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    Audio Books

    • Slippery Slope : 6 Stories Of Faith, Friendship And Imagination (Audio CD)


      Adventures in Odyssey audio dramas release the imagination of both young and old as listeners follow a host of characters through adventures in the town of Odyssey. Geared towards kids ages 8 and up, these audio dramas teach biblical truths and moral foundations for children to make decisions from throughout their lives. Perfect for car rides and initiating important conversations with kids.

      In A Slippery Slope, album #71 of the series, a girl loses her faith and walks through the process of seeing if she can ever find it again. Each of the six episodes conveys a strong moral theme:

      1. “The Team”-Teamwork
      2. “Please Adjust Your Frequency”-Pride
      3. “Higher than Our Ways”-Grief
      4. “Triple-Decker Sundae”-Faith
      5. “Set a Watchman”-Friendship
      6. “Worth It”-God’s Way

      Recently winning the “Radio Program of the Year” from the National Religious Broadcasters Association, the team that creates these audio dramas continues to deliver content children love and adults can trust.

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    • Sacudimiento Y Avivamiento De – (Spanish)


      !Sacudimiento… avivamiento… y cosecha!

      Los ultimos tiempos se estan revelando ante nuestros ojos.

      Primero, habra sacudimientos sin precedentes.

      Hoy en dia, el mundo esta siendo sacudido de manera sin precedentes. Y esto es solo el comienzo. Las naciones, instituciones, economias, familias, individuos, el medio ambiente, el cosmos, el mundo espiritual; en fin, en cada dimension y esfera de la vida, veremos poderosas olas de sacudimiento que interrumpiran el curso de nuestras vidas y eliminaran nuestro falso sentido de seguridad en los recursos terrenales, obligandonos a volver la mirada a nuestro Creador.

      El proposito principal de los sacudimientos es juzgar al mundo por su pecado y rebelion contra Dios. Sin embargo, Dios usara el sacudimiento que estamos experimentando ahora para refinar a los creyentes, de modo que seamos purificados hasta convertirnos en el remanente que esta listo para la inminente aparicion de Jesus.

      Segundo, habra un avivamiento sin precedentes.

      A medida que respondamos al sacudimiento con arrepentimiento y profundo fervor a Dios, estaremos preparados para tomar papel activo en el avivamiento de los ultimos dias, en el que se revelara la gloria soberana de Dios. Habra un movimiento sobrenatural integral caracterizado por milagros, sanidades, salvaciones, provision financiera, vision profetica, santidad renovada, adoracion poderosa, discipulado solido y profundo amor.

      Finalmente, !habra una cosecha de almas sin precedentes con impacto global!

      El Espiritu Santo empoderara a la iglesia para alcanzar a los perdidos con demostracion de milagros, seales y maravillas. Millones de personas en todo el mundo vendran al arrepentimiento genuino, entregando sus corazones al Seor Jesus.

      En Sacudimiento y avivamiento de los ultimos tiempos, el autor de best-sellers, Guillermo Maldonado, profundiza sobre el tema de los ultimos tiempos introducido en sus libros anteriores, revelando como…
      *Evitar el juicio de Dios
      *Responder correctamente a los sacudimientos divinos en su vida y en el mundo
      *Ser avivado y continuamente lleno del Espiritu
      *Participar en la cosecha mundial de almas
      *Moverse con poder sobrenatural

      !Necesitamos entender el ciclo de Dios en los eventos de los ultimos tiempos para poder alinear nuestras vidas a Sus propositos trascendentales en estos dias finales!

      Shaking…Then Revival…Then Harvest!

      The end times are unfolding before our eyes.

      First, there will be unprecedented shakings.

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    • End Time Shaking And Revival


      Shaking…Then Revival…Then Harvest!

      The end times are unfolding before our eyes.

      First, there will be unprecedented shakings.

      Today, the world is shaking in alarming ways. And this is just the beginning. Nations, institutions, economies, families, individuals, the earth’s environment, the cosmos, the spiritual realm–in every dimension and sphere of life, we will see powerful waves of shaking that disrupt the course of our lives and take away our false sense of security in earthly resources, compelling us to return to our Creator.

      The main purpose of these shakings is to judge the people of the world for their sin and rebellion against God. Yet God is using the shaking we are now experiencing to refine believers so we will be purified to become the remnant that is ready for Jesus’s imminent appearing.

      Second, there will be unprecedented revival.

      As we respond to the shaking with repentance and wholehearted devotion to God, we will be prepared to take an active role in the coming last-days revival in which God’s sovereign glory will be revealed! There will be an all-inclusive supernatural movement characterized by miracles, healings, salvations, financial provision, prophetic visions, renewed holiness, powerful worship, strong discipleship, and profound love.

      Finally, there will be an unprecedented harvest of souls with global impact!

      The Holy Spirit will empower the church to reach the lost with the demonstration of miracles, signs, and wonders. Millions of people worldwide will come to genuine repentance, surrendering their hearts to the Lord Jesus.

      In End-Time Shaking and Revival, best-selling author Guillermo Maldonado expands on last-days themes introduced in his previous books, revealing how to…
      *Avoid God’s judgment
      *Respond correctly to the divine shakings in your life and in the world
      *Be revived and continuously filled with the Spirit
      *Participate in the worldwide harvest
      *Move in supernatural power

      We must understand God’s cycle of end-time events so we can align our lives with His momentous purposes in these last days!

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    • Genio De Jesus – (Spanish)


      Un manifiesto revolucionario sobre las innumerables formas en que Jesus de Nazaret transformo nuestro mundo y nos capacita para vivir vidas de valor, proposito y gracia hoy. Del autor mas vendido de La ultima flecha y El camino del guerrero. En todos los ambitos de nuestra existencia (arte, tecnologia, matematicas) estamos cautivados por historias de genios. Los genios violan el estatus quo, desestabilizan las viejas formas de pensar y, en ultima instancia, perturban la historia al hacernos ver el mundo de manera diferente. Vemos este efecto cuando consideramos el canon de los grandes genios de la historia, desde Leonardo da Vinci hasta Steve Jobs. Pero cuando buscamos al genio que dejo el impacto mas duradero en la vida humana: nuestra busqueda de la verdad; nuestro deseo de saber quienes somos; nuestra nocion de que la felicidad es mas que buscar servirnos a nosotros mismos – inevitablemente encontramos a Jesus. A pesar de haber vivido en la oscuridad durante la mayor parte de su vida, Jesus de Nazaret es sin duda una de las personas mas influyentes que jamas haya caminado sobre la faz de la tierra. En El genio de Jesus, Erwin Raphael McManus pregunta: que pasaria si estudiaramos y emulamos a Jesus, no solo a traves del lente de su divinidad, sino como un genio que nos mostro lo que significa vivir plenamente humanos? Basandose en las escrituras, la historia y las historias de su propio ministerio, McManus se sumerge en los matices de las palabras y acciones de Jesus, mostrando como no solo pueden inspirarnos, sino tambien transformar nuestra forma de pensar sobre la humildad, la libertad y el proposito que hace que valga la pena vivir. Para los cristianos que desean conocer y comprender mejor su fe, o para los lectores que desean crear su futuro mas poderoso, El genio de Jesus, es un estudio que invita a la reflexion de la persona mas importante que jamas haya existido.

      A groundbreaking manifesto on the countless ways Jesus of Nazareth transformed our world–and empowers us to live lives of courage, purpose, and grace today. From the bestselling author of The Last Arrow and The Way of the Warrior. In every realm of our existence–art, technology, mathematics–we are captivated by stories of genius. Geniuses violate the status quo, destabilize old ways of thinking, and ultimately disrupt history by making us see the world differently. We see this effect when we consider the canon of history’s great geniuses, from Leonardo da Vinci to Steve Jobs. But

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    • Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of Diabetes


      A Pathway of Healing

      Are you in a battle with type 1 or type 2 diabetes? Did you know that over 30 million Americans suffer from diabetes (90 percent of them with type 2) and the ill effects it can cause their bodies? This disease has become a plague in our anxiety-filled and often overweight society. Thankfully, God created the human body, and He has a unique and loving plan for your health. You can discover principles for moving from your illness to His pathway of healing.

      Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Diabetes reveals the unseen forces that trigger disease from within and how we can overcome them. Dr. Henry Wright’s teachings, based on medical findings and powerful biblical truths, affirm that it is God’s will for you to be healthy and whole–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and disease prevention, it’s time to take another look!

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    • Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of Autoimmune Diseases


      Identify the Cause to Find the Cure

      Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease–lupus, multiple sclerosis, Chron’s disease, Grave’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, or one of so many others? Did you know that the root cause of nearly 100 autoimmune diseases is listed as unknown in medical journals? Thankfully, we can look to another source–the Bible–to understand one of the major causes of these diseases.

      In a clear and straightforward manner , Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Autoimmune Diseases reveals how to identify the root cause and start on the journey toward healing. This is a journey from the inside out. Dr. Henry Wright’s teachings, based on medical findings and powerful biblical truths, affirm that it is God’s will for you to be healthy and whole–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and prevention, it’s time to take another look!

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    • Exposing The Spiritual Roots Of High Blood Pressure


      Be Strategic in Your Fight Against High Blood Pressure

      Are you struggling to control your high blood pressure? You’re not alone. According to the American Heart Association, the battle against high blood pressure is being fought by over 100 million Americans today–nearly half of the nation’s adult population! But God has a different plan for you–learning the spiritual roots that often lead to high blood pressure so you can better identity the cause and be strategic in winning the battle against this disease and its negative effects on the heart.

      In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of High Blood Pressure, Dr. Henry Wright combines medical findings with powerful biblical truths to show you how to live in the wholeness God has always planned for you–in your spirit, soul, and body. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing and disease prevention, it’s time to take another look!

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    • Dishing Up Devotions


      Homeschooling is a challenging journey that’s often misunderstood. The thirty-six weeks that parents have to educate their homeschooled children don’t just come together magically. There are lessons to plan and oversee, records to keep, routines to follow, and kids to motivate. It can feel overwhelming as the teaching parent–usually Mom–tries to tackle both the educational and spiritual aspects of the children’s lives while also keeping up with household tasks such as cooking and laundry.

      Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Activities for Homeschooling Families infuses faith and fun to strengthen family relationships while nourishing the teaching parent’s soul.

      It features thirty-six weekly devotions, faith-building activities for the whole family, and baking recipes connected to the weekly character theme.

      Author Katie Trent’s goal is to take the stress out of homeschooling with a devotional that the whole family will love through:

      *Encouragement from other homeschooling parents
      *Biblical lessons even toddlers can understand
      *Interactive family activities
      *Delicious baking recipes related to the weekly theme

      Homeschooling just got easier–and deliciously fun!

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    • Devotional Minutes To Bless Your Heart


      Dozens of Delightful “Devotional Minutes” Will Bless Your Beautiful Heart

      This inspiring devotional will encourage and delight your soul with deeply rooted truths from God’s Word. Each “devotional minute” reading is complemented by a heartfelt prayer that will remind you of the daily little blessings God provides. The 180 readings in Devotional Minutes to Bless Your Heart will help you to grow in your faith and increase your trust and reliance on the heavenly Father! This lovely package features a ribbon marker and two-color interior design. . .a great gift for women of all ages!

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    • Praying Your Way To A Fearless Life


      If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by fearful thoughts. . .

      This lovely book will walk you through 200 encouraging, inspiring, heartfelt, courage-filled prayers that will help your beautiful soul discover true trust and faith in Almighty God, the Courage-Giver Himself. Every heartfelt prayer begins with a thought-provoking scripture selection and is meant to be a fear-free beginning to your very own personal prayer time.

      A courageous life. . .is just a prayer away!

      Light, space, zest- that’s God! So, with him on my side I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing. Psalm 27:1 MSG

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    • Bible Promise Book For Teen Girls


      God’s promises–especially for you.

      The Bible is full of promises. And when God makes a promise, you can trust it.

      Here, drawn from several popular translations of scripture, are nearly 1,000 promises of God especially relevant to your everyday life–and categorized into more than three dozen topics from Adversity through Zeal. Each topic includes a brief introductory comment to put the verses into a modern context.

      Need to know what God says about Relationships? How about Temptation? Or maybe Discipline, Justice, or Wisdom are your concerns today. If you need to know what the Bible says about key life topics, turn to the Bible Promise Book for Teen Girls.

      If the Bible says it, you can believe it!

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    • Praying Your Way To Joy Devotional Journal


      If you’ve ever felt more joy-less than joy-full. . .

      This lovely devotional journal will walk you through 200 encouraging, inspiring, heartfelt, joy-filled prayers that will help your beautiful soul to discover true delight and contentment in an ever-growing relationship with the heavenly Father, the Joy-Giver Himself. With Praying Your Way to Joy Devotional Journal, you’ll encounter a beautifully joyful beginning to your very own personal prayer time.

      Joy. . .is just a prayer away!

      I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders.
      I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy;
      I’m singing your song, High God.
      Psalm 9:1-2 MSG

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