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    Christian Living

    • Siempre Te Amara – (Spanish)


      Siempre te amara es el recordatorio de que Dios nos ama en todo momento y de que El demuestra su Amor incondicional, no solo en cada momento de nuestros dias, sino en una diversidad de expresiones. Podemos sentirlo en un susurro en el aire, a traves de gestos de las personas, o en cada destello del amanecer. Sin embargo, la base de este libro tan inspirador es como Bernardo Stamateas presenta El Cantar de los Cantares como una metafora del amor de Dios hacia nosotros. Tal vez pensaste hasta ahora que esta poetica seccion de la Biblia ilustraba el amor de pareja y, en efecto, asi es. En este libro aprendemos a entender este pasaje biblico como la definicion y exaltacion del eterno romance entre Dios y su creacion… entre Cristo y su Iglesia… un amor incondicional diario y eterno.

      Siempre te amara is the reminder that God loves us at all times and that He shows his unconditional love, not only in every moment of our days but in a diversity of expressions. We can feel it in a whisper in the air, through people’s gestures, or in every flash of dawn. However, the basis of this inspiring book is how Bernardo Stamateas presents El Cantar de los Cantares as a metaphor of God’s love for us. Perhaps you thought until now that this poetic section of the Bible illustrated the love of a couple, and, indeed, it is. In this book, we learn to understand this biblical passage as the definition and exaltation of the eternal romance between God and his creation… between Christ and his church… a daily and eternal unconditional love.

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    • Recipes For A Sweet Child


      Practical Help for the Overwhelmed Mom

      Searching for answers to your toughest parenting problems, like how to turn your children’s grumbling into gratitude? Are you trying to navigate ongoing issues like sibling rivalry, tattling, unforgiveness, peer pressure, or bullying?

      Author Katie J. Trent combines her counseling and ministry expertise with her own parenting experiences to provide you with a creative guide to work past challenging childhood issues in a winsome way.

      Recipes for a Sweet Child will help you:

      *Teach your kids, from toddlers to teens, how to apply biblical wisdom in any situation.

      *Gain invaluable insights to help your kids overcome thirty-six of the most pressing emotional, behavioral, and relational battles that they face.

      *Discover simple tools to bring peace and joy into your home with easy, interactive activities and Bible lessons.

      *Engage the whole family in fun games and in-depth conversations.

      *Build kindness and character in your children so that they become the young ladies and gentlemen God wants them to be.

      *Enjoy making delicious recipes with your kids. Full-color photos are included.

      Katie J. Trent, a licensed clinical social worker, has over a decade of experience equipping and encouraging families through counseling and ministry. The author of Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Faith-Building Activities for Homeschooling Families, a popular blogger, and speaker, Katie loves to create resources to simplify life for busy moms by infusing faith and fun to build strong families. Katie puts the fun back into the fundamentals of family discipleship.

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    • Created For Compassion


      Your smile can lift someone’s spirits. Your words can bring hope to someone’s heart. You can change the trajectory of someone’s day… or even their entire life. As followers of Christ, we’re designed for compassion. While compassion doesn’t always come easily to us, it does to God. He provides us with the spirit of compassion we need to change minds, hearts, lives, and the world-one act of kindness at a time!

      In this devotional guide, you’ll join Dr. Tony Evans on a journey to cultivate the godly compassion that can radically change communities and culture. For thirty days, you’ll dive into a selection from Scripture, a devotional reading from Dr. Evans, answer personal application questions, and apply what you’re learning with a daily kindness challenge to inspire the world around you. Before you know it, you’ll be a compassionate agent of transformative change…an ambassador of Kingdom kindness in a hurting world!

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    • How Can I Be Sure Whats Right And Wrong


      How can I be sure what’s right and wrong? Is it all just a matter of opinion? Do we really need God to tell us how to be good people, or can we just figure it out for ourselves? What about situations where there is no one right answer, or when we disagree with others about what the best thing to do is?

      In this fun and fast-paced book, Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew walks 9-13-year-olds through various questions about morality. He makes the case that there is such a thing as right and wrong, and that we need to go to God for solid and satisfying answers.

      – An apologetic case for objective morality which connects with the culture today’s children are growing up in

      – Points children to the grace and truth of the gospel message

      – Includes chapters on disagreeing well with others

      – Written for kids who don’t yet identify as Christians as well as those who do

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    • When God Is Silent


      For Christians, one of our earliest lessons–and greatest gifts–is learning how to pray. And yet many of us believe our prayer lives fall short. In When God Is Silent, John Koessler reassures us that this has nothing to do with motivation or method. Our problems are relational, and recognizing this is the first step to having a better prayer life.

      Prayer is a conversation that moves primarily in one direction: from the believer who prays to the God who hears. If God appears silent, that does not mean that he is unresponsive. We always have God’s attention. This book does more than answer questions like how and why we should pray–it also invites us to gain a sense of God, of his goodness, and the rich welcome that is waiting for us every time we approach him in the name of Jesus Christ.

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    • When Loss Comes Close To Home


      Finding Your Footing in Devastating Loss

      In 2009, Charlie and Jill LeBlanc experienced the unthinkable — the death of their 23-year-old son. Their loss was crushing! It’s devastating to anyone who has walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and it feels like recovery is beyond hope. Maybe you-or someone you love -has also experienced the heartbreak of losing someone close to you. If so, the LeBlanc’s have words of healing for you.

      In When Loss Comes Close to Home, the LeBlancs, international music ministers, share their journey of moving forward with wisdom to heal after life-shattering sorrow. You can begin to find God’s grace and hope for yourself and others who need healing from grief by…

      *Embracing the time it takes to heal
      *Allowing for each person’s unique grieving process
      *Valuing the biblical importance of grieving
      *Practical help to overcome deep sorrow and bewildering numbness
      *Powerful tools to help loved ones through loss

      God “comforts and encourages us in every trouble…” so we’re able to do the same for others (2 Cor. 1:4 Amp). You can begin to regain your peace and find purpose in moving forward as God lovingly leads you into a better tomorrow.

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    • Guiados Por La Eternidad – (Spanish)


      Un dia estaras delante de Dios y daras cuenta de tu vida. La pregunta mas importante que puedes hacerte ahora es, estaras listo?

      La mayoria de los cristianos saben que su respuesta a la cruz determina donde pasaran la eternidad. Pero, sabias que como pasaras la eternidad esta determinado por lo que hagas en esta vida?

      Dios quiere que descubras tu llamado. El no esta tratando de mantenerte en la oscuridad.
      De hecho, El anhela que encuentres el significado y el proposito de saber por que has sido puesto en esta tierra.

      En Guiados por la eternidad, el exitoso autor John Bevere usa una alegoria reveladora y una extensa escritura para revelar como nuestras elecciones diarias dan forma a nuestra existencia eterna.

      La vida mas alla del ultimo aliento es mucho mas que un destino. No espere hasta que sea demasiado tarde. Descubra su destino dado por Dios y haga que su vida cuente tanto hoy como para siempre.

      One day you will stand before God and give an account of your life. The most important question you can ask yourself now is, will you be ready?

      Most Christians know their response to the cross determines where they will spend eternity. But did you know that how you’ll spend eternity is determined by what you do in this life?

      God wants you to discover your calling–He’s not trying to keep you in the dark. In fact, He longs for you to find the meaning and purpose that comes with knowing why you’ve been placed on this earth.

      In Driven by Eternity, best-selling author John Bevere uses an eye-opening allegory and extensive Scripture to unveil how our daily choices shape our eternal existence.

      Life beyond the final breath is much more than a destination. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Discover your God-given destiny and make your life count both today and forever.

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    • Cast It Out


      If Jesus spent one-third of His ministry casting out demons, why do so many churches virtually ignore deliverance?

      By reading this book, I will understand the purpose behind casting out demonic entities and why all Christians are called to help set the captives free.

      For years, Baptist pastor Greg Locke believed deliverance ministry and supernatural signs and wonders were just hyped-up “charismaniac” nonsense. But then God removed his denominational lenses and showed him what the Bible actually says about the gifts of the Holy Spirit–and his life and ministry haven’t been the same . Suddenly, people started getting healed in his services. Miracles and wonders abounded. And Locke was casting out demons in Sunday services that lasted until 2:30 the next morning.

      Today, the firebrand preacher is well-known for his popular documentary Come Out in Jesus’ Name and teaches others how to help people get free of demonic oppression. In Cast It Out, the third book in his Spiritual Warfare Series, Locke testifies of what the Lord has done in his life and ministry and shares the biblical truth and inspired revelations God used to erase all his doubts about the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. In what he considers his most important work yet, Locke addresses:

      *What the Bible says about deliverance
      *Whether Christians can be demonized
      *Popular objections to deliverance ministry
      *How Jesus dealt with demons

      Locke believes the church is on the cusp of the most important spiritual awakening in the history of Christianity and we must all be prepared to engage in what Jesus spent one-third of His ministry doing: casting out demons. In this book, he offers biblical answers to the most pressing deliverance questions and equips readers to help others find true freedom and healing in Christ.

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    • Traveling Light : Galatians And The Free Life In Christ (Expanded)


      We aspire to freedom but often resign ourselves to an existence trapped in uneasiness and dread. Is there any way to shed such heaviness and reignite hope for deliverance?

      In Traveling Light, Eugene H. Peterson urges us to listen to an expert on freedom, Paul, whose letter to the Galatians reminds us of the realities of life in Christ, freely given to all. Peterson says, “If there is a story of freedom to be told, the story must begin with God. . . . The Bible is not a script for a funeral service, but the record of the proclaimed and witnessed God bringing new life to the dead. Everywhere it is a story of resurrection–life where we expect death.”

      That lightness of spirit we’re shown in Scripture is a gift and challenge. With an open path forward, Peterson calls us to embrace change, exploration, trust, love, and much more. Now with a new study guide, share the work of pursuing real rescue and relief through the abiding wisdom of Peterson.

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    • What Did The Cross Achieve


      A Classic Essay on Penal Substitutionary Atonement from Theologian J. I. Packer

      Penal substitutionary atonement-the belief that Jesus’s death on the cross satisfied God’s wrath against sin-is central to the Christian faith, but frequently debated. Is it just to punish an innocent person in place of the guilty? How can the temporary death of one substitute for the eternal death of many? Why doesn’t the cross grant Christians unlimited permission to sin?

      In this famous essay, late theologian J. I. Packer analyzes Scripture and the works of early Reformers to defend the truth of Christ’s substitutionary suffering and death, the heart of the Christian gospel. Considered one of the most significant short works on penal substitutionary atonement from the 20th century, this careful, concise essay has influenced prominent theologians and is essential reading for students, pastors, and laypeople.

      *From Renowned Theologian J. I. Packer: This work was originally delivered as a Tyndale Biblical Theology Lecture

      *Part of the Crossway Short Classics Series: Other titles include The Lord’s Work in the Lord’s Way and No Little People; The Life of God in the Soul of Man; and Fighting for Holiness

      *Includes a Foreword by Mark Dever

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    • Detox For The Soul


      It is all too easy to dwell on the negative aspects of life. We can talk for hours about conflict, worries, and disappointment, creating feelings of hopelessness, discouragement, and a lack of trust in our heavenly Father who is faithful, good, and just. Jesus said out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. What we focus on affects how we live.

      This daily devotional will help you battle against toxic thinking. Renew your mind as you reflect on the Scriptures, devotional entries, and prayers written in this book. Identify your negative thoughts and compare them with truth. What does the Bible say? Are your thoughts honoring of yourself and others? Are they holy, excellent, or worthy of praise? Stop the downward spiral of doubt, comparison, and criticism, and choose instead to dwell on true, pure, noble, and lovely things. Enhance your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing as you spend time in God’s presence.

      Detox your soul and experience the refreshing nature of a positive outlook.

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    • Like A River


      Like a River, a triumphant story of new life birthed out of tragedy, will teach readers how to face their failures, confront their pain, and connect with God–the true source of life.

      On June 4th, 2019, country music singer Granger Smith was enjoying a final evening with his kids before heading to Nashville for the CMT Music Awards and his next tour. While helping his daughter London with her gymnastics, his youngest son fell into their pool. Granger did everything he could to get to him, but he was too late. River drowned, and Granger’s world shattered.

      The days, weeks, and months that followed River’s death sent Granger on a dark and painful journey. Every time he closed his eyes, he replayed the horrific event in his mind, and every time he opened his computer, he was bombarded by the critique and criticism of people who blamed him for the accident.

      Despite his best effort to get back on stage with a smile and song, it was all a faade. On the inside he was dying. Fortunately, that’s not how his story ended. And now he is compelled to help people all around the world find strength, peace, and hope on the other side of tragedy.

      *Like a River, life is full of twists and turns.
      *Like a River, people pollute our world with their critique and criticism.
      *Like a River, tragic events keep us dammed up.
      *But like a river, we can find the courage to keep moving downstream.

      Rivers don’t run on their own strength; they flow from their source. When we try to keep going on our own, we won’t make it, but when we connect to the greater source, we will find the strength and the faith to keep living after loss. This triumphant story of new life birthed out of death will inspire every reader to live Like a River.

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