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Showing 13–24 of 33 results

  • Introduccion A La Teologia Mes – (Spanish)


    Aparte de los autores del Nuevo Testamento, ningun escritor ni pensador cristiano ha dejado en la vida y pensamiento de la iglesia a traves de los siglos una hella que pueda compararse a la de San Agustin- fue a traves de los ojos de Agustin que la cristiandad medieval de habla latina leyo las Escrituras y compriendio la fe. Cuando, mil anos mas tarde, aquella cristiandad occidental se dividio como resultado de la Reforma protestante, ambos bandos del gran debate reclamaban la autoridad de Agustin, cada cual en apoyo de sus posturas. Hasta el dia de hoy, la inmensa mayoria de los cristianos, al ver por ejemplo las epistolas de Pablo, lo hace – sin siquiera saberlo – a traves de los ojos de Agustin.

    The subject of “mestizaje”-the in-between-ness of living between two cultures, and belonging at once to both and to neither of the two-is a crucial theme in U.S. Hispanic reflection today, theological as well as not. This book is, as its title says, a basic introduction to the thought of Saint Augustine. But it takes into account the dual roots of Augustine himself, his African mother on the one hand, and his Roman father and Greco-Roman education on the other. These two were at tension throughout his life and help us understand much of the drama leading to his conversion as well as his theology.

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  • Cartas De San Pablo II Y Carta – (Spanish)


    In many ways, Paul was an activist with the message to live as peaceful followers of Christ. Unfortunately, Paul had to confront others who believed he was rejecting his Jewish roots, and his message of peace caused him a great deal of suffering. Paul preaches of unity, love for Christ, moral living, and the Second Coming. He warns of false teachers, promotes vigilance in the wait for Christ, and blesses these communities throughout his letter writing, from his earliest letters, up until those he penned shortly before his death. Paul’s encouragement, his advice for faithful living, and his love for Christ speak to us today as clearly as they did for the early Christians. The Spanish-language study is a condensed series of 12 books introducing each and every book of the Bible, providing insight into the Sacred Words of antiquity, and inviting us to discover the living Word and its impact on our daily lives. With narrative, study and questions, reflections, keynotes, and prayer, your understanding of the Scripture will be deepened with the introduction to the spiritual practice of lectio divina.

    Que razones motivaron la redaccion de las cartas del Cautiverio, las cartas pastorales y la carta a los hebreos? Que incognitas e interrogantes inquietaban a las primeras iglesias? Que respuestas podemos encontrar a dichas preguntas en estas cartas? De que manera nos invita la lectio divina a orar con estos pasajes de la Escritura? Las cartas a los tesalonicenses, a Filemon, a los colosenses, a los efesios, a Timoteo, a Tito y a los hebreos nos presentan respuestas a diversas problematicas: interrogantes respecto de determinadas situaciones pastorales, diferencias relacionadas con la estructura de la Iglesia y desconocimiento del alcance y de las implicaciones del sacerdocio de Cristo. A lo largo de las cartas que se analizan en este numero podemos ver como la Iglesia iba desarrollando la comprension de si misma, de su estructura interna y de su jerarquia. En resumen, podemos encontrar mayor sentido de lo que representa nuestro fundador, Cristo sacerdote y su esposa la Iglesia.

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  • Evangelizacion Y Catequesis En – (Spanish)


    Los latinos representan mas de un tercio de los catolicos en E.E.U.U. impactando y transformando con su presencia a la Iglesia de este pais. En parroquias dispersas a lo largo de la nacion, los hispanos dan forma a los apostolados, ocupan puestos de liderazgo, dirigen movimientos y muchas actividades mas. “Evangelizacion y catequesis en el ministerio hispano: Guia para la formacion en la fe,” el autor Hosffman Ospino ofrece una guia, tanto a los lideres como a las personas involucradas en la vida parroquial, de como organizar mejor los programas de formacion en la fe y las actividades de las parroquias. Ospino expone tambien algunas pautas sobre como los lideres pueden colaboran para integrar mejor las tradiciones hispanas con las ideas propias de la estructura parroquial.

    Latinos make up more than one-third of U.S. Catholics and their presence is impacting and transforming the Church here. In parishes across the nation, Hispanics are shaping ministries, leadership, movements and more. “Evangelizacion y catequesis en el ministerio hispano: Guia para la formacion en la fe,” (Evangelization and Catechesis in the Hispanic Ministry: A Guide to Faith Formation) author Hosffman Ospino provides a guide to both leaders and parishioners on how to better organize faith formation programs and activities at the parishes. It also guides leaders on how to better integrate the Hispanic traditions and ideas within the parish structure.

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  • 33 Dias Hacia Un Glorioso Aman – (Spanish)


    Father Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp and simple enough to put into practice. More specifically, he weaves their thought into a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. So, if you’ve been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you’re simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make.

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  • Cristo En El Centro De La Pare – (Spanish)


    Marriage can be a challenge when faced with every day temptations of today’s modern culture.
    In “Cristo en el Centro de la Pareja,” authors Jaime and Martha Whitford provide a comprehensive overview of current trends that can be “roadblocks” to living a marriage according to God’s plan. In this thought-provoking book, Jaime and Martha Whitford remind us that God’s plan for marriage does not restrict a couple’s freedom, but rather is a gateway to live fully and joyfully the experience of being, “one flesh and one spirit.” “Cristo en el Centro de la Pareja,” will help couples navigate through difficult family situations and reflect on the importance of forgiveness.

    Learn to strengthen your marriage and let God’s love shine on and through the collective you. El matrimonio es un reto cuando se enfrentan las tentaciones que presenta la cultura moderna. En Cristo en el centro de la pareja, Jaime y Martha Whitford interpelan al lector ofreciendo un analisis comprehensivo de las actuales tendencias que pueden ser un obstaculo para vivir el matrimonio segun el plan de Dios. Jaime y Martha nos recuerdan que el matrimonio no limita la libertad de los esposos, al contrario: es la puerta de entrada a la felicidad y los conduce a la plenitud en sus vidas. Cristo en el centro de la pareja les ayudara a superar las situaciones dificiles que pueden presentarse en la vida cotidiana, aprendiendo, entre otras cosas, el arte del perdon. Fortalezca su matrimonio, abriendose al amor que viene de Dios!

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  • Juntos Para Toda La Vida – (Spanish)


    Durante muchos anos Juntos para toda la vida ha respondido a una necesidad de lasparroquias y de parejas comprometidas. Despues de analizar las necesidades einquietudes de futuros esposos por mas de tres anos, esta quinta edicionconserva su formato original, pero incorpora reflexiones pedidas o sugeridaspor ellos mismos, incluyendo ademas un rico material catequetico. La nuevaversion contiene ademas los textos de la tercera edicion del Misal Romano. Sehan aprovechado las reflexiones de las anteriores versiones, si bien algunos de ellos hansido sustituidos por otros de mayor actualidad. Ofrece ademas todos los textosliturgicos necesarios para celebrar el Matrimonio dentro de la Misa, fuera deella o entre un catolico y una persona no bautizada.

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  • Cumplimiento De Todo Deseo – (Spanish)


    Drawing upon the teaching of seven “Spiritual Doctors” of the Church, Ralph Martin presents an in-depth study of the journey to God. This book provides encouragement and direction for the pilgrim who desires to know, love, and serve our Lord.

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  • Como Perdonar A Los Demas Y A – (Spanish)


    “Nothing could be clearer in the Gospel than Jesus’ command to forgive life’s hurts and injustices. . . . Following this command of Jesus is surely one of life’s greatest challenges.”

    In this popular book, which has been totally revised and expanded, the author clarifies what forgiveness is, names reasons why we should do the hard work of forgiveness, names obstacles to forgiveness, offers practical suggestions on how prayer can help us to forgive, and responds to difficult questions.

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  • Padre Pio – (Spanish)


    Translated from the Italian, here is a wonderful collection of 365 letters written by Padre Pio, providing spiritual wisdom and advice to both laypeople and priests. Some of the letters are also between Padre Pio and his own spiritual directors, providing a unique window into the spiritual life and struggles of this beloved contemporary saint. For anyone who is seeking to grow in faith and devotion to God, this is a book to use throughout the year.

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  • Imitacion De Cristo (Large Type) – (Spanish) (Large Type)


    Here is a new, easy-to-read revised edition. The one religious book that is second only to the Bible in popularity. Superbly illustrated.

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  • Divina Misericordia Mensaje Y – (Spanish)


    This bestselling booklet on Divine Mercy is perfect for a giveaway to groups and friends and is an ideal starting place for Divine Mercy with all the prayers, explanation, and devotions. In an easy-to-follow format, it provides an overview to one of the Catholic Church’s fastest growing movements. Contains all the elements of prayers of The Divine Mercy message and devotion.

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  • Jesus De Nazaret – (Spanish)


    The Pope maintains that while the scholarship of the last century that has focused on the “historical” Jesus has offered many insights, it has also diverged in ways that were misinformed. He resolutely maintains that reason and faith are not contradictory: that gospels can be trusted.

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