3125 S 3rd Place Terre Haute, IN 47802 Phone 812-238-1047

Showing 13–24 of 25 results

  • 101 Ideas Creativas Para Mujer – (Spanish)


    En 101 ideas creativas para las mujeres se hace evidente el entusiasmo por el conocimiento propio de la mujer, asi como, su papel en el ambito familiar y social. Todas las actividades propuestas, incluso las mas divertidas, contienen lecciones profundas de afecto, respeto, companerismo y confianza. El objetivo principal es suplir la falta de tiempo que los grupos de mujeres tienen para dedicarse las unas a las otras, a traves de actividades, dinamicas y juegos, para romper las barreras que, muchas veces, separan a personas cercanas y del mismo genero. 101 ideas creativas para las mujeres muestra como rescatar la alegria, la comunicacion y el conocimiento de las amistades bajo la esencia del genero femenino.

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  • 101 Ideas Creativas Para Grupo – (Spanish)


    En 101 ideas creativas para grupos pequenos, existe un enfasis en unir a los diferentes miembros que conforman un grupo y crear actividades que permitan una relacion de confianza entre ellos. Todas las actividades propuestas, incluso las mas divertidas, contienen lecciones profundas de afecto, respeto, companerismo y confianza. El objetivo principal es suplir la falta de tiempo que los miembros del grupo tienen para conocerse, ademas de romper las barreras que muchas veces separan las personas bajo un mismo grupo. 101 ideas creativas para grupos pequenos muestra como rescatar la alegria y la comunicacion en nuestros diferentes grupos, ya sea en la iglesia como en otras areas educativas o profesionales.

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  • Celebremos La Recuperacion Gui (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    !Felicidades por tomar una de las decisiones mas gratificantes de su vida! Su decision de realizar el programa Celebremos la Recuperacion le proporciona la inigualable experiencia de ver a personas quebrantadas ser transformadas por el poder de Cristo. Como lider, esta a punto de marcar una diferencia de la manera mas directa posible: ayudando a otros a descubrir esperanza y cambio que ellos creian que estaba por encima de su alcance. Ademas, su propia vida nunca sera la misma a medida que vea que su inversion de tiempo y de interes la recupera de maneras que nunca imagino. Esta guia del lider le da todo lo que necesita para facilitar las transformadoras lecciones de Celebremos la Recuperacion. Hemos hecho nuestro mejor esfuerzo para simplificar su tarea. El formato claro y facil de seguir minimiza su tiempo de preparacion, y practicamente le dirige en cada reunion. Ademas de la capacidad de seguir instrucciones basicas, un corazon dispuesto es lo unico que usted necesita para conducir exitosamente este programa probado y transformador.

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  • Biblioteca De Ideas Promocion – (Spanish)


    More than 250 creative and time-saving ideas for organizing, promoting and fund raising for youth ministry. Contains more than 70 ways of helping you organize and manage your ministry more efficiently. This book offers you not only the opportunity of attracting the attention of your youth group, but to engage them using several promotional ideas for events and all kind of youth-froup-related activities. also, if what you need is to raise funds for some project, this book explains several ways of doing this. If you are a church youth leader, work in a school or in another place where there are young people, this book is precisely for you.

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  • Ilustraciones Involvidables – (Spanish)


    Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks series delivers all-new, lively, effective illustrations, stories, parables, and anecdotes from the files of many of youth ministry’s best speakers.

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  • Fabulosa Reinvencion De La Esc – (Spanish)


    The Fabulous Reinvention of Sunday School lives up to its name, with transformational concepts and resources for classes of every size and setting. Create excellence for kids through four key values. Unleash creative techniques that foster powerful teaching moments. Consult a veritable handbook of twenty creative methods guaranteed to bring Bible stories to life.

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  • 40 Dias Con Proposito Guia De (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study G


    he Purpose Driven Life DVD Study Guide is a six-week, video-based small group study of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren-the book Publishers Weekly declared the “bestselling nonfiction hardback in history.”

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  • Juegos Para Refrescar Tu Minis (Teacher’s Guide) – (Spanish) (Teacher’s Guide)


    A library of ideas Do you want games that are dynamic, that make you run or exercise until you fall exhausted? Here’s a place to find them. Do you need quiet games for a small or passive group? You will find those here as well. In Games To Refresh, you will find more than 400 recreational activities, both indoor as well as outdoor, that adolescents will love. Ball games: Twice the fun for a meeting of the church leadership, with only half the heat. Basketball and volleyball games: Everything about throws and baskets. They go crazy over these extravagant transformations of the sports. Indoor games for large groups: Reserve the church gymnasium or another large room for an evening to develop camaraderie. Parlor games: Great for parties or informal reunions. And much more!

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  • Fiesta Cristiana – (Spanish)


    Fiesta Cristiana is a bilingual collection of worship services that can be used with Hispanic congregations. Fiesta Cristiana not only contains traditional worship services, but also features services special to the Hispanic culture.

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  • Lecciones Biblicas Creativas D – (Spanish)


    In Creative Bible Lessons on the Life of Jesus, you will find 12 solid lesson plans and lists to use in teaching about Jesus’ short ministry here on the earth. These lessons will help make your teaching more entertaining and will take your students to the central theme: Jesus’ life is relevant and timely for Christians today. Contains teaching aids that help stimulate small groups discussions, learning games, humorous scripts, sketches and, many more creative study resources. The lessons explore the life of Jesus as: God, Man, Savior, Healer, Servant, Shepherd, Provider, Redeemer and Hero.

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  • Esgrima Biblica – (Spanish)


    This book contains thirty-two chapters full of fascinating questions for Bible quizzes for all ages.

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