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Showing 1–12 of 67 results

  • How To Tell The Truth


    The story of Preston Perry’s path toward God. A hope-filled apologetics and evangelism book written by the popular cohost of the podcast, With the Perrys. Includes a foreword by Jackie Hill Perry.

    In this compelling and gripping book, Preston tells the story of how God chased him. The streets of Chicago were his home, and it was there that he encountered all sorts of people who had their own versions of the truth–from Jehovah Witnesses to Mormons to Hebrew Israelites. That is where Preston discovered not only the importance of the truth but how to tell the truth in a way that speaks to someone’s heart. Sharing our faith is not about winning arguments; it’s about winning hearts. And the way we do that is by engaging with friends, neighbors, and coworkers around us about our beliefs with truth, dignity, and respect.

    With How to Tell the Truth, you will:

    *be inspired by Preston’s own incredible story about how God transformed his life forever by showing him the very heart of what it means to be a Christian;

    *be equipped with practical and easy ways to reach your friends and your neighbors with the truth of the gospel with kindness and love;

    *be challenged to respond to God’s call to be bold. Eternity is at stake.

    This book is like no other book you’ve read. Preston’s own story, including his successes and failures, is woven throughout the book to help us see how urgent our task is–and how powerful our God is.

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  • Gospeler : Turning Darkness Into Light One Conversation At A Time

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.97.

    Do you want to share your faith more easily and naturally? Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty says that if you can tell someone about your spouse, kids, friends, school, pets, and hobbies, you know how to talk about the most important thing in your life, your Lord!

    Could you share the gospel with another person? Would you know where to start? Do you even know what the gospel is? It’s the Good News of Jesus, and a gospeler is simply someone who shares it with others.

    Willie Robertson writes about his story of faith, which came about in large part because a stranger went out of his way–as well as his comfort zone–to have a spiritual conversation with Willie’s father, Phil. And from that story, he tells readers how they, too, can talk about Jesus with their family, friends, neighbors, and even people they meet along the way. Gospeler will help readers:

    *Celebrate the gospel genealogy that led to their faith and be inspired to grow their spiritual family tree.

    *Understand that sharing the gospel is not preaching but having a conversation.

    *Keep sharing the gospel with someone, knowing that Jesus never gives up on us.

    *Focus on what’s truly important (Jesus) instead of what’s not (religion).

    Being a gospeler is not complicated. And the more you share Jesus, the easier it gets. Maybe you believe other people are better at sharing their faith and it is not your gift. Maybe you think you don’t know the Bible well enough. Or you might say you haven’t figured it all out yourself, so you aren’t equipped to help anyone else. Whatever may be holding you back will be covered in this book, giving you the inspiration, guidance, and encouragement you need.

    When the gospel is heard, accepted, and responded to, it’s not just a cool story, it is a game-changer. And it can spread across the world–starting with one conversation you have with another. In addition to this book, an accompanying 64-page booklet is available to share with others.

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  • Bread And Bibles


    When I was at work in the City Relief Society, before the fire, I used to go to a poor sinner with the Bible in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other. -D. L. Moody

    Dwight Lyman Moody was a preacher, pastor, and visionary whose impact is still felt around the world. He was a servant to poor and immigrant communities, an evangelist who traveled the globe, and a champion of Christian education–Moody founded Moody Publishers and he started three schools, including Moody Bible Institute, which has trained more missionaries than any other single institution in the United States. Dr. Gregg Quiggle explores the life and legacy of a man who helped shape American evangelicalism. Taking a focused and in-depth look at the social vision and missionary work–triumphs and failures–of D. L. Moody, Quiggle tells the story of a man whose impact continues to this day.

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  • Why Jesus : Answering Life’s Most Important Question


    Jesus is our hope.

    The world offers countless choices for how to live and who to follow. With each conflicting option, we’re often left uncertain and confused in our search for truth and meaning.

    Ray Comfort has spent decades pointing people to Jesus. Now he describes how you, too, can share the truth and love of the Lord with confidence to a world that needs hope. Taking you step-by-step through real-life evangelistic conversations, Why Jesus? will help you:

    *recognize Jesus as the only path to everlasting life,
    *identify lies that distort humanity’s view of God, and
    *use the Bible to highlight our need of the Savior.

    Surrender your fears and trust God’s faithfulness to transform lives as you share the good news with those around you.

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  • Is Hell Real 25 Pack


    Adapted from bestselling author Dane C. Ortlund’s booklet Is Hell Real?, this tract explores 3 biblical realities of hell, arguing we should not view hell as a problem but as an affirmation that God is rightly establishing justice, fairness, and grace.

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  • 4 Things God Wants You To Know 25 Pack


    This redesigned tract explains the plan of salvation in 4 easy-to-understand statements, with Scripture references and clear steps to receive salvation.

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  • Christmas Uncut : What Really Happened And Why It Really Matters


    The nativity story is often seen as cute and cuddly and for kids. But that’s because some of what really happened at the first Christmas has been edited out! The full, unabridged, uncut story is full of twists and turns, controversy and mystery.

    This best-selling book, now revised and updated, tells readers what really happened all those years ago, and why it really matters for our lives and futures today.

    Warm and witty, short and easy to read, Christmas Uncut is perfect for giving out at Christmas services and events, or to nonbelieving family and friends.

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  • Behold The Lamb Of God 25 Pack


    Adapted from bestselling author Rebecca McLaughlin’s book Confronting Jesus, this tract explores the character of Christ-calling readers to let the Lamb of God take their sin as they put their trust in him alone.

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  • Passionate Pursuit : A Story Of God’s Faithfulness


    Since I was going to be a preacher, I needed to practice. Only being about eight or nine years old, who was going to listen to me? Not to worry.

    In the pasture near the barn was an empty hay rack. Perfect! With Bible in hand, I climbed up on the rack. Cows were moving around the barnyard. It was near milking time. The crowds were filling the auditorium. With much shoving and mooing, they prepared to hear the gospel.

    As I started to preach, everyone in the congregation looked on with fascination. Big, brown eyes stared in amazement. I shouted my text, telling the cows to repent or perish. After a few minutes of loud and lively preaching, I watched several of them slowly walk away. Not one convert!

    The passionate pursuit had begun.

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  • Let The Nations Be Glad 30th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    John Piper’s bestselling book on missions (more than 300,000 copies sold) draws on key biblical texts to demonstrate that worship is the ultimate goal of the church and that proper worship fuels missionary outreach. Piper offers a biblical defense of God’s supremacy in all things, providing readers with a sound theological foundation for missions.

    This 30th anniversary edition of a contemporary classic incorporates insight from the author’s refined thinking over the past 10 years. Used extensively as a textbook for missions courses and a resource for ministries, Let the Nations Be Glad! provides a passionate plea for God-centeredness in the whole enterprise of world evangelization and explores the role of prayer and spiritual warfare. The book is essential reading for those involved in or preparing for missions work. It also offers enlightenment for students, pastors, youth workers, campus ministers, and all who want to connect their labors to God’s global purposes. The 30th anniversary edition features a deluxe hardcover binding.

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  • How To Talk About Jesus Without Looking Like An Idiot


    Have natural conversations with your friends and family about your faith. Discover four key questions that invite people into engaging discussions about what matters most in life.

    Why is it so difficult to talk to our closest friends about what’s most important to us? Our true identity? Our hopes and dreams? Our true purpose and faith? Andy Bannister struggled with that question himself. As a twentysomething, he operated as an Undercover Christian at his job. He knew it didn’t make sense, and he spent the following decades helping countless people find easy, natural ways to discuss the fundamental questions of life with the ones they love. How to Talk about Jesus without Looking like an Idiot explores:

    *why you don’t need to be afraid or uncomfortable,
    *the four questions that help people open up,
    *the five steps to respond to tough questions,and
    *how to effortlessly bring faith into a conversation.

    It doesn’t need to be awkward. Let Andy help you find easy ways to talk about the true meaning of life with your friends and family.

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  • Fulfilling Our Mission


    Fulfilling our Mission by noted international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke explores truths, stories, and principles from the Bible that show how to effectively reach out to others with the love of God and the salvation of Jesus Christ. This book builds upon Bonnke’s previous book, Hell Empty, Heaven Full, demonstrating God’s great compassion for the world.

    Tens of millions of people came to know Christ through Bonnke’s ministry. As he explains, in evangelism, there is no “right” way of doing things but only right principles, principles that can be drawn from the New Testament.

    In Scripture, God equipped the least likely individuals for His providential purposes. He wants each one of us to participate in reaching the world because He deeply loves all people. Where the Holy Spirit provides the tiniest spark, a start can be made. You cannot learn to play the piano better by hearing more lectures about piano-playing techniques. You have to put your fingers on the keys. Evangelism is not a sit-down-and-learn topic alone. It is a hands-on activity, a demand, a challenge, a commission, and a consuming passion!

    From biblical times to today, believers have claimed God’s promises and moved forward in faith. The Word, not some subjective impulse, is our authority for action and will bring about success in outreach that causes men, women, and children to know Christ and be brought into the eternal kingdom of God.

    Today, Jesus calls us to go into all the world and make disciples. How will we respond? God not only accompanies those who are go-getters, but He also makes and equips them. With the Word as our guide, let us begin a serious and determined effort to fulfill the commission Jesus us gave to reach everyone in the world with the message of His salvation and usher in His return!

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