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    Christian Living

    • Serving Without Sinking


      1. Introduction
      2. Serving Can Be Joyful
      3. A Wrong View Of God
      4. A Wrong View Of People
      5. Served By Christ
      6. Friends With The Boss
      7. Bride Of The King
      8. Sons In The Father’s Business
      9. Still Being Served
      10. The Gift Of Service
      11. Service Is Love
      12. Slaves With A Master
      13. The Joy Of Serving Jesus

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      Many of us are serving, and feel like we’re sinking. We feel joyless, weary and burdened.

      John Hindley shows how Jesus was telling the truth when He offered people an “easy yoke”-a way of serving Him that is joyful and liberating. He explains why serving is so often joyless-and how our identity in Christ changes everything.

      If you are serving, but sometimes feel as though you’re sinking… you need this book!

      If you know someone who has burn out, or is heading in that direction…they need this book too.

      * Written in a personal, warm, gospel-hearted style.
      * Encourages readers to see not only how they serve, but WHY they serve
      * Points Christians away from themselves and back to Jesus
      * Frees people from the burdens of joyless, duty-based serving

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    • Listen Up : A Practical Guide To Listening To Sermons


      Seven Ingredients For Healthy Sermon Listening:
      1. Expect God To Speak
      2. Admit God Knows Better Than You
      3. Check The Preacher Says What The Passage Says
      4. Hear The Sermon In Church
      5. Be There Week By Week
      6. Do What The Bible Says
      7. Do What The Bible Says Today – And Rejoice!
      How To Listen To Bad Sermons
      7 Suggestions For Encouraging Good Preaching

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      Why on earth does anyone need a guide on how to listen to sermons? Don’t we simply need to ‘be there’ and stay awake? Yet Jesus said: ‘Consider carefully how you listen.’ The fact is, much more is involved in truly listening to Bible teaching than just sitting and staring at the preacher.

      Christopher Ash outlines seven ingredients for healthy listening. He then deals with how to respond to bad sermons – ones that are dull, or inadequate, or heretical. And finally, he challenges us with ideas for helping and encouraging our Bible teachers to give sermons that will really help us to grow as Christians.

      * Where does the authority of a Bible teacher come from?
      * Why is Bible teaching offensive?
      * Why is it important to hear Bible teaching in church?
      * How can we actually enjoy Bible teaching more?

      These (and more) are the questions answered by this practical guide, which includes effective, hands-on suggestions for implementing each idea. All with the aim of helping us learn how to listen properly, so that through His word, God will make us more and more Christ like.

      ‘We give Listen Up to all our new members’ – Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church

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    • Derribando Fortalezas – (Spanish)


      Usted esta en una guerra, lo sepa o no

      La mayoria de cristianos no vacilarian en afirmar el concepto de que Dios tiene un reino, con sus huestes angelicas. Desgraciadamente, muchos cristianos no son conscientes de que Satanas tambien tiene un reino, representado por una hueste de demonios. Con la tierra como el campo de batalla, mientras estos dos reinos se enfrentan en una guerra por nuestras mentes y almas.

      Como cristianos, necesitamos entender la naturaleza de esta guerra y como opera el reino de Satanas. El legendario autor y maestro de la Biblia, Derek Prince, examina el concepto de la guerra espiritual como un aspecto inequivoco de la vida cristiana. Gracias a esta crucial enseanza, usted podra…
      *Descubrir por que existe la guerra espiritual
      *Entender como opera el reino de Satanas
      *Aprender cuales son las seis armas de la guerra espiritual
      *Implementar estrategias que ataran las maquinaciones de Satanas
      *Conectar con el triunfante poder del Espiritu Santo

      Satanas ya ha declarado la guerra al reino de Dios. Como ciudadanos del reino de Dios, no tenemos eleccion; ya estamos en guerra. Por lo tanto, es vital que estemos preparados a fin de derrotar los planes del enemigo, hacer retroceder la oscuridad, !y proclamar victoria para nuestro Dios!

      You Are in a War, Whether You Know It or Not

      Most Christians would have no hesitancy in affirming the concept that God has a kingdom, with its angelic hosts. Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware that Satan also has a kingdom, represented by a host of demons. With earth as the battlefield, these two kingdoms wage war with one another for our minds and souls.

      As Christians, we need to understand the nature of this war and how Satan’s kingdom operates. Legendary author and Bible teacher Derek Prince examines the concept of spiritual warfare as an unmistakable aspect of Christian living. Thanks to this crucial teaching, you will…
      *Discover why spiritual warfare exists
      *Understand how Satan’s kingdom operates
      *Learn the six weapons of spiritual warfare
      *Implement strategies that will bind Satan’s schemes
      *Tap into the overcoming power of the Holy Spirit

      Satan has already declared war on God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we have no choice; we are already at war. Therefore, it is vital that we be prepared in order to overcome the enemy’s plans, push back the darkness, and proclaim victory for our God!

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    • Explorando E Interpretando Sue – (Spanish)


      Benny Thomas le acompaa en un recorrido introductorio de un mundo que a menudo se malinterpreta y se representa mal, un lugar cuyos terrenos han sido mapeados en la Escritura: el mundo, dado por Dios, de los sueos. La Biblia esta llena de personas como Daniel y Jose, quienes oyeron mensajes divinos de parte de Dios en sus sueos.

      Thomas comparte con cristianos creyentes en la Biblia un enfoque equilibrado para oir de parte de Dios en el periodo nocturno. Aprenda a reconocer patrones y principios divinos en sus sueos que aportaran a su vida revelacion celestial.

      “Al registrar y analizar detalladamente mis sueos, pude obtener conocimiento, sabiduria y destreza para oir de parte de Dios en el periodo nocturno. Una prueba convincente tras otra me aseguraron que Dios me estaba hablando, y que El le hablara a usted mediante sueos, de modo continuo y regular”. -Benny Thomas

      Benny Thomas accompanies an introductory tour of a world that is often misunderstood and is wrong, a place whose lands have been mapped in Scripture: the world, God-given dreams. The Bible is full of people like Daniel and Joseph, who heard divine messages from God in his dreams.

      Thomas shares with Bible believing Christians a balanced approach to hear from God in the night period. Learn to recognize patterns and divine principles in their dreams that will provide your life heavenly revelation.

      “By recording and analyzing in detail my dreams, I gain knowledge, wisdom and skill to hear from God in the night period. Convincing proof after another assured me that God was speaking, and that He will speak to you through dreams, a continuous and regular basis. ”
      -Benny Thomas

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    • Gods Power For Salvation


      “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”
      -Psalm 77:14

      Authors Melanie Hemry and Gina Lynnes share personal stories and researched testimonies of people who experienced the power of God in dramatic and awe-inspiring fashion. Your faith will be stronger after reading of the ways in which God miraculously intervened into seemingly hopeless situations for the physical healing of loved ones.

      This combination of amazing story telling and powerful Scripture verses will leave you amazed and inspired at the greatness and love of our God.

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    • Gods Power For Protection


      “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”
      -Psalm 77:14

      Authors Melanie Hemry and Gina Lynnes share personal stories and researched testimonies of people who experienced the power of God in dramatic and awe-inspiring fashion. Your faith will be stronger after reading of the ways in which God miraculously intervened into seemingly hopeless situations for the physical healing of loved ones.

      This combination of amazing story telling and powerful Scripture verses will leave you amazed and inspired at the greatness and love of our God.

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    • Gods Power For Healing


      “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”
      -Psalm 77:14

      Authors Melanie Hemry and Gina Lynnes share personal stories and researched testimonies of people who experienced the power of God in dramatic and awe-inspiring fashion. Your faith will be stronger after reading of the ways in which God miraculously intervened into seemingly hopeless situations for the physical healing of loved ones.

      This combination of amazing story telling and powerful Scripture verses will leave you amazed and inspired at the greatness and love of our God.

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    • Gods Power For Children


      “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”
      -Psalm 77:14

      Authors Melanie Hemry and Gina Lynnes share personal stories and researched testimonies of people who experienced the power of God in dramatic and awe-inspiring fashion. Your faith will be stronger after reading of the ways in which God miraculously intervened into seemingly hopeless situations for the physical and spiritual welfare of children.

      This combination of amazing story telling and powerful Scripture verses will leave you amazed and inspired at the greatness and love of our God.

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    • Changed By The Masters Touch


      Bible scholar F. B. Meyer presents fresh, encouraging accounts of three New Testament men: John, Peter, and Paul. All were changed by Jesus’ loving touch to become faithful followers who prevailed against the powers of darkness and ushered in God’s kingdom.

      These true stories illustrate the timeless truths of God’s Word. Read them and be inspired to…
      *Overcome your “thorn in the flesh”
      *Resist the devil and rest in Jesus’ victory
      *Become an effective witness for the Lord
      *Receive God’s abundant and limitless grace
      *Obtain positive results in prayer and praise

      You can be more than a conqueror. Discover how you can be free from anxiety and despair as you draw nearer to the Master’s side.

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    • Heretics


      “The word heresy not only means no longer being wrong; it practically means being clear-headed and courageous. The word orthodoxy not only no longer means being right; it practically means being wrong.”
      -G. K. Chesterton, Heretics

      The “modern” world of G. K. Chesterton’s day was one that often celebrated the independence and courage of heretics, while decrying the rigidity of conservative orthodoxy. In this classic collection of twenty essays, Chesterton uses wit and paradox to take on the popular philosophers of his day, including Henrik Ibsen, George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, Rudyard Kipling, Oscar Wilde, and Friedrich Nietzsche.

      In taking on the “heretics”-modern thinkers who considered their views to be superior to “antiquated” conservative thought-Chesterton called out their tendency to focus on evils, such as segregation and slavery, without pointing men and women toward any idea of what is good. Chesterton criticized those who rebelled against traditional Christian beliefs-those who proudly defied the Word of God. With biting prose and incomparable wit, Chesterton exposes the heretics as not only wrong but also dangerous.

      Written more than a century ago, Heretics remains a remarkably relevant work for today’s modern culture.

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    • Risen Life


      Legendary author and evangelist Jessie Penn-Lewis believed that it was imperative for believers to understand the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and what it means for them; for, as she said, “Truth out of place can be poison.” And the truth is found in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

      It is only when we identify ourselves with Christ and conform ourselves to His death that we are able to share in His victory. It is only when we become dead to sin that we can lead others to the path of life. By applying the truths outlined in this book, you will learn…
      *How to answer your calling as a child of God
      *How to break free from sin
      *How to find joy in the midst of sorrow
      *How to gain a deep compassion for others
      *How to lead others to a life of victory

      Join Jessie Penn-Lewis on a journey to discover the cost of discipleship, as well as the joy that comes with leading others to Christ.

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    • Faith To Die For


      “He stood and looked at us. The weapon was hot and heavy in his hand as he lowered the barrel toward us. His face was streaked with sweat and dirt; his eyes were filled with the sights of combat. He stared at me and asked,’ Are you Mr. Mark?”

      How can you face death squarely while experiencing an absolute absence of fear? You can if you have hope. You can if you have traveled from Guatemala to Kiev to Beijing and seen God restoring hope in the midst of hopeless situations.

      Recounting his journey from captivity in Aceh, Indonesia, to freedom, Mark Geppert reveals the reality of knowing a God who never fails us or forsakes us. Mark’s incredible testimony is one of belief, action, purpose, and a step-by-step growth of faith.

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