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Christian Living

Showing 37–48 of 2413 results

  • Finding Gods Will For Your Life

    Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $20.97.

    #1 New York Times bestselling author and renowned Bible teacher Joyce Meyer instructs readers on an integral part of the Christian faith–knowing God’s will and acting on it–in this practical and encouraging book.

    Did you ever dream about what you would be when you grew up? We think naturally about our purpose because God tells us that He created us to do great things. But how do we know when we have truly found God’s calling for our lives? Many people live most of their lives striving to find and follow God’s will but still wondering whether they’ve gotten it right. The many pressures, expectations, and distractions we experience can create confusion and anxiety and cause us to doubt whether we are following God’s will or if He even has a plan for us at all.

    Beloved Bible teacher Joyce Meyer invites us on a journey to confidence, freedom, and peace through exploring the wisdom of what the Bible tells us about God’s character and about His love and purpose for us. She also offers practical steps to discovering how to build your trust in God, seek His guidance, and overcome the fear of missing out on His best for you.

    If you’re struggling to have confidence that you can hear God’s voice and know what He’s created you to be and do, Finding God’s Will for Your Life will leave you with more peace and more confidence to live joyfully in God’s love and walk the path He has for you.

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  • Gospeler : Turning Darkness Into Light One Conversation At A Time

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $11.97.

    Do you want to share your faith more easily and naturally? Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty says that if you can tell someone about your spouse, kids, friends, school, pets, and hobbies, you know how to talk about the most important thing in your life, your Lord!

    Could you share the gospel with another person? Would you know where to start? Do you even know what the gospel is? It’s the Good News of Jesus, and a gospeler is simply someone who shares it with others.

    Willie Robertson writes about his story of faith, which came about in large part because a stranger went out of his way–as well as his comfort zone–to have a spiritual conversation with Willie’s father, Phil. And from that story, he tells readers how they, too, can talk about Jesus with their family, friends, neighbors, and even people they meet along the way. Gospeler will help readers:

    *Celebrate the gospel genealogy that led to their faith and be inspired to grow their spiritual family tree.

    *Understand that sharing the gospel is not preaching but having a conversation.

    *Keep sharing the gospel with someone, knowing that Jesus never gives up on us.

    *Focus on what’s truly important (Jesus) instead of what’s not (religion).

    Being a gospeler is not complicated. And the more you share Jesus, the easier it gets. Maybe you believe other people are better at sharing their faith and it is not your gift. Maybe you think you don’t know the Bible well enough. Or you might say you haven’t figured it all out yourself, so you aren’t equipped to help anyone else. Whatever may be holding you back will be covered in this book, giving you the inspiration, guidance, and encouragement you need.

    When the gospel is heard, accepted, and responded to, it’s not just a cool story, it is a game-changer. And it can spread across the world–starting with one conversation you have with another. In addition to this book, an accompanying 64-page booklet is available to share with others.

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  • Youre Praying For The Wrong Thing


    The Bible tells us to pray continually and without ceasing, but what happens when we’re waiting for God but discover He’s waiting for us? In his first book, pastor and recording artist Travis Greene guides the reader to apply Biblical truths for a fulfilled life.

    Praying and waiting for God to answer can be confusing. When something–or everything–feels stuck because God doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers, what next? Pastor and Grammy-nominated recording artist Travis Greene issues a challenge and asks us to examine our prayers–Are we praying for the right thing? Are we planning and preparing for what we’ve asked for? Are we praying for our will to grow closer to His? Or do we sometimes treat him like a genie in a bottle? Using Biblical examples, Travis invites readers to reconsider our prayers and:

    *navigate beyond feeling trapped to thriving in God’s purposes;
    *learn to use what’s left instead of focusing on what was lost;
    *be willing to forgive, wait, and work as God allows; and
    *believe in God’s miracles while being a faithful steward of what He has already provided.

    Sometimes what happens next depends on the choices made right now. And sometimes God has something else in mind for us–something we might never have imagined, or in a way we might not have imagined it! It’s possible to press forward into a life filled with joy and expectation for the future! Like the widow who used the oil she had at hand, by using what God has already supplied, Travis encourages the readers that they may be closer to enjoying God’s promises than they realize. Management can be a magnet for miracles.

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  • Rest Of Your Story


    God never intended the Christian life to be boring, empty, or irrelevant. In The Rest of Your Story, Pastor Greg Lindsey takes us on a journey past forgiveness to freedom.

    The journey starts with diving deep into our own stories so we can let go of the shame, regret, and pain that are holding us back. Only then can we discover all the ways we need Jesus’ help–and become people of godly passion who live out the true desires of our hearts.

    Many of us find that despite our best religious efforts, we’re still chasing God’s abundant life instead of enjoying it. In The Rest of Your Story, Pastor Greg Lindsey shows us why believing the “right” things or behaving the “right” way will never lead to our fullest life. True spiritual growth happens when we journey with Jesus back into our stories.

    The Rest of Your Story is a roadmap to what God wants our Christian life to be: passionate, joy-filled, fulfilling, significant, and freeing.

    Along with his own vulnerable story of redemption, Greg shares:

    *The dangers of knowing the significance of our sin but not the significance of our stories
    *Ways our spiritual enemy uses our past to keep us from realizing our purpose
    *The difference between living forgiven and living free
    *Why the places we are most afraid to go lead us to the life we don’t want to miss

    What you’ve done and what you’ve experienced is not who you are. As you identify how your past is keeping you from experiencing Jesus’ abundant life, you’ll find that God can turn the deepest pain into your richest treasure.

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  • Man Code : 12 Priorities Every Man Needs To Know

    Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $15.97.

    A Bold Plan of Action for Godly Men

    Our world needs men–not just any men, but the kind who understand and embrace the unique calling God has given them as men, husbands, fathers, and leaders.

    Scripture provides a code of godly manhood that emboldens you to become all God designed you to be. In The Man Code, pastor Mark Henry distills the essentials of biblical masculinity into 12 key action points, helping you apply the Bible’s transformative teaching to every aspect of your life. In this practical guide, you will be:

    *encouraged toward a greater love for Christ and commitment to living out God’s priorities
    *empowered to build your livelihood on the foundation of God’s Word
    *enabled to experience the real and lasting fulfillment that comes from living as a godly man
    *equipped to share a clear, biblical ethic of masculinity with the next generation

    Packed with useful insights, authentic stories, and engaging study questions, The Man Code will inspire you to embrace your true calling and serve God with courage, conviction, and hope.

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  • Joy Challenge : Discover The Ancient Secret To Experiencing Worry-Defeating


    What if you could close the “joy gap,” that distance between how you feel now and the way you wish you felt? In The Joy Challenge, pastor and bestselling author Randy Frazee shares the secret to experiencing real, lasting joy–and stepping into a life of contentment and purpose.

    If this sounds familiar, Frazee has good news for you. In The Joy Challenge, he shares the secret to experiencing genuine joyfulness, the kind of resilient happiness that doesn’t evaporate in the face of challenges and setbacks. Bringing together research about the science of happiness with the apostle Paul’s masterclass on joy in the book of Philippians, The Joy Challenge will help you:

    *discover the vital link between increasing your joy and winning the battle against worry and anxiety;

    *develop patterns and mindsets of gratefulness and forgiveness that clear obstacles to happiness; and

    *access the kind of circumstance-defying contentment that opens the door to a truly fulfilled life–even when there’s a gap between the life you have now and the life you hope for.

    As you encounter these easy-to-understand principles, thought patterns, and habits, you’ll begin to experience more joy and happiness, transforming your relationships and your outlook for the better. It’s time to discover the freedom of a deeply joyful life.

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  • 101 Devotions On Powerful Prayer For Women


    You know that prayer is important. . .this book provides the biblical insights you need, plus the encouragement to really, truly pray.

    God wants to hear from His children. At any time, in any circumstance, you have the privilege of talking with the almighty Creator of the universe. And according to Jesus, the “default setting” of prayer is that His Father will hear and answer: “Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8).

    Perhaps that has not been your experience with prayer. Or maybe you’ve enjoyed success in prayer, but would like to be even more effective. Whatever the case, the Bible offers many insights, and this book distills them into 101 principles such as:

    *Prayer Can Be Learned
    *Prayer Gets God’s Attention
    *Prayer Blesses Others
    *Prayer Is the Answer to What You’re Seeking

    If you make prayer a priority–by studying its biblical basis and then putting those truths into practice–you’ll find yourself in a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.
    Isn’t that what life is all about?

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  • Devotions And Prayers For Managing Anxiety And Depression For Teen Girls


    Overwhelmed by anxiety and depression? . . .

    It’s difficult to manage life’s burdensome feelings and frustrations.

    When you don’t know where in the world to turn, God’s Word can help.
    These180 devotions and prayers are a welcome start–by offering much-needed assurance, comfort, encouragement, understanding, love, support, and more truth-filled tools to help you manage and overcome your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

    In the pages of Devotions and Prayers for Managing Anxiety and Depression, you’ll encounter just what your anxious soul needs. Every wisdom-filled devotion offers biblical encouragement and support for life’s difficult days.

    With each turn of the page, you’ll discover the truth and tools you need to better manage your feelings of anxiety and depression. . .and will come to trust you’re never alone and always loved.

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  • Devotions And Prayers For Managing Anxiety And Depression For Teen Boy


    Overwhelmed by anxiety and depression? . . .

    It’s difficult to manage life’s overwhelming feelings and frustrations.

    When you don’t know where in the world to turn, God’s Word can help.

    These180 devotions and prayers are a welcome start–by offering much-needed assurance, comfort, encouragement, understanding, love, support, and more truth-filled tools to help you manage and overcome your feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.

    In the pages of Devotions and Prayers for Managing Anxiety and Depression, you’ll encounter just what your anxious soul needs. Every wisdom-filled devotion offers biblical encouragement and support for life’s difficult days.

    With each turn of the page, you’ll discover the truth and tools you need to better manage your feelings of anxiety and depression. . .and will come to trust you’re never alone and always loved.

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  • Daily Devotions To Conquer Anxiety And Depression


    Where should you turn when you’re struggling with anxiety and depression? . . .

    To God and His Word!

    Each of the meditations and prayer starters in this reassuring daily devotional will remind you that you’re never alone in your struggles.
    With each turn of the page, you’ll encounter a memorable scripture, a truth-filled reading, and a prayer that promise to encourage, inspire, and strengthen your faith.

    As you read every heartfelt word, trust in and lean on the one who “is with you in this” (1 Chronicles 28:20). . .the one who’s with you in all things.

    With the heavenly Creator by your side, you’ll be well on your way to conquering your anxiety and depression.

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  • Turn The Tide


    With the power of the Holy Spirit, we can change the world instead of the world changing us.

    This book will provide the information you need so you can be effectively used by the Holy Spirit to bring reformation to our society in the wake of spiritual revival. You will see how God can use you in both big and small ways to fulfill His great commission.

    How can a spiritual outpouring in the church become a cultural awakening in the society? How can we move from revival to reformation?

    In Turn the Tide, Michael L. Brown, PhD, lays out the key steps believers must take in this new season of revival–from the prayer room to the home, from the schools and universities to the worlds of finance and politics–to see lasting cultural change.

    Drawing from historical revivals and scriptural insights, Brown challenges readers to move beyond the boundaries of the church walls and engage in a transformative journey that permeates every aspect of society. He addresses topics such as how to:

    *deepen our prayer base
    *infiltrate the educational system
    *be grounded in apologetics
    *raise up godly leaders in politics
    *engage the culture wars in the power of the Spirit
    *walk in God’s love and truth without becoming the morality police

    Turn the Tide is an urgent call to believers to rise above complacency and embrace their role as catalysts for societal transformation. It is an essential guidebook for those who long to see their homes, cities, and nations transformed by the power of God.

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  • Jesus Through Us Following His Example In Love And Service


    In Jesus Through Us, you will be an eyewitness as Jesus multiplies His ministry by sending out His disciples, challenges His followers to serve God and others wholeheartedly, heals lepers, raises Lazarus from the dead, faces plots against His life, and rides triumphantly as King into Jerusalem, where He speaks of the resurrection of believers just before His own death and resurrection. Each day features a Scripture reading, a “Life Lessons with Jesus” segment, questions for reflection, and a prayer.

    Experiencing life with Jesus will lead you to become more deeply committed to God and serving others in His name.

    Jesus Through Us is the third book in the Life Along the Way series, which takes you through the life of Jesus via all four Gospels and the first chapter of Acts. In four 90-day devotionals, you can travel with Jesus for a full year if you wish-from His birth, to His ministry and miracles, to His relationships with the people around Him, to His death, resurrection, and ascension. The three other devotionals, which you can read either sequentially or in any order, are #1, Jesus with Us: Meeting Him Where He Began, #2, Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles, and #4, Jesus in Us: Living Wholeheartedly the Life He Intends.

    As you journey each day with the Savior, you will learn to love Jesus and love like Jesus.

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