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Audio Books
Showing 313–324 of 2026 resultsSorted by latest
Triumph : Your Comprehensive Guide To Spiritual Warfare
$17.99Wage War against the Powers of This Present Darkness–and Win
Every person is born in a spiritual battle and for a spiritual battle. Yet so many of us are under-equipped and even losing battles we should be winning.
With his trademark prophetic insight, bestselling author and intercessory leader James W. Goll offers wisdom, hands-on training, and practical instruction presented in short chapters you can apply immediately, learned from the trenches of spiritual warfare. Through comprehensive research, biblical teaching, and a battle plan for victory, Goll equips you to
* arm yourself with personal and corporate spiritual weapons
* discern the real enemy and his tactics
* stand firm and fight effectively
* enforce the victory of Christ on the crossThe battle is raging, and it’s time for you to take your place on the front line. But do not fear: You were born for this–and made to triumph in Christ Jesus.
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90 Days Of Power Prayer
$16.99In the hectic pace of day-to-day life, prayer can easily be forgotten and neglected. But Pastor Kynan Bridges is convinced that once believers recognize the power of daily prayer, they will never hesitate to come before Goda(TM)s throne. In this 90-day devotional, he walks through the purpose, the biblical basis, and the uplifting content of ninety different prayers, including:
*Prayer for protection
*Prayer for deliverance
*Prayer for forgiveness
*Prayer for overcoming fear
*Prayer for marriage and relationships
*Prayer for seeing the unseen
*Prayer for transformation
*Prayer for overcoming stressAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
War On Children
$26.99In The War on Children, bestselling author, John MacArthur, offers the tools needed to understand the enemy’s battle plan and be ready for the next assault. As God’s people, we need to:
*Teach our children God’s Word
*Train them in righteousness
*Give them wise and biblically based guidance
*And above all, give them our extravagant loveEvery day, on a multitude of battlefronts, Satan is deploying weapons of mass corruption against our children. Modern culture has been systematically designed with an agenda that is aggressively anti-God, anti-Christ, and anti-Scripture, intended to corrupt and consume young, impressionable hearts and minds.
We are in the middle of a dangerous ideological conflict with eternity at stake. Christian parents cannot simply float passively along with the drift of our culture. We need to:
*Be aware of the threats this world poses to our children
*Understand the enemy’s battle plan and be ready for the next assault
*Prepare our children for the attacks they will face from a culture intent on their destruction.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
I Want To Matter
$14.99We all want to matter, right? We want to love people well and be loved in return. We want to have made a difference before our life is over. We want to have lived a full life without any regrets. In I Want to Matter, New York Times bestselling author and former Today show host Kathie Lee Gifford shares stories about her life and encourages you to remember your self-worth and never give up on your dreams.
In this beautiful two-color 60-day DayReader(R) each day features a:
*focal topic,
*story from Kathie Lee Gifford’s life,
*and reflection questions to help you apply the message to your own life.I Want to Matter is inspired by a song written by Kathie Lee and includes content from her New York Times bestselling book, It’s Never Too Late. She wants to help you feel seen and heard. This daily reader is great for:
*birthdays, Mother’s Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, or as a just because gift to anyone needing encouragement.
*morning and night reading routines.
*anyone searching for an inspirational message.
This DayReader(R) is a way for you to relive the moments that shaped you into who you are today and will allow you to revive your ability to wonder because you truly do matter.
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You Are Not Forgotten
$17.99Have you ever felt forgotten, disregarded, wounded, invisible, or invalidated by others? Do you ever experience the pain and anger of feeling unseen? Has this left you wondering if you’re truly worthy of being acknowledged, listened to, and loved?
Oftentimes, when we are in this place, we turn toward God with soul-wrenching questions: Where are you, God? Have you forgotten me? Are you paying attention to what is happening to me? Can I trust that you will act on my behalf?
If you’ve asked these questions, you are not alone. Author and Bible teacher Christine Hoover has asked these questions too, and she’s found that none of us are the first to feel overlooked or forgotten-and yet God has always been a “God Who Sees.” In fact, it was a woman named Hagar in the Bible, alone in her desperate wilderness, who first spoke this particular name for God. Her story along with others in Scripture reveal that God not only looks upon us when others disregard us, He looks after us.
If you feel disregarded or forgotten, take heart, for your God is One who always remembers His people and acts on behalf of them-and that includes you! He hears your cries, gently shepherds and heals your wounds of disregard, grants you refuge to ask questions, emboldens you with courage to forgive, calls you out of hiding for fear of disapproval, and even gives you eyes to see others in the compassionate way He sees you.
No matter who in this world may look right past you, know this: You are not forgotten. Your God is the God Who Sees, and He not only looks upon you but looks after you-always.
He is the God who sees….you.
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Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Authority
$16.99We often view authority as something oppressive, stifling, even fearful. And sometimes–perhaps too often–those impressions bear out in reality. We live in an era of overstepped boundaries and abuse in many fields of life, so that authority has become the enemy.
We may also have a limited idea of what authority means. Even with legitimate authority, we may believe that only people who reach a certain “level” in life can exercise leadership, not thinking we could ever be called to a place of authority ourselves.
In Understanding the Purpose and Power of Authority, best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers a positive response to today’s leadership crisis. He turns widely accepted but counterfeit concepts of authority upside down. Then, he reveals God’s original intent, showing us how to live in the freedom of our own personal authority, deal with negative authority, and respond positively to the inherent authority of others.
This culture-transforming book explains that we were all created for authority. It is what we’re authorized to do according to our inborn purposes. In various ways, we are also answerable to the authority of others. This is actually a benefit to us, freeing us to become who we were created to be and enabling us to function, grow, and prosper in life.
Dr. Munroe calls authority “the beautiful principle” because it is a means of providing the resources, protection, refreshment, growth, accomplishment, fulfillment, and satisfaction we all need in life. This book invites you to develop your own personal authority so you may fulfill your unique purpose for the betterment of our world.
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Practica De La Presencia De Di – (Spanish)
$8.99Este libro es un clasico sobre desarrollar la consciencia de la presencia de Dios. Su autor, el Hermano Lawrence (nacido como Nicolas Herman), fraile catolico de la orden de los Carmelitas en el Siglo 17, fue un hombre de origen humilde que descubrio el mayor secreto de vivir en el reino de Dios aqui en la tierra. Es el arte de “practicar la presencia de Dios en un solo acto que no acaba”. A menudo afirmaba que es Dios quien se pinta a si mismo en lo mas profundo de nuestras almas. Simplemente debemos abrir nuestros corazones para recibirlo a El y a su presencia amorosa.
Como humilde cocinero, el Hermano Lawrence aprendio una leccion importante a traves de cada tarea diaria: el tiempo que pasas en comunion con el Seor debe ser el mismo, ya sea que estes ocupado en la cocina, con varias personas haciendo preguntas al mismo tiempo, o de rodillas en oracion. Aprendio a cultivar la profunda presencia de Dios tan a fondo en su propio corazon que pudo exclamar con alegria: “Estoy haciendo ahora lo que hare por toda la eternidad. Estoy bendiciendo a Dios, alabandolo, adorandolo y amandolo con todo mi corazon”.
Este clasico sin igual ha brindado bendicion e instruccion a aquellos que pueden contentarse con nada menos que conocer a Dios en toda su majestad y sentir su amorosa presencia a lo largo de cada dia sencillo.
This book is a classic on developing awareness of God’s presence. Its author, Brother Lawrence (born Nicolas Herman), a 17th-century Catholic friar of the Carmelite order, was a man of humble origins who discovered the greatest secret of living in the kingdom of God here on earth. It is the art of “practicing the presence of God in a single act that does not end”. He often claimed that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our souls. We simply must open our hearts to receive Him and His loving presence.
As a humble cook, Brother Lawrence learned an important lesson through each daily task: the time you spend in communion with the Lord should be the same whether you are busy in the kitchen, with several people asking questions at the same time, or kneeling in prayer. He learned to cultivate the profound presence of God so deeply in his own heart that he was able to exclaim with joy: “I am doing now what I will do for all eternity. I am blessing God, praising Him, worshiping Him, and loving Him with all my heart.”
This peerless classic has provided blessing and instruction to those who can be content with nothing less than to kno
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Signposts On The Road To Success
$14.99“You have within you all of the qualities and elements that are necessary to make you a success. Your chief work is the development of the thing that nature has already given you.” — E. W. Kenyon
Signposts on the Road to Success will stir your spirit and challenge your heart, no matter who you are or what you do. The simple yet profound truths in this little gem of a book have changed countless lives. They are based on a series of radio messages from legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon’s show, Kenyon’s Church of the Air.
The book guides you on a path to identify your latent talents and gifts so that you can bring out the best in yourself. Kenyon’s wisdom will help you to achieve whatever plans God has put on your heart.
This book will teach you:
*How to discover the gifts you possess from God
*Why you need to be responsible in all aspects of life, not just your calling
*How to develop your gifts and be a leader in your field
*Why you need love in your life
*The power of your words
*Why worry can hinder your success
*How to follow God’s leadingWhen God is the strength of your life and you know Christ as your Savior, you will know that God is in you and His ability is your ability. Doors of opportunity open. All you have to do is access what God has placed inside you and get to work!
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Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Change
$16.99Thriving in a Constantly Changing World
Changes and disruptions come to us all–whether we are prepared for them or not. We also face sweeping societal changes in our day as pivotal arenas of life converge to transform our globe. How we deal with those inevitable changes, no matter what their source, determines whether they will ultimately be a positive or negative force in our lives.
Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to experience confidence and move forward with your life’s vision, even in the uncertainty of our changing world. From his extensive experience and creative know-how, he reveals how to transform any change for your good, enabling you to fulfill your God-given purpose. Through this book, you can discover how to:
*Become an active part of change–not its victim
*Make preparations for times of change
*Initiate a much-needed course correction in life
*Safeguard against disappointment and frustration
*Rely on your one constant during periods of transition
*Become creative and innovative
*Overcome your fears during troubling times
*Tap into the positive power of changeNo matter what interruptions or upheavals you face, you can be proactive by pursuing your purpose. Let that purpose be your guide so you can exercise your full potential, even in unsettled times.
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Cuando Todo Cambio – (Spanish)
$15.99Cuando las circunstancias de la vida cambian, nos sentimos inseguros e incomodos. Al margen de que las causas del cambio sean pandemias, desastres naturales, traumas personales o problemas en el lugar de trabajo, nos encontramos dolidos, sorprendidos y confundidos sobre que hacer.
Michelle McKinney Hammond conoce las bolas curvas de la vida. Ella ha atrapado muchas de ellas. Pero cuando estaba de visita en Inglaterra para dar unas charlas y el mundo de repente entro en modo de confinamiento debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, la tomo por sorpresa igual que a nosotros. Era hora de que ella cambiara de marcha.
Como una amiga que ha estado donde tu estas ahora, Michelle ofrece una voz tranquilizadora: Cuando todo cambio !Dile si a lo proximo! Tejiendo historias de las Escrituras con relatos de su propia vida, ofrece lecciones sinceras, oraciones y preguntas de reflexion para ayudarte a abrazar lo proximo que llegue a tu vida.
Cuando todo cambio…
*Provee herramientas practicas para navegar el cambio.
*Da principios espirituales solidos para lidiar con los cambios de la vida.
*Permite considerar el valor de los errores.
*Ayuda a aceptar el cambio como una oportunidad.
*Cambia tu perspectiva para esperar lo mejor mientras Dios te redirige.“La mentalidad lo es todo cuando te enfrentas a un cambio inesperado”, seala Michelle. “…Estes listo o no, el cambio sucede. No es el fin. !Siempre hay un ‘proximo’!” !Dile que si!
When life circumstances change, we feel insecure and uncomfortable. Whether the causes of change are pandemics, natural disasters, personal trauma, or workplace issues, we find ourselves hurt, surprised, and confused about what to do.
Michelle McKinney Hammond knows the curveballs of life. She has caught many of them. But when she was visiting England to give talks and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she was caught by surprise just like us. It was time for her to change gears.
Like a friend who’s been where you are now, Michelle offers a reassuring voice: When Everything Changed: Say Yes to the Next Thing! Weaving stories from Scripture with accounts from her own life, she offers candid lessons, prayers, and thoughtful questions to help you embrace whatever comes your way next.
When Everything Changed…*Provides practical tools to navigate change.
*Gives sound spiritual principles to deal with life’s changes.
*Allows you to consider the value of the errors.
*Helps you tAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
100 Bible Prayers For Men
$14.99The Bible is packed with prayers,
and they all offer guidance to us today. . .*Nehemiah’s quick prayer while talking with the king
*Daniel’s confession of his nation’s sins
*Abraham’s servant’s prayer for success in his duties
*Peter’s “Save me!” as he plunged into the Sea of Galilee
*Jesus’ model prayer spoken in response to the disciples’ request, “Teach us to pray”100 Bible Prayers for Men highlights powerful prayers from scripture, making them the basis of practical and encouraging devotions. You’ll learn the meaning and purpose of each prayer along with ways to apply it to your own life.
Communicating with God is vital to healthy spiritual living–find the insights you need in 100 Bible Prayers for Men.
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Rested Soul : 30 Meditations To Quiet Your Heart
$17.99Do you feel rested and at peace? Or are you bombarded with obstacles keeping you from true soul rest? Daily life can be a grind, full of confusion and chaos. Award-winning author and Bible teacher Tessa Afshar has been there. Drawing from the lessons she learned from battling anxiety in her own life, Tessa brings you on a journey that cultivates a rested soul.
A book of 30 devotionals, The Rested Soul, includes vulnerable stories from Tessa’s personal life-stories that will make you feel known and remind you that you are not alone. Full of inspiration found in ordinary moments, Tessa shows you how to remove the impediments that stand in the way of a quiet heart. These deep reflections are accompanied by beautiful images (photography by Tessa’s husband). Exhale, heal, and find rest in God.
Tessa’s meditations create an oasis of calm when powerful storms of anxiety assail you. She brings you into your hope-filled, joy-infused life in Jesus. In Him, our hearts find quiet and comfort.
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