity Fair, he quickly crept into the upper echelon of Mafia authority in this country. By the age of thirty-five, he was the youngest mobster listed on Fortune magazine’s survey of the fifty most wealthy and powerful Mafia bosses in America. Then, he did the unthinkable: he quit the mob. Today, Michael is a Christian, finding his own Damascus Road that began with his wife Camille. The story of his conversion is a testament of God’s willingness to reach into the heart of any man regardless of their past or the present condition of their lives. In one of the most fascinating books ever written about today’s Mafia, Michael reveals the answers to the many mysteries surrounding his incredible life. Find out how and why he did what no one else managed to do–and live. Journey with Michael through a life defined by two blood covenants. The first bound him to the mob. The second set him free.

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    • Entendiendo El Proposito Y El (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)


      Las mujeres de todas las culturas y sociedades se enfrentan al dilema de la identidad. Los puntos de vista tradicionales de lo que significa ser una mujer, y los cambiantes roles culturales y matrimoniales estan causando conflictos a las mujeres en sus relaciones con los hombres. Las mujeres estan bajo un estres tremendo en su lucha por descubrir quienes son y que rol deben desempear hoy dia, en la familia, la comunidad, y el mundo. En esta edicion ampliada de Entendiendo el Proposito y el Poder de la Mujer, que incluye utiles preguntas de estudio al final de cada capitulo, el autor de exitos de ventas, Dr. Myles Munroe, examina la actitudes de las sociedades hacia las mujeres, y discute asuntos vitales como :
      *Son iguales las mujeres y los hombres?
      *Que hace unica a una mujer, en comparacion al hombre?
      *Que realmente ensea la Biblia sobre la mujer?
      *Es culpable la mujer por la caida de la humanidad?
      *Cual es el proposito y el diseo de la mujer?
      *Cual es el estilo basico de comunicacion de la mujer?
      *Cuales son las necesidades emocionales y sexuales de la mujer?
      *Estan destinadas las mujeres a ser lideres?
      *Cual es el potencial de una mujer?

      Para vivir con exito en el mundo, las mujeres necesitan una nueva consciencia de quienes son, y nuevas destrezas para enfrentar los desafios de hoy. Ya sea usted un hombre o una mujer, casado o soltero, este libro le ayudara a entender a la mujer como fue destinada a ser.

      Women of every culture and society are facing the dilemma of identity. Traditional views of what it means to be a woman and changing cultural and marital roles are causing women conflict in their relationships with men. Women are under tremendous stress as they struggle to discover who they are and what role they are to play today-in the family, the community, and the world. In this expanded edition of Understanding the Purpose and Power of Women, which includes helpful study questions following each chapter, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and addresses vital issues such as:
      *Are women and men equal?
      *How is a woman unique from a man?
      *What does the Bible really teach about women?
      *Is the woman to blame for the fall of mankind?
      *What are the purpose and design of the woman?
      *What is a woman’s basic communication style?
      *What are a woman’s emotional and sexual needs?
      *Are women meant to be leaders?
      *What is a woman’s potential?

      ?To live successfully in the world, women need

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    • Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Women Expanded Edition (Expanded)


      To live successfully in the world, women need to know who they are and what role they play today. They need a new awareness of who they are, and new skills to meet today’s challenges. Best-selling author Myles Munroe examines societies’ attitudes toward women and helps women to discover who they are. He addresses vital issues such as: Are women and men equal? What are the purpose and design of the woman? Are women meant to be leaders? Whether you are a woman or a man, married or single, this book will help you to understand the woman as she was meant to be.

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