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    Christian Living

    • Hopeful Lament : Tending Our Grief Through Spiritual Practices


      We need to rediscover lament to heal and hope again.

      We’ve lost the practice of lament. Most people don’t know how to process personal or communal mourning and instead struggle to honor their tears, vulnerability, and the full weight of these disillusioning times. But tending our grief might be exactly what we need to reimagine a way forward.

      Tracing her difficult experiences of a catastrophic home fire, a threat to her child’s well-being, and other devastating losses and upheavals, Terra McDaniel offers a clear framework for expressing heartache and burdens. McDaniel says, “Lament is surprisingly hopeful. As strange as that may sound now, I promise it’s true. It’s an act of trust both that we can face pain and survive, and that God cares about our anger, confusion, doubt, grief, and fear. Lament refuses to bury pain or, just as dangerous, to give in to despair.”

      Hopeful Lament makes space for the powerful act of crying out before a loving God and offers provoking reflection questions, embodied practices, and applications for families with children. Learn how to journey gently through suffering.

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    • Trailblazers : A Journey To Discover God’s Purpose For Your Life


      Are you ready to live a life like no one else?

      We all want our lives to count for something. We desperately want to know if we matter, what our purpose is, and if it’s ok to chase a dream bigger than ourselves. In Trailblazers, using biblical characters and his own life experiences, pastor Micah E. Davis shows how a life that is built on a solid foundation of faith can lead us to blaze a new trail . . . a unique one God has purposed for us. And the best part is you don’t have to wait for anyone else–you can start right now!

      In his debut book, Micah takes us on a fresh, honest, and bold journey, exploring such questions as:

      *What is my purpose and how do I know it’s what God wants for me?
      *What do I need to let go of to pursue the calling God has placed on my life?
      *Does God have more in store for me than this? Am I really allowed to go after it?
      *Can God use a flawed and broken person like me to impact the Kingdom?
      *And more!

      At the heart of a Trailblazer lies a supernatural courage, strength, and faith to go first. Come alongside Micah to discover what it truly means to live out the way of a Trailblazer and to live a life that matters.

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    • Fuera De Lo Comun – (Spanish)


      La vida presenta muchos desafios, pero a menudo el mayor obstaculo para nuestro propio exito y felicidad proviene del interior. De hecho, somos expertos en el autosabotaje. Si pudieramos apartarnos de nuestro propio camino, !imagina lo que podriamos lograr!

      Eso es exactamente lo que el exitoso autor John Mason te ayudara a hacer en este libro. Al concentrarse en las areas de tu vida en las que podrias estar interponiendote en tu propio camino, Mason te ayudara a conquistar:

      *el dialogo interno negativo
      *el miedo
      *la falta de concentracion
      *el arrepentirte
      *la indecision
      *los problemas de confianza
      *la distraccion
      *el perfeccionismo
      *la ansiedad
      *la comparacion
      *los errores
      *y mas

      Con su ayuda entusiasta, descubriras como puedes establecer y alcanzar tus metas, mantener una actitud positiva y enfrentar cada dia con un espiritu de gratitud y posibilidad.

      Life holds many challenges, but often the biggest obstacle to our own success and happiness comes from within. In fact, we are experts at self-sabotage. If we could just get out of our own way, imagine what we could accomplish!

      That’s exactly what bestselling author John Mason is going to help you do in this book. Honing in on areas of life where you might be standing in your own way, Mason will help you conquer:

      *negative self-talk
      *lack of focus
      *trust issues
      *and more

      With his enthusiastic help, you’ll discover how you can set and achieve your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and face each day with a spirit of gratitude and possibility.

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    • Jesus With Us Meeting Him Where He Began


      What would it have looked like and felt like to walk daily with Jesus during His time on earth, sharing in what He experienced and taught? And how does His life have significance for our own lives today? We can answer these questions by following in His footsteps–each step of the way.

      In any journey, the destination is important, but just as significant is the life we experience as we travel that path. Jesus’ journey was similar. Who He traveled with, where He went, and what He experienced along the way were all important to Him. He’s still on His journey, and He has invited you to join Him on it.

      This new devotional series, Life Along the Way, takes you through the life of Jesus by way of all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish–from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The four devotionals in the journey, which you can read either sequentially or in any order, are:

      1. Jesus With Us: Meeting Him Where He Began
      2. Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles
      3. Jesus Through Us: Following His Example in Love and Service
      4. Jesus in Us: Living Wholeheartedly the Life He Intends

      In this devotional, Jesus with Us, you will stop at important early places along Jesus’s path, including His birth, the fulfillment of the promises of His coming, the plot to kill the Christ Child, Jesus’s youth, the beginning of His ministry, the calling of His first followers, and His famous Sermon on the Mount.

      This devotional is designed so that…

      *Each day’s Scripture will be life-transforming
      *Each day’s “Life Lessons from Jesus” will be dynamic and relevant
      *Each day’s questions will be reflective and self-exploring, leading to spiritual growth
      *Each day’s prayer will be authentic and relational

      The beginning of Jesus’s story is powerful, but it can also be very personal. As you journey each day with the Savior, you will learn to l ove Jesus and l ove l ike Jesus.
      Where are you on your walk with Jesus?

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    • UnCovery Devotional : Rethinking Recovery One Day At A Time – A 365 Day Dev


      All of us are recovering from something. Whether it’s an addiction, a painful incident from our past, or a daily challenge just to get by in this world, something is holding us back from the promised-land life God wants for us.

      Real recovery isn’t a one-time event or a process that fits into twelve steps or a preset length of time. Uncovering how to live free of what holds you back is a lifelong journey, and one that is best traveled with others.

      The Uncovery Devotional: Rethinking Recovery One Day at a Time will help you take those steps toward a better, healthier, happier you. The authors, George A. Wood and Brit Eaton, know that battles with addiction, mental health, suicidal thoughts, and past trauma cannot be won overnight. They’ve been in your shoes. And they provide the love, commitment, and compassion that will help you uncover and heal the bottom-line issue that causes you to struggle in the first place.

      Each month follows a theme, such as reflection, relationship, and reconciliation, while each day provides a short Scripture and prayer.

      Wild opportunities for hope, healing, and transformation exist for you in the Christian recovery space because you’re not working to recover an old, broken life–you’re going after a brand new one.

      You’ll discover the truth about who you really are and Whose you really are so that you can reach deep levels of healing and deliverance.

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    • See Yourself Beautiful See Yourself Happy


      If someone asks you who you are, you probably have a pat answer that tells them what you do. But saying who you are? That’s not always so easy.

      In See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy: An Invitation to Discover Who You Were Meant to Be, Sonia Luna invites you to embark on a journey to discover your true self. As the pastor of a church that reaches thousands weekly, she is known for her strong faith and Holy Spirit anointing.

      Through each chapter, Sonia shows her vulnerability, sharing details of her life as a daughter, wife, mother, and minister of the Lord, explaining how everything developed her identity. By way of example, she offers insights into spiritual, psychological, and emotional issues that confront us as life unfolds.

      This journey is shaped by our experiences since birth, the influences of our families, the moments that mark us, and the many stages that we go through in our development as human beings.

      In an intimate, relatable narrative, Sonia describes how the psychological and emotional wounds that once affected us in our childhood and youth can continue to cause deep traumas that alter or threaten our identity. These can lead to insecurities, fears, difficulty in recognizing our own talents, and unsatisfactory interpersonal relationships.

      But Sonia offers reason for hope, affirming that there is not a single life that cannot be transformed by God. She invites you to discover your identity through the “infinite trigger” of Christ. By placing your life in His hands, you will fulfill your divine purpose and see yourself as you are: beautiful, valued, and loved.

      “It is only when we understand how valuable we are to God that we start to notice the mistaken concept we had of ourselves,” Sonia says.

      Once you see the best in yourself as God does, you will know your true identity as His beloved child. Happiness awaits when you work to achieve the divine purpose He has for you.

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    • Speak The Unspeakable


      Everyone has secrets. Elizabeth Good’s seem shocking – at first – until the room begins to shift, hands raise, tears well, and hurting hearts respond, “I thought I was the only one.”

      Brave enough to lay her own story on the table, Elizabeth Good noticed, as the scales of shame and fear began to fall from her eyes, the same was happening to others in domino effect of healing. Thousands who have lived paralyzed by secrets are learning to speak up and live free through Good’s Real Talk curriculum, and the move of God is not so quietly transforming churches, business, families, and communities.

      Now readers can engage with the same tools, giving them permission (often for the first time in their lives) to Speak the Unspeakable and change the trajectory of their life, discovering their purpose for impacting others, and becoming the ultimate key to unlock a Spirit of silence and brokenness threatening to tear the contemporary church apart.

      Speak the Unspeakable is an invitation to transformation and a handbook for getting the job done. The world of silence in which we’ve been living, is starting to shift culturally as Good leads others (individuals and groups from kids to CEOs) through her unconventional approach to emotional healing and next-level living.

      Using the language and lessons gained from her decades as a pastor, licensed psychologist, and not-for-profit activist working with sex trafficking victims, Good is uniquely equipped to guide and support readers on their journey as they “trade unspoken problems for unspeakable results.”

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    • Camino Pequeno – (Spanish)


      Queremos amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazon, pero a menudo nos encontramos esforzandonos por agradarle, muy conscientes de nuestras debilidades. A medida que se acumulan nuestros fracasos, nos frustramos y desanimamos. Hemos perdido la esencia del evangelio? Existe una manera simple, pero verdadera, de servir a Dios, que pueda llenarnos de gozo y paz en lugar de miedo y desanimo? Santa Teresa de Lisieux enfrento luchas similares. Como mujer joven que deseaba entregarse a Dios, se sintio intimidada ante la “la empinada escalera de la perfeccion”. Therese escudrio las Escrituras hasta que descubrio un camino hacia la libertad. La llamo “pequeo camino”. Este es “el camino de la infancia espiritual, el camino de la confianza y la entrega absoluta”. Es un reconocimiento de que mientras somos pequeos e imperfectos, tenemos un Dios poderoso que nos alcanza con infinito amor, gracia y fuerza para cuidar de todas nuestras necesidades. Mientras Therese seguia este nuevo camino, se consideraba una “pequea flor” en el jardin de Jesus. Ella entendio que era amada por su Padre celestial y hermosa ante sus ojos, y que podia florecer justo donde El la planto mientras diariamente demostraba Su amor incondicional a los demas, en pequeos, pero significativos actos de bondad, e intercedio en su nombre. Este hermoso libro de regalo destaca la profunda comprension de Santa Teresa sobre la fe y la devocion, mientras captura visualmente, a traves de flores como simples ilustraciones, el tema de la sencillez que impregno su vida. Al leer extractos de la autobiografia, la poesia y las cartas de Santa Teresa, con los versiculos biblicos que los acompaan, aprendera a descansar en los brazos amorosos de su Padre celestial, permitiendo que su propia fe crezca y florezca.

      We want to love God with all our hearts, but we often find ourselves striving in our efforts to please Him, acutely aware of our weaknesses. As our failures pile up, we become frustrated and discouraged. Have we missed the essence of the gospel? Is there a simple but true way to serve God that can fill us with joy and peace rather than fear and discouragement? St. Therese of Lisieux faced similar struggles. As a young woman who desired to abandon herself to God, she felt daunted at the thought of climbing “the steep stairway of perfection.” Therese searched the Scriptures until she discovered a path to freedom she called her “little way.” This is “the way of spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute surr

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    • Truth For Life Volume 1 Gift Edition


      This imitation-leather edition of Alistair Begg’s best-selling one-year devotional, Truth For Life – Volume 1, makes a beautiful gift for a Christian brother or sister, encouraging them to start each day with the gospel.

      Features of this edition include:
      – an imitation-leather debossed cover
      – a ribbon marker
      – a sleeve

      Each daily devotion includes:
      – reflections from renowned Bible teacher Alistair Begg
      – prompts for real-life application
      – relevant Scripture passages
      – a yearly Bible-reading plan

      Reflecting on a short passage each day, Alistair spans the Scriptures to show us the greatness and grace of God, and to thrill our hearts to live as His children. His clear, faithful exposition and thoughtful application mean that this resource will both engage your mind and stir your heart.

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    • Daily Prayers From Mornings


      An inspiring devotional to prompt the practice of daily prayer. Prayer is a privilege, but life is busy. It’s easy, to forget and forego your prayer on a regular basis. Begin each day in the presence of God. These daily morning prayers, inspiring devotions, and selected Scriptures will help you engage in true fellowship with your loving Father. Get into the habit of talking to God each morning can enrich your spiritual life as you focus on God’s provision of strength, wisdom, and hope; and prompts for starting daily conversations with our Heavenly Father. The simple practice of prayer makes a world of difference. It’s also a perfect gift for friends and family on any occasion.

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    • In This Together


      Do you spend days and nights alone wondering, “Where are my people?”

      If you feel this way, you’re in good company and there is great news for you! Over the course of this 90 day devotional, you can discover what it really means to find unity in Christ, in the body of Christ, and for the sake of Christ.

      Take this deep dive into the New Testament book of Ephesians. The church at Ephesus was like many in the early days of Christianity: a melting pot of backgrounds, ethnicities, social classes, occupations, and ideas. Becoming a community was no easy feat. Even among Christians today, we may struggle to find “our people” with those with whom we can effortlessly find fellowship. Through a Scripture reading, a short devotion, prayers, and inspirational quotes you’ll find out exactly what kind of connection you were made for. You are headed for glory, and you can experience transcendent connections with others and with God on a regular basis.

      “The togetherness we need most begins with our unity in Christ because that is where the power lies.”

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    • Parenting Gen Z


      Why is parenting Gen Z so challenging?

      When it comes to raising kids in the Christian faith, common challenges like lack of biblical knowledge, uncertainty and doubt, and the breakdown of discipleship in the home make it difficult for parents to raise spiritually healthy kids. Nowhere is this more apparent than with Gen Z, the most non-Christian generation in American history. How can parents instill a love for God in their children and help them avoid the pitfalls unique to their generation?

      Parenting Gen Z is a must-read for everyday parents looking for ways to parent their sons and daughters effectively. In this motivational guidebook, Jason Jimenez tackles today’s parenting challenges in a fun and empowering way. This book includes easy-to-follow steps designed to improve your parenting skills and relationships with your kids! It covers:

      *understanding and relating to Gen Z
      *setting and monitoring device and gaming limits
      *expert advice on how to talk about faith, sex, porn, LGBTQI issues, abortion, and depression
      *tips for fruitful discipleship
      *applying authority and discipline kids will respect

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