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Program Resources

Showing 37–48 of 87 results

  • Armor Of God Bible Study Book With Video Access


    All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you – unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.

    But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed. If you’re tired of being pushed around and caught with your guard down, this study is for you.

    The enemy always fails miserably when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion. The Armor of God, more than merely a biblical description of the believer’s inventory, is an action plan for putting it on and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory.

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  • Hope Explored Picture Cards


    Hope Explored is a three-session evangelistic course that invites people to discover the lasting hope, peace and purpose that Jesus offers.

    This Picture Pack contains 12 images to use as an opening activity to break the ice and prompt discussion about each session’s theme. Simply spread the images in front of your group, ask the question in the Guest handbook and see where conversation leads. For the best guest experience, you’ll need one set of pictures for each small group.

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  • Hope Explored Leaders Kit


    There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

    Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

    It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

    With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.

    This Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to evaluate and run your course:
    – a Leader’s Guide
    – a guest handbook
    – picture cards
    – a DVD
    – a code to access video downloads

    The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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  • Hope Explored Handbook


    There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

    Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

    It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

    This easy-to-use guest Handbook contains everything a participant needs for Hope Explored.

    With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment and is one of the easiest ways to discover more about Christianity. It can be run in person or on video-meeting technology, in small groups or .

    Leaders of this series will need a Leader’s Handbook and the video sessions, which are available as downloads or on DVD.

    The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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  • Hope Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


    There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

    Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

    It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

    With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests and is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.

    The videos are presented by Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. They introduce the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and deliver compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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  • Hope Explored : What’s The Best Future You Could Ever Imagine (DVD)


    There are few emotions more powerful than hope. But these days, hope often feels hard to come by. Where can we find a hope that won’t disappoint us?

    Looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, this three-session series from Christianity Explored Ministries shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past, which changes everything about my present.

    It sounds good… but is it true? Whatever people do or don’t believe, Hope Explored offers them an opportunity to explore, to discuss and to discover the hope, peace and purpose Jesus offers.

    With only three sessions, Hope Explored does not require a huge time commitment from guests, so it is one of the easiest ways to introduce someone to Christianity. It can be run in person or on video-meeting technology, in small groups or . The Christianity Explored series can then be run as a follow-up course for those eager to explore the Christian faith more.

    On this DVD, Rico Tice, Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries, introduces the concepts for each session (Hope, Peace, Purpose) and delivers compelling Bible teaching from Luke’s Gospel. The ideas are then discussed as participants look at the Bible passage together.

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  • God Of Freedom Bible Study Book With Video Access (Student/Study Guide)


    Every book of the Bible tells us what is true about God. In Genesis we see Him as Creator and Covenant Maker. In Exodus we see Him as our strong Deliverer who sets us free from sin and death.

    In this 10-session study of Exodus 19-40, journey through the story of how God shepherds His newly-liberated children into an understanding of what their freedom means: lives consecrated for service to God and to one another. Revisit familiar scenes of the giving of the Ten Commandments, the idolatrous worship of a golden calf, and of the intricate details of the tabernacle. And with fresh perspective, ask what these stories teach God’s children today about how to live as those set free.

    In every page of the Bible, learn to see Christ through the stories of His people. And discover how the God who created you and made a covenant with you will deliver you from death to life, for His name and renown.

    Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.

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  • Hope Explored Invitations


    Pack of 50 invitations to the Hope Explored course which you can overprint with your own course details.

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  • Encountering God Bible Study Book


    In Encountering God, Kelly Minter explores how essential spiritual disciplines are to our faith experience and everyday lives. She’ll unpack the biblical foundation for these sacred habits along with approachable ways to practice disciplines like prayer, study, worship, rest, simplicity, hospitality, and celebration.

    Over 8 sessions, you’ll discover that spiritual disciplines aren’t just one more thing to add to your to-do list, but they can actually create more margin in your life, resulting in deeper peace, communion, and rest. And perhaps most importantly, cultivating habits of faith help you know God more, as you release control to Him, express your need for Him, and walk in glad submission and worship of Him.

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  • Growing With The Enneagram Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


    When people discover the Enneagram, they are excited to learn more about their type–and curious about the typology of others in their lives. The problem is, not everyone is familiar with the Enneagram or aware of what their type might be.

    To solve this problem, Elisabeth Bennett wrote Growing with the Enneagram: Guiding All Types in Spiritual Growth. Written specifically for group leaders to facilitate discussion, discovery, and spiritual discernment through the Enneagram, this study guide is designed to be used in conjunction with Elisabeth’s nine sixty-day Growing as an Enneagram devotional books that are tailored for each type.

    Growing with the Enneagram enables groups to embark on a journey through Elisabeth’s Enneagram devotional series, meeting once a week for eight weeks or every other week for sixteen weeks. It could be used in a church organization setting, a college residence hall, a book club, or among a group of friends. Participants will:

    *Develop a better understanding of their unique personality and everyday struggles

    *Learn more about the whole Enneagram, not just their own type

    *Find a community of like-minded Christians who are looking for spiritual growth

    *Gain grace and understanding for other Enneagram types

    *Have an opportunity to grow in relationship with others through deep conversation and activities based on each week’s topic

    *Grow in their relationship with God as they better understand the ways in which we reflect Him

    *Increase their faith journey through a devotional that speaks directly to them

    Growing with the Enneagram includes group activities, frequently asked questions, and videos to aid the discussion leader.

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  • Love Your Church


    God calls us to be devoted to one another in love (Romans 12:10). What does this look like for us today? How can we be the kind of church member who makes a real difference?

    This engaging book by Tony Merida explores what church is, why being part of it is exciting, and why it’s worthy of our love and commitment. He sets out eight privileges and responsibilities of a church member: to belong, to welcome, to gather, to care, to serve, to honor, to witness and to send.

    As we see how wonderful it is to belong to God’s family and be a part of his amazing witness to both the earthly and the heavenly realms, we’ll grow in our love for and commitment to our local church.

    This is a great book for every churchgoer to read, whether they’re new or have been attending for some time but need re-energizing with God’s vision for the local church.

    With a discussion guide at the end of the book, Love Your Church is also a great resource for small groups.

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  • God Of Creation Bible Study Book Revised (Student/Study Guide)


    The opening lines and chapters of Genesis teach us fundamental truths about God. We watch Him bring light after darkness, order after chaos, and rest after toil-all through the power of His Word.

    Over 10 sessions of verse-by-verse study, dive into the first 11 chapters of Genesis by following three critical stages of understanding: comprehension, interpretation, and application. Teaching videos are key in understanding this study. Revisit familiar stories and historical figures, challenge your basic knowledge, and discover deeper meanings in the text. As God reveals Himself through Scripture, we can only begin to understand ourselves when we first glimpse the character, attributes, and promises of our Creator.

    Additional purchase or renting of the video teaching sessions is recommended for the best experience of this Bible study book.

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