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Tag: Women

Showing 193–204 of 239 results

  • Lifegiving Home Experience


    It’s time to plan some unforgettable moments with your family! Containing sections for each month of the year, this companion resource to The Life-Giving Home is a planner full of creative ideas that will help you be intentional about creating times and spaces for your family to relax, celebrate, and simply enjoy one another all year long. You’ll learn how to cultivate special times that will speak to your family’s hearts . . . and inspire cherished memories that you will all treasure.

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  • Lifegiving Home : Creating A Place Of Belonging And Becoming


    How to make home your family’s favorite place to be . . . all year long.

    Does your home sometimes feel like just a place to eat, sleep, and change clothes on the way to the next activity? Do you long for “home” to mean more than a place where you stash your stuff? Wouldn’t you love it to become a haven of warmth, rest, and joy . . . the one place where you and your family can’t wait to be?

    There is good news waiting for you in the pages of The Life-Giving Home. Every day of your family’s life can be as special and important to you as it already is to God. In this unique book designed to help your family enjoy and celebrate every month of the year together, you’ll discover the secrets of a life-giving home from a mother who created one and her daughter who was raised in it: popular authors Sally and Sarah Clarkson. Together they offer a rich treasure of wise advice, spiritual principles, and practical suggestions. You’ll embark on a new path to creating special memories for your children; establishing home-building and God-centered traditions; and cultivating an environment in which your family will flourish. (Don’t miss the companion piece, The Life-Giving Home Experience.)

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  • Manten La Calma Y Disfruta La – (Spanish)


    The secret of keeping calm is choosing a man worthy of you.

    You are a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. You don’t need to throw yourself into any man’s arms or settle for less than you deserve, only to end up telling people that he is “not that bad.” If you feel like screaming whenever someone dares to ask, “Are you still single? When are you finally getting married?”, then this book is for you.

    *You will learn…
    *how to deal with all the wrong reasons for getting married married.
    *that if you are unhappy by yourself, you’ll end up feeling miserable with a Mr. Wrong.
    *to enjoy your life while you wait.
    *to dismiss this common belief that “good men are an extinct species.”

    Do not settle for less! Keep calm. Choose Mr. Right, because you deserve it!

    El secreto de mantener la calma es escoger a un hombre a tu altura.

    Tu eres una pieza unica. No tienes que regalarte ni conformarte con el primer hombre que te diga palabras dulces, de quien tu digas que “no es tan malo”. Si eres de las mujeres que estan a punto de desfallecer si alguien mas se atreve a preguntarte: “Eres soltera?, Cuando te vas a casar?”, este libro es para ti.

    *Como enfrentar el desfile de razones erroneas por las cuales “te debes casar”
    *Que quien es infeliz solo, sera mas infeliz acompaado
    *A aprovechar tu solteria para cultivarte y disfrutar tu vida
    *” A desechar la creencia de que “ya no hay hombres buenos”

    !No te conformes con menos! Manten la calma. !Escoge al mejor porque te lo mereces!

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  • Ministry Of Women


    Throughout the history of Christianity, the roles and responsibilities of women in ministry have been a hotly debated and highly controversial topic.

    Questions abound…
    *Should women be ordained?
    *Can women serve as elders, pastors, and teachers in the church?
    *What about women “usurping” authority over men?
    *What about Paul’s teaching that women should be silent in church and be submissive and obedient to male leadership, both at home and in ministry?
    *If God calls, equips, and anoints men or women for any area of ministry, who are we to resist His will?

    After years of study and research on the matter, long-time pastor and Bible teacher Kevin Conner addresses these questions and more as he fully deals with the role, function, and place of women in church life. He lays out the case for women functioning together with men as partners in the body of Christ. He supports women whom God has gifted for prophetic, teaching, evangelistic, and shepherding roles. He challenges assumptions and encourages both men and women to fulfill the will of God in the redeemed community-the church-as it carries out His will in the earth.

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  • Grace : A Bible Study On Ephesians For Women


    This is one of the few truly inductive Bible studies for women by a woman. Its main focus is on helping the reader understand what the author was saying to the original readers, the starting point for all fruitful study of Scripture.

    This 10-week study covers all of Ephesians, is ideal for personal or group use, and is one of three such studies from Keri Folmar. These studies are meant to be written in, so they have lots of extra white space and are spiral-bound for ease of use.

    “With simple clarity, Keri Folmar guides us in learning to study the Bible…she encourages us to read God’s Word carefully, understand clearly, and apply prayerfully…she encourages her readers to listen well to God’s inspired Word.” – Kathleen Nielson is author of the Living Word Bible Studies; Director of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition; and wife of Niel, who served as President of Covenant College from 2002 to 2012.

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  • Woman After Gods Own Heart A Devotional


    Make daily progress toward becoming a woman after God’s own heart with these helpful and encouraging devotions from bestselling author Elizabeth George. With “I’ve been there too” openness, she offers practical advice for…putting God first each day knowing what to do when life gets difficult fulfilling your priorities at home and at work making changes that improve your day Whether married or single, mature or young, you’ll find hope, help, and satisfaction as you embrace the exciting life of a woman after God’s own heart!

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  • Fervent : A Womans Battle Plan For Serious Specific And Strategic Prayer


    You have an enemy . . . and he’s dead set on destroying all you hold dear and keeping you from experiencing abundant life in Christ. What’s more, his approach to disrupting your life and discrediting your faith isn’t general or generic, not a one-size-fits-all. It’s specific. Personalized. Targeted. So this book is your chance to strike back. With prayer. With a weapon that really works. Each chapter will guide you in crafting prayer strategies that hit the enemy where it hurts, letting him know you’re on to him and that you won’t back down. Because with every new strategy you build, you’re turning the fiercest battles of life into precise strikes against him and his handiwork, each one infused with the power of God’s Spirit. “New York Times” bestselling author Priscilla Shirer, widely known for her international speaking, teaching, and writing ministries, brings her new role from the 2015 film “War Room” into the real lives of today’s women, addressing the topics that affect them most: renewing their “passion,” refocusing their “identity,” negotiating “family” strife, dealing with relentless “regrets,” navigating impossible “schedules,” succeeding against “temptation,” weathering their worst “fears,” uprooting “bitterness,” and more. Each chapter exposes the enemy’s cruel, crafty intentions in all kinds of these areas, then equips and encourages you to write out your own personalized prayer strategies on tear-out sheets you can post and pray over yourself and your loved ones on a regular basis. “Fervent” is a hands-on, knees-down, don’t-give-up action guide to practical, purposeful praying.

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  • Mujeres Protagonistas – (Spanish)


    Las mujeres tienen un extraordinario potencial para convertirse en protagonistas de sus vidas y de su historia. Sin embargo, la gran mayoria de ellas vive expresando una minima parte de todo su potencial.Mujeres Protagonistas es un libro con herramientas precisas que Laura Teme ha ense?ado a miles de mujeres en toda Hispanoamerica, logrando que ellas dejen de ser victimas y se conviertan en protagonistas de su propia historia. En este libro aprenderas: Como ser mas feliz y alcanzar tus metasLas claves para ser responsable de tu propia vidaA trabajar tus emociones para que no dominen tus decisionesNuevas herramientas de lenguajeEl manejo de prioridadesComo definir tu identidadEs el tiempo de superar los limites, la depresion, el desanimo y la incertidumbre, y convertirse en protagonista de tu vida, tu destino y de tu historia personal.

    Women have an extraordinary potential to become the protagonists of their lives and their history. However, the vast majority of them only achieve a fraction of their potential. Protagonist Women is a book with the precise tools that Laura Teme has used to teach thousands of women throughout Latin America, allowing them to stop being victims and to become protagonists of their own history. In this book you will learn: How to be happier and achieve your goalsThe keys to be responsible for your own lifeHow to work on yoru emotions so they do not dominate your decisionsNew language toolsThe management of prioritiesHow to define your identityIt is time to overcome limitations, depression, despair, and uncertainty, and to become the protagonist of your live, your destiny, and your personal history.

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  • 30 Horrores Que Cometen Las Mu – (Spanish)


    La obra de arte ms importante es la vida que nosotros creamos.

    En El Alma Artesana, Erwin Raphael McManus, autor, lder del pensamiento y fundador de MOSAIC en Los ngeles, redacta un manifiesto para la creatividad humana y el comienzo de un nuevo renacimiento. McManus no solo nos llama a recuperar nuestra esencia creativa, sino que tambin revela cmo podemos formar de nuestras vidas una obra de arte. No hay atajos hacia la calidad, y McManus celebra el proceso espiritual que puede ayudarnos a descubrir nuestro verdadero yo.

    McManus demuestra que todos llevamos en nuestro interior la esencia de un artista. Todos necesitamos crear, ser una parte del proceso que aporta al mundo algo hermoso, bueno y verdadero, a fin de permitir que nuestra alma cobre vida. No es solamente la calidad de los ingredientes que usamos para edificar nuestras vidas lo que importa, sino tambin el cuidado que aportamos al proceso en s. Al igual que hornear pan artesano, es un proceso que se realiza con el tiempo. Y Dios tiene algo que decir acerca de cmo moldeamos nuestras vidas. Con historias conmovedoras e inspiradoras, y perspectivas sacadas del arte, la vida, la historia, y escrituras intercaladas a lo largo del libro, McManus acompaa a los lectores en el proceso de crear una vida de belleza y asombro.

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  • Resolution For Women


    With Everything You Have to Do, Have You Taken The Time to Decide Who You Want to Be?

    From best-selling author and speaker, Priscilla Shirer, in partnership with the creators of The Love Dare, challenges all women in The Resolution for Women to be intentional about embracing and thriving in God’s beautiful and eternal calling on their lives.

    Layered with biblical truth and seasoned with daily encouragement, this book will inspire the woman you see in the mirror to trust God’s perfect plan for her life, resolving to become “purposefully feminine, surprisingly satisfied, and faithfully His.” Shirer explains how today’s women can and should live out their own resolution. It is “a defining banner that hangs over your life, written in the ink of your own choices.” A woman’s banner should be an accurate reflection of who she desires to be-someone completely Christ-centered who blesses and changes things in her world for the better. Written in partnership with the movie Courageous and Stephen and Alex Kendrick’s book, The Resolution for Men, it is designed to inspire a revolution.

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  • Kingdom Woman : Embracing Your Purpose Power And Possibilities


    A kingdom woman gives the devil as much reason to fear as a kingdom man. She lives confidently in the knowledge that Christ died and rose for her so that she can experience the significance of the destiny to which she has been called.

    In Kingdom Woman, Tony Evans and his daughter, Chrystal Evans Hurst, remind women of their calling from God to be free, delivered, healed, and hopeful. The authors bring insight that encourages women to correct distorted perceptions and understand who they really are in Christ-never settling for less when connected with the One who gives them hope. All believers are covered by God’s covenant with Abraham. Evans and Hurst want women to know these rights and confidently claim and live by them. The new covenant offers more than a life of mediocrity. A kingdom woman is called and empowered to live a life of victory through Christ!

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  • Widows Journey : Reflections On Walking Alone


    Have you recently lost your husband? Are there days when you feel so terribly alone–and that no one else could possibly understand? Author Gayle Roper understands. As a recent widow herself, Gayle writes: So who am I now that there’s only one place at the table…one pillow with a head dent, one damp towel after a shower. There’s only one toothbrush in the holder. The seat is never left up anymore. I can still write Mrs. in front of my name, but I’m no longer in a marriage relationship. You need two people for a marriage and there’s only me. Is there only you? Then join Gayle as she draws on her emotions during the loss of her beloved husband, Chuck, and offers you a compassionate devotional to encourage you through your darkest days. Gayle knows a widow’s pain is deep. But she also knows God’s love is deeper still. And it’s in His love you’ll find your deepest comfort.

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