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  • Saint John In Exile (DVD)


    Imprisoned, John, the last living disciple of Jesus’ twelve, remains full of humor, strong in spirit and obstinately spry. Through his eyes we relive the moving events in which Jesus Christ changed the course of human history.

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  • Seedtime And Harvest


    Seedtime and harvest is God’s method for bringing forth His Kingdom into our lives. Everything produces after its kind. If you give love, you will reap love.

    Plant Your Seed!

    This is something you can do. Jesus said that you are the one planting the seed. God’s Word is incorruptible seed, and God’s promises are seeds for harvest. In this book you will learn that as you speak God’s promises out of your mouth as a seed, it goes into your heart to grow and produce a harvest of blessing.

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  • In Him


    IN HIM

    A spiritual law too few of us realize is: Our confession rule us. Find out what God’s word says about you and make that your confession.

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  • Blessings Of Obedience


    Obedience is not the most popular word in our vocabulary. We live in a society that is constantly battling the system, fighting for what we want. We’re primarily concerned with how the rules inconvenience us, and we’re looking to see what we can get away with. Obedience is much more than following rules; it’s a state of the heart. By missing this truth, we miss the power of complete obedience. Discover how obedience to God’s plan will put you in the center of His will! Andrew Murray explores the love behind God’s demands and the grace that makes it possible for us to obey. The blessing of complete obedience is your intimate connection with a loving, protective heavenly Father who desires more than anything to give you a rich and fulfilling life!

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  • Pigs In The Parlor


    This book contains a wealth of practical information for the person interested in, planning to engage in, or actively engaged in the ministry of deliverance.

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  • Believers Authority


    1. The Prayers Of Paul
    2. What Is Authority?
    3. Seated With Christ
    4. Breaking The Power Of The Devil
    5. Exercising Authority
    6. Risen With Christ
    7. The Weapons Of Our Warfare
    8. Authority Over Demon Spirits, Not Human Will

    Additional Info
    Do we have authority that we don’t know about – that we haven’t discovered – that we’re not using?”
    Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin asked himself this question when he was a young preacher. “I had had little glimpses of spiritual authority once in a while,” he writes in The Believer’s Authority, the reedited and expanded version of his best-selling book. “Life others I had stumbled upon it and had exercised it without knowing what I was doing.
    “As a result of my studies, I concluded that we as a Church have authority on the earth that we’ve never yet realized.
    “A few of us have barely gotten to the edge of that authority, but before Jesus comes again, ther’s going to be a whole company of believers who will rise up and with the authority that is theirs,… and they will do the work that god intended they should do.”

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  • Precious Blood Of Jesus


    1. The Cleansing Blood
    2. Come To God By The Blood
    3. Pleading The Blood

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    There is power in the precious blood of Jesus Christ. This minibook shares from God’s Word what makes the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ so powerful and why it is so precious.

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  • Catholic Book Of Prayers (Large Type)


    Today’s most popular general prayerbook. Contains many favorite prayers – for every day, to the Blessed Trinity, to Mary, and the Saints, and a summary of our Faith. Designed especially for Catholic adults and those with limited vision.

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  • Within Heavens Gates


    In this book, Rebecca Springer shares a personal vision and experience about the world of heaven. Within Heaven’s Gates, is an elaborate and detailed description of the involvement of the society of heaven.

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  • How To Pray


    How to Pray is a book on prayer “prayer so vital to our faith, it is essential that we comprehend God’s methods of hearing and answering prayer.” Torrey gives us lessons that will permanently alter your prayer life.

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  • Gods Medicine


    God’s prescription for health and healing is taken from Proverbs 4:20-22.

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  • Bible Way To Receive The Holy Spirit


    Many say this minibook contains the clearest explanation of how to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit they’ve ever read!

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