3125 S 3rd Place Terre Haute, IN 47802 Phone 812-238-1047






    • Moonlight School : A Novel


      Haunted by her sister’s mysterious disappearance, Lucy Wilson arrives in Rowan County, Kentucky, in the spring of 1911 to work for Cora Wilson Stewart, superintendent of education. When Cora sends Lucy into the hills to act as scribe for the mountain people, she is repelled by the primitive conditions and intellectual poverty she encounters. Few adults can read and write.

      Born in those hills, Cora knows the plague of illiteracy. So does Brother Wyatt, a singing schoolmaster who travels through the hills. Involving Lucy and Wyatt, Cora hatches a plan to open the schoolhouses to adults on moonlit nights. The best way to combat poverty, she believes, is to eliminate illiteracy. But will the people come?

      As Lucy emerges from a life in the shadows, she finds purpose; or maybe purpose finds her. With purpose comes answers to her questions, and something else she hadn’t expected: love.

      Inspired by the true events of the Moonlight Schools, this standalone novel from bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher brings to life the story that shocked the nation into taking adult literacy seriously. You’ll finish the last page of this enthralling story with deep gratitude for the gift of reading.

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    • Evil In Genesis


      The genesis of evil.

      The book of Genesis recites the beginnings of the cosmos and its inhabitants. It also reveals the beginning of evil. Before long, evil infests God’s good creation. From there, good and evil coexist and drive the plot of Genesis.

      In Evil in Genesis, Ingrid Faro uncovers how the Bible’s first book presents the meaning of evil. Faro conducts a thorough examination of evil on lexical, exegetical, conceptual, and theological levels. This focused analysis allows the Hebrew terminology to be nuanced and permits Genesis’ own distinct voice to be heard. Genesis presents evil as the taking of something good and twisting it for one’s own purposes rather than enjoying it how God intended. Faro illuminates the perspective of Genesis on a range of themes, including humanity’s participation in evil, evil’s consequences, and God’s responses to evil.

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    • Twas The Morning Of Easter

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      A follow-up to the popular ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas from beloved author Glenys Nellist. ‘Twas the Morning of Easter tells the story of the resurrection of Jesus in a fresh way, with a familiar rhythm and rhyme that children will love, following the pattern of Clement Moore’s iconic “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.”

      Glenys Nellist, beloved author of the bestselling ‘Twas the Evening of Christmas, reveals the joy and beauty of the resurrection of Jesus in a fresh, inspiring way in ‘Twas the Morning of Easter. Using the classic cadence of Clement Moore’s iconic poem, “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas,” this gorgeous picture book shares the true story of Easter with little ones with read-aloud rhymes and engaging illustrations by Elena Selivanova. With an eye-catching cover decorated in shining foil and embossing, this book is perfect for any Easter basket and sure to be a treasured Easter tradition for years to come.

      ‘Twas the Morning of Easter excerpt:

      ‘Twas the morning of Easter, before the sun rose,Two guards on a hillside were trying to doze.Now Jesus had died, only three days before,A huge stone was in place, sealed over the door.

      5 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • Easter Egg Board Books 3 Pack


      Celebrate Easter with these sweet egg-shaped board books, perfect for tucking into Easter baskets. The multi-layered cover reveals illustrations of snuggly spring farm animals-baby chick, baby bunny, and baby lamb-as you read rhymes about Jesus’ resurrection, the true meaning of Easter, and all the joys of springtime. Chunky pages are durable and make turning the pages easy for little hands.

      This Easter Egg Board Books, 3 Pack collection includes Happy Easter, A Prayer for Easter, and Spring Is Here.

      The Easter Egg Board Books, 3 Pack collection:

      *Is the ideal size for Easter baskets

      *Is a memorable gift at an affordable price point

      *Easily fits into small hands and even a travel bag for reading on the go

      *Gently instills the reason for celebrating Easter, Jesus’ resurrection, and all the joys of springtime

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    • Smith Wigglesworth : Powerful Messages For Living A Radical Life


      Twentieth-century minister, Smith Wigglesworth was a man of radical, legendary faith-the kind that raised people from the dead and moved in signs, wonders, and miracles.

      When this simple, illiterate plumber was baptized in the Holy Spirit, he began pursuing God with a bold faith, and God responded in powerful ways. People are still talking about his faith today!

      In Smith Wigglesworth: A Man Who Walked in the Miraculous, author Roberts Liardon has compiled first hand testimonies, biographical information, and original sermons from this “apostle of faith” who has inspired millions worldwide. Some of the powerful sermons from Rev. Wigglesworth are…

      *Cry of the Spirit
      *Mean Business with God
      *Temptation Endured
      *The Clothing of the Spirit for the World’s Need
      *Praying for the Sick
      *The Secret Place

      This collection of Smith Wigglesworth teachings is still preaching faith today, and God is no respecter of persons. Catch hold of the spirit of faith that was upon him and walk in the same miraculous power!

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    • We Will Not Be Silenced


      When You Want to Speak Up but Aren’t Sure What to Say

      You’ve witnessed-and experienced-how Christians are silenced or intimidated because of their beliefs. To merely uphold biblical perspectives is rejected as bigotry and even hatred. Certain segments of today’s culture are quick to shame and pressure everyone to conform to their expectations.

      If you find yourself becoming discouraged by the growing tide of hostility, We Will Not Be Silenced will lift your heart by revealing you are not alone in this battle, while also giving you guidance on how to live your faith with courage. You will learn how to…
      *identify the harmful views being normalized in America and respond to them with truth and gentleness
      *thrive in the face of persecution and display Christlike love through your words and actions
      *show genuine compassion to those who live secular lifestyles without affirming their life choices

      We Will Not Be Silenced will equip you to move beyond fear and joyfully accept the challenge of representing Christ to a watching world that needs Him more than ever before.

      10 in stock (additional units can be purchased)

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    • Your Spiritual Formation Plan (Workbook)


      My spiritual formation journey picked up speed when I repented of my sin in a fresh way and sought God. I was just a boy when God got ahold of my heart early and changed my life.

      Even in my adolescence, God used some of the core disciplines in this book to shape me, the effects of which I still carry with me today. My parents had laid the groundwork, and God used that foundation and a handful of other people to jumpstart my early experiences with God.

      It was God himself who formed me.
      In the time since those early experiences, as God has continued to form me (and even put up with me), I’ve compiled lessons along the way, and this workbook contains some of the most important ones I’ve learned thus far on my spiritual formation journey.

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    • Absolute Surrender : How To Walk In Perfect Peace


      Your God in heaven answers the prayers that you have offered-prayers of blessing for your own life and for others. He asks only one thing in return: Are you willing to surrender yourselves absolutely into His hands?

      Legendary author and Bible teacher Andrew Murray provides wise counsel that will enable you to take a giant step closer to God as you begin your journey into perfect peace and trust.

      Discover the joys of Absolute Surrender to our loving Father today.

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    • Garden The Curtain And The Cross


      Simple Bible overview for pre-schoolers.

      Using simple sentences and stunning illustrations, this 16-page board book takes the truths of The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross and makes them accessible for very young children.

      Journeying from the Garden of Eden to God’s future new creation, kids will learn why Jesus died and rose again-and be invited to say, “Thank you, King Jesus. You’re amazing!”

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    • Being The Bad Guys


      How to live confidently for Jesus in a culture that sees Christians as the bad guys.

      The church used to be recognized as a force for good, but this is changing rapidly. Christians are now often seen as the bad guys, losing both respect and influence.

      In our post-Christian culture, how do we offer the gospel to those around us who view it as not only wrong but possibly dangerous? And how do we ensure that the secular worldview does not entice us away with its constant barrage, online and elsewhere, of messages about self-determinism?

      Author Stephen McAlpine offers an analysis of how our culture ended up this way and explains key points of tension between biblical Christianity and secular culture. He encourages Christians not to be ashamed of the gospel as it is more liberating, fulfilling and joyful than anything the world has to offer.

      He also offers strategies for coping in this world, with its opposing values, and for reaching out to others wisely with the truth.

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    • Easter Fix


      An engaging retelling of the Easter story that will help young children understand why Jesus died and came alive again.

      This is the story of how God sent someone to fix everything. That someone was Jesus.

      But Jesus didn’t come just to fix a few things. He gave his life to fix the thing that makes everything broken… our broken friendship with God.

      This engaging retelling of the Easter story will help young children understand why Jesus died and came alive again.

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    • Boy Who Shared His Sandwich


      An engaging retelling of the feeding of the 5,000 that helps young children discover how Jesus gives life that lasts for ever, not just for now!

      Thousands of people came to Jesus-and they were all hungry. But one boy had a sandwich to share. So Jesus prayed and then shared the sandwich with the huge, hungry crowd. Everyone was amazed and wanted him to be King.

      But Jesus said, “You’re just thinking about getting your dinner, which is all finished now. I’ve come to give you something that’s never finished and always enough!”

      In this engaging retelling of the feeding of the 5,000 from John 6 v 5-35, young children discover how Jesus gives life that lasts for ever, not just for now!

      Notes for parents at the back help explain what Jesus says about himself in John 6 v 26-27 and 35.

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