3125 S 3rd Place Terre Haute, IN 47802 Phone 812-238-1047



Kyle Idleman

Showing 13–16 of 16 results

  • Dioses En Guerra – (Spanish)


    En Dioses en guerra, Kyle Idleman, autor del libro best seller No soy fan, ayuda a todos los creyentes a reconocer que hay falsos dioses que luchan dentro de cada uno de nosotros, y se disputan el lugar de la gloria y el control en nuestra vida. Lo que nos impide seguir verdaderamente a Jesus es que nuestro corazon anda tras algo o alguien distinto. Aunque tal vez eso que buscamos no sea como las “imagenes talladas” del pasado, en realidad son los idolos de la vida moderna. Detras del pecado con el que estas luchando, el desaliento al que te enfrentas y la falta de proposito con la que estas viviendo, hay un dios falso que esta ganando la guerra por el control de tu corazon. Segun Idleman, la idolatria no es un problema; es el problema. A base de hacer unas profundas preguntas, Idleman revela cuales dioses falsos esta permitiendo cada uno de nosotros que ocupen el trono de nuestra vida. APara que te sacrificas? AQue te hace enojar? AQue te causa preocupacion? ADe quien anhelas recibir el aplauso? Todos estamos programados para la adoracion, pero con frecuencia terminamos valorando y honrando a los idolos del dinero, el sexo, la comida, el romance, el exito y muchos otros, que nos alejan de la relacion intima con Dios que queremos tener. Dioses en guerra, utilizando los testimonios reales, poderosos y sinceros de aquellos que han tenido que luchar en cada uno de estos aspectos, ilustra un claro camino para alejarnos del quebrantamiento de corazon de nuestra idolatria del siglo 21, para volver al corazon de Dios, capacitandonos para ser realmente unos seguidores de Jesus totalmente consagrados.

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  • Gods At War Student Edition


    In this student edition of gods at war, Kyle Idleman, bestselling author of not a fan, helps us recognize there are false gods at war within each of us, and they battle for the place of glory and control in our lives. What keeps us from truly following Jesus Christ is that our hearts are pursuing something or someone else like money or popularity. While these pursuits may not be the ‘graven images’ of old, they are in fact modern day idols. Behind the sin you’re struggling with, the fear you’re dealing with, the lack of purpose you’re living with is a false god that is winning the war for your heart.

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  • Not A Fan Student Edition


    If someone asked, ‘Are you a fan of Jesus?’, how would you answer? You attend every movie featuring a certain actor, you know the stats of your sports hero, and you can recite lyrics from your favorite songs. In short, you’re a huge fan. But are you treating Jesus the same as the other people you admire? The truth is Jesus wants more than the church attendance, occasional prayer, and the ability to recite Scripture—the fan response. He’s looking for people who are actually willing to sacrifice in order to follow him. In this student edition of Not a Fan, Kyle Idleman uses humor, personal stories, and biblical truth as he challenges you to look at what it means to call yourself a Christian and follow the radical call Jesus presents. So, will you be a fan, or a follower?

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  • No Soy Fan – (Spanish)


    Pastor Kyle Idleman doesn’t just want to be a fan of Jesus, he wants to full heartedly commit to him and be a follower of Jesus. But how can you make the leap from fan to follower? In Not a Fan Idleman uses biblical examples to show how the people who met Jesus also had to decide if they were fans or followers, and what it meant for them to then become followers. Being a follower doesn’t mean that you go to church every week, that you slap a Jesus fish on the back of your car, and that you give to charity. That’s what a fan does. What a follower of Jesus does, Idleman observes, is die to themselves each and every moment of the day because ‘you can’t say yes to following Jesus unless you say no to living for yourself.’ In this three part book Idleman helps you to discover whether you are a fan or a follower, how to recognize the invitation Jesus has given, and what following Jesus looks like in your daily life. With humor and real life examples to draw you closer to Jesus, Kyle Idleman compels each and every one of us to Not Be A Fan

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